Chen Nan smoked a cigarette and said lightly: "Don't care where it is!"

"Today either you kneel down and apologize, leaving a pair of arms."

"Or I'll scrap your limbs."

Li Chen's eyes widened: "Come on, come on, you kind of move me to try!"

"If you dare to touch me."

"I promise you won't be able to get out of the Blue Dragon Society alive."

The rules of the Blue Dragon Society are there.

Since Chen Nan is a guest here.

Definitely know this.

That's why he has no fear.

Chen Nan stepped forward and raised his hand to be a loud slap.

This slap directly swollen Li Chen's right face.

Also stunned him.

Feeling the smell of blood in his mouth, he came back to his senses, and his eyes were scarlet: "Lying groove, are you crazy?" How dare you hit me? "


Chen Nan raised his hand and slapped it again, and he looked at Li Chen with satisfaction: "Well, this is symmetrical!" "

The scene was silent.

Wang Mengqi's face was also full of incredulity.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan actually beat people in the clubhouse.

Li Yao made a straight face and said expressionlessly: "Mr. Chen, please leave the clubhouse!"

"Second brother, are you crazy?" Li Chen was dumbfounded: "It doesn't matter if this dog hits me, but he violated the rules of the clubhouse, you should scrap his legs according to the rules of the clubhouse!"

"Shut up!" Li Yao shouted angrily: "How I do things is not your turn to teach."

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan again: "Mr. Chen, please leave the clubhouse!" Although

he also wanted to punish Chen Nan with the rules of the clubhouse.


He didn't dare.

Because he knows.

The big manager and the second manager have great respect for Chen Nan.

If they came to the clubhouse and occasionally learned that Chen Nan was here, they would go to toast him as soon as possible.

Although he had also inquired about who Chen Nan was.

But both told him not to inquire if he shouldn't know.


Even if Chen Nan violated the rules today and beat someone.

He also did not dare to use the rules of the clubhouse against Chen Nan.

Although this would make him violate the rules of the clubhouse.


It was his eldest brother who was beaten.

As long as they don't say anything on their side, is this still a violation of the rules?

"Manager Li, don't interfere in the matter between me and your brother!" Chen Nan took a puff of his cigarette: "He has done a lot of evil, and he will definitely be severely punished today."

Li Yao said politely, "Mr. Chen, please don't embarrass me."

"If you break the rules, you will be severely punished." At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked in with his hands in his pockets and a cigar in his mouth.

His eyes were arrogant, and he had a playful smile on his face: "Li Yao, you can leave work, and the matter here will be handled by me."

Li Yao's face changed, and then said: "Manager Zhao, although this matter happened in the clubhouse, it is also my family affair, and how to deal with it is up to me." "

Zhao Quan is also the manager of the clubhouse.

Ranked sixth out of nine managers.


He knew that Zhao Quan and Chen Nan had some contradictions.

This had to have been said two years ago.

Two years ago, Chen Nan brought a group of beautiful women to the clubhouse to consume.

It happened that Zhao Quan accompanied the guests to drink a few more drinks, and then met one of the beautiful women.

Mistaken for a celebrity.

So he made a few jokes.

After Chen Nan learned about it, he invited Zhao Quan to the room and asked him to apologize.

Although Zhao Quan apologized.

But between the two, the beam was untied.

Every time Zhao Quan saw Chen Nan, there was hatred in his eyes.


Even if Zhao Quan is the manager of the clubhouse.

He also can't just trouble his guests.

Otherwise, the big manager and the second manager will definitely pay a heavy price.

And now.

If he was allowed to meddle in this matter, he would definitely take the opportunity to target Chen Nan.

Although his brother was beaten by Chen Nan.

But there is one thing to say.

Someone really should teach him a lesson.

Before Zhao Quan could make a sound, Li Chen's voice sounded, and his face was full of anger: "Second brother, I really didn't expect your elbow to turn out!"

"It doesn't matter if this dog hits me, but you ignore the rules of the Blue Dragon Society?"

"Do you still want to do it?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhao Quan and said, "Manager Zhao, as a member of the clubhouse, I was personally attacked inside the clubhouse, and I asked the clubhouse to help me ask for an explanation. "

Listen to this.

Zhao Quan grinned, he looked at Chen Nan, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Mr. Chen, you are also a member of the clubhouse, you should know the rules of the clubhouse, right?"

"Don't blame me Zhao for not giving you face, after all, breaking the rules has a price."

"For the sake of you being a member of the clubhouse, I can give you a choice."

"Do you want to keep your legs, or your arms?"

As soon as the words came out.

In the distance came a group of imposing thugs.

They are strong and strong, and their muscles are hard to hide under black suits.

Chen Nan flicked the cigarette ash casually and asked lightly, "What if I don't choose any of them?"

"Then I'll help you choose both." Zhao Quan's eyes froze, and he directly ordered: "Scrap his limbs and let him know the end of violating the rules of the clubhouse!"

Li Yao hurriedly said, "Manager Zhao, Mr. Chen is a friend of the big manager and the second manager, do you really want to do this?"

Zhao Quan sneered: "I just act in accordance with the rules and regulations, even if the big manager and the second manager come, what can I do?"

"Don't say they're coming, even if the leader of the Divine Dragon can't see the end comes, you can't do anything to me, right?"

"Whether you follow the rules and regulations, you know in your heart." Li Yao's face was gloomy: "You just want to take the opportunity to trouble Mr. Chen!"

At this point, Zhao Quan was not pretending his inner thoughts, and a sinister smile appeared on his face: "Flies don't bite eggs, if he doesn't violate the rules of the clubhouse, how dare I trouble him?"

"Li Yao, I advise you not to meddle in this matter."

"Otherwise, I don't mind informing the big manager and the second manager about today's events."

Speaking of this, looking at the group of thugs in the distance, he shouted loudly: "Why are you stupid? Scrap the limbs surnamed Chen! "


The group of thugs instantly surrounded them.

Then launched a fierce attack towards Chen Nan.

See this scene.

Li Chen laughed out loud: "The surname Chen, I want to see, you die or not!" "

Chen Nan's combat effectiveness is fierce.

In an instant, several middle-aged people were repelled.


In Li Chen's eyes.

Even if Chen Nan has the strength to be a husband and a man.

He dared to do it in the clubhouse, and he had to pay a heavy price.

In less than half a minute, the thugs in the clubhouse were beaten and vomited blood and fell to the ground.


Li Yao also showed an intriguing smile on his face.

He took off his suit and threw it aside, and then rolled up his cuffs: "Your strength is beyond my expectations, I thought those women would hollow out your body."


"No matter how strong you are, you will have to eat your own evil today."

The words fell.

He rushed towards Chen Nan with a bold stride, and a fist as big as a sandbag burst out.

There was a faint sound of breaking wind.

Seeing this, Li Yao gasped: "You actually stepped into the realm of a grandmaster? "

Manager Zhao actually stepped into the realm of a grandmaster?" Li Chen's eyes were full of shock, followed by joy.

Zhao Quan's strength is so strong.

Chen Nanyan has the power of a war?

But I didn't wait for him to come to his senses.

I saw Chen Nan raise his slap.


Accompanied by a crisp slap.

Zhao Quan was like a fly, being pumped away under a pair of terrifying eyes...

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