
Seeing Zhao Quan being pumped away by Chen Nan like a fly.

Everyone felt their scalps tingle.

You must know that Zhao Quan is the hall master of the Blue Dragon Society.

The strength is extremely strong.

Not to mention that he also stepped into the realm of a grandmaster.

This is definitely the ceiling of combat power on the quacks.

But who would have thought.

Such a super strong.

Will Chen Nan be pumped away so easily?

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

They couldn't believe it.

"Dad played well, fight hard." Li Xiang, who was untied from the rope, cheered, but then saw his mother's cold eyes and subconsciously closed his mouth.

He forgot again that he shouldn't call Chen Nan daddy in front of his mother.

"Little mongrel, you want to die, don't you?"

A loud voice angered Li Chen again.

Just when he wanted to strike.

Li Yao blocked in front of him: "Big brother, don't let me look down on you!"

Li Chen was furious: "Death on the side, what does it have to do with you that I teach my son?"

Li Yao said in a low voice: "Although Li Xiang is your son, it is not fake, but it cannot be scolded by you at will." And this is the Green Dragon Club, if you let you beat and scold a child, what will be the face of the Green Dragon Club?

"Just stop, I don't want our brothers to turn against each other."


Zhao Quan, who was originally pumped out, stood up with a carp, his face was extremely hideous, like a crazy lion: "Congratulations, you pushed open the door to the Yan King Hall." He

didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so strong.

But in his opinion.

The reason why he was slapped away by Chen Nan.

In the final analysis, it is caused by carelessness.

"Does the Hades Hall have a gate?" Chen Nan frowned, and then shook his head: "I don't know if there is a gate in the Yan King Hall, if there really is, if I really want to go, Yan Luo King will definitely appear to greet me in person." "



Everyone was full of disbelief.

King Yan Luo personally greeted you?


Is it so crazy?

Li Xiang made a childish voice: "Father Chen is an immortal, and King Yan Luo will definitely greet him personally."

"Shut up!" Wang Mengqi's face was frosty.

Originally established some good feelings for Chen Nan.

And it came to naught.

She can reluctantly accept Chen Nan's request for her son to call him father.


She couldn't accept that Chen Nan had instilled ghosts and gods in her son.

It would ruin his life.

"Mom, I'm not lying." Li Xiang's face was full of nervousness: "Dad Chen is really not an ordinary person, not only is he not an ordinary person, but I am not either."

"Do you know who I was in my previous life?"

"I'm Nezha."


"I used to make trouble."

"I also smoked the dragon tendons of the East Sea Dragon Prince!"

Wang Mengqi's face was full of anger.

The son is only eight years old.

Chen Nan instilled this kind of thinking in him.

Simply unforgivable.

"Hey, have you seen too many myths?" Li Chen was furious: "If you are Nezha, then Laozi is Tota Li Tianwang, I still don't believe I can't cure you a little cub!"


"I'll send you to Hades!" Zhao Quan shouted angrily, grabbed a fire extinguisher beside him, and pressed towards Chen Nan step by step like a killing god.

"Yes, kill him and let him know the end of violating the rules of the Blue Dragon Club." Li Chen's face was full of excitement, fanning the flames on the side.

Just scrapping Chen Nan's limbs was not enough to vent the hatred in his heart.

Only by killing Chen Nan can he relieve his anger.

When Zhao Quan was still five meters away from Chen Nan, his figure instantly accelerated, like a cheetah, grabbing a fire extinguisher and smashing at Chen Nan: "Give me death..."

The words are not finished.

His pupils fluttered violently.

He was shocked to find.

Chen Nan actually disappeared in front of him.

It creeped him out.

Next second.

Chen Nan appeared in front of him like a ghost.

"Not good!"

Zhao Quan didn't know why Chen Nan's speed was so fast.

But a sense of foreboding arose in his heart.

This man's strength was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

Chen Nan's palm appeared on his chest.

A seemingly light and soft palm.

But when it falls on him.

Instead, he felt a sea of power explode in his chest.

That power instantly poured into his body, torturing in his blood.


Zhao Quan felt like a kite with a broken line, cutting an arc in the air, and then smashed it the ground.

After landing, he vomited black bruises.

His face was flushed, his eyes were full of fear, and he said weakly: "You... Who are you, exactly? What exactly have you done to me? Why can't I make a difference? Wow..."

"It's nothing, it's just abolishing your cultivation, that's all!" Chen Nan said lightly, he flicked it casually, and the cigarette butt in his hand accurately landed in the ashtray a few meters away.

"What, you actually abolished a grandmaster?" Li Chen lost his voice and screamed: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible." When the number of grandmasters in the world is very small, it is not too much to say that there are few words.

"This is a top powerhouse, how can you easily abolish Manager Zhao's cultivation?"

It was difficult for him to accept it.

After all, Grandmaster is an invincible existence in the world.

"The surname Chen, even if you abolish my cultivation, you will die today!" Zhao Quan's face was full of anger: "No one can beat someone in the Green Dragon Club and walk away, no one is an exception!"

Speaking of this, he glared at Li Yao angrily: "Manager Li, Chen Nan seriously injured me, as the manager of the Blue Dragon Club, you can't turn a blind eye, right?"

Li Yao's face was full of embarrassment.

He loves the job.

The job brought him a high income.

and social status.


He didn't want to turn his face with Chen Nan.

Even if Chen Nan violated the rules.

But he knows the merits!

However, I think of Chen Nan's strength.

He was also fearless, he arched his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, offended!" "

Anyway, it's not Chen Nan's opponent.

Pretending is always done, right?

And right at this moment.

An icy voice came from the entrance: "What's wrong with this?"

Everyone looked in unison in the direction where the voice came from.

Two burly figures came side by side.

Both appeared to be around forty years old.

The figure is thin and tall, like a sharp long sword.

The eyes are deep and emit an overwhelming cold light.

See these two.

Li Chen's eyes lit up.

He knew that these two people were Zhang Qiancheng, the big manager of the Blue Dragon Society, and Liu Baoqing, the second manager.

It is also the strongest existence in the Blue Dragon Society.

The appearance of the two made his mood become excited, and he couldn't wait to say: "Manager Zhang, Manager Liu, you are just here!"

"Chen Nan, this dog, ignored the rules of the Blue Dragon Club, not only injured me, but also abolished Manager Zhao's cultivation."

"You have to teach him a lesson!"

"Let him know that the Blue Dragon Club is not a place where he can go wild."

Zhang Qiancheng's eyes flashed with a playful smile: "He is the boss of our Blue Dragon Society, what happened to violating the rules of the clubhouse?" "

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