"What did you say?"

"Chen Nan is the boss of the Blue Dragon Society?"

"It's not..."

"How the is this possible?"

"He looks like he is twenty-four or five years old, how can he be the boss of the Blue Dragon Society?" Li Chen let out a piercing scream.

The pupils trembled violently.

It's like hell.

And not only him.

Zhao Quan's eyes widened instantly.

He knew that Zhang Qiancheng and Liu Baoqing knew Chen Nan, and every time Chen Nan brought women here to play, they would go to toast.


He didn't expect anything.

Chen Nan turned out to be the boss of the Blue Dragon Society.

Your mother!

You are obviously the boss of the Blue Dragon Society, why do you pretend to be an ordinary guest to spend money here?

Do you find this interesting?

Li Yao was also stunned.

Chen Nan's impression on him was that he had always been very elegant, except for some amorous manners.

And not only him.

The waiters in the clubhouse are also very polite.

There is no appearance of superiority at all.

But who would have thought.

Such an elegant young man turned out to be the boss of the Green Dragon Society?

Wang Mengqi's eyes were also full of incredulity.

What happened today turned her perception of Chen Nan upside down.

What and what!

The boss of the Green Dragon Society.

How could it be transformed into her licking dog???

Zhang Qiancheng sneered: "Do you think I will find someone at random and say that he is the boss of the Blue Dragon Society?" "

A simple sentence.

It's like drinking it on the head.

Let Li Chen be stunned in place.

Oh, yes!

Is it necessary for Zhang Qiancheng to make such a joke on him?

Zhang Qiancheng said angrily, "Li Chen, what should you be guilty of offending the boss of our Blue Dragon Society?" "


Li Chen was so frightened that he sat down directly on the ground, feces and urine flowed to the ground, and he kept kowtowing to Chen Nan: "Chen Ye, I was wrong, I was really wrong, you raise your noble hand, let me go!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely not trouble you in the future."

"And Li Xiang's mother and son, I won't trouble them anymore!"

"Just let me live!"

Chen Nan sat casually on the sofa, and then beckoned to Li Xiang.

The little one immediately did it on his body.

Chen Nan said, "He is your father, you say, how can I forgive him?"

Li Xiang swallowed his saliva nervously: "Although I want to kill him, this move is against human ethics." But he kidnapped me and hurt my mother, which cannot be forgiven.

"Just break one of his legs as punishment!"

"From now on, we will not communicate with each other!"

"I'll come!" The second manager, Liu Baoqing, picked up the fire extinguisher on the ground and smashed it on Li Chen's right leg.


Accompanied by a sound of broken bones.

Li Chen let out a heart-rending scream.

His face was livid, and his face was covered with bruises.

Like a hideous and terrifying centipede.

The next moment.

The screams stopped abruptly.

As soon as his eyes were closed, he passed out.

He regretted it.

It's not that I regret offending Chen Nan.

Instead, he regretted that he shouldn't have listened to his second brother Li Yao.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to let Zhao Quan make a move.

How did things get to this point?

Chen Nan spoke: "Drive him out of Kyoto, you can't step into it in this life!" "


Zhang Qiancheng agreed, and immediately let people throw Li Chen out.

"President, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know your identity, you have a lot of adults, don't meet me in general, okay?" Zhao Quan's face was full of horror, and he didn't have the arrogant and domineering appearance he had before.

Chen Nan sneered: "Manager Zhao, you are not guilty, why do you need to apologize to me?"

"You're just upholding the rules of the clubhouse!"

"Even if I'm the president, I can't be indifferent, right?"

As soon as the words came out.

The expression on Zhao Quan's face instantly froze.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to contradict him with the lines he said before.


Chen Nan lit a cigarette and asked calmly, "It's just that there is something I don't understand!" "

Do you know what the Green Dragon will be?"

"Do you know what the meaning of the existence of the Blue Dragon Society is?"

"Didn't you two tell him what the green dragon would be?"

Zhang Qiancheng and Liu Baoqing immediately panicked, and the two sweated like rain.

Zhang Qiancheng said nervously: "Boss, I said, we really told a few managers about the meaning of the existence of the Blue Dragon Society.

"Our Blue Dragon Society is a quack."

"The meaning of our existence is to help others solve all kinds of troubles and crises."

Chen Nan: "Even if it is a river and lake, it is naturally indispensable to human affection."

"This point impressed me by Manager Li's performance."

"His attitude and way of dealing with things are very good."

"As for this Zhao Quan..."

"Shit is not."

"I was extremely disappointed with his performance."

"I'm disappointed with you both, too."

"This dog thing is bullying, and you two also have unshirkable responsibility."

"As for how to dispose of this goods... You two look at it. There was a hint of impatience in his tone.

"Take this guy down!" Zhang Qiancheng gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to unload Zhao Quan into eight pieces.

They have not been scolded by the president for many years.

Don't vent the anger you bear on Zhao Quan?

Li Xiang spoke: "Father Chen, I'm hungry, let's go eat barbecue."

"Okay!" Chen Nan showed a spoiled smile, and then looked at Wang Mengqi, who was a little overwhelmed on the side: "Miss Wang, how about we talk in another place?"

Wang Mengqi was expressionless, but still turned and walked out.

Chen Nan looked at Zhang Qiancheng: "Find me clean clothes!" "


five minutes later.

Chen Nan changed his blood-stained shirt.

Wear a white shirt with trousers and shoes.

Took Li Xiang's hand and walked out of the clubhouse.

Although he was wearing the staff clothes of the clubhouse.

But wearing it on him, it looks very spiritual.

Like an elegant nobleman.


Think of his appearance of killing all sides today.

Wang Mengqi was still terrified.

This man is like a mystery.

There are so many untold stories on the body.

Then Chen Nan drove Wang Mengqi, Li Xiang to a barbecue city, and ordered a lot of Li Xiang's favorite food.

After ordering, the little one ran to the small playground in the barbecue city and played with the children there.

Only Chen Nan and Wang Mengqi were left looking at each other.

The green dragon is a licking dog.

But it doesn't mean that Chen Nan is too.


The atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Wang Mengqi broke the quiet atmosphere and stared at Chen Nan and asked, "Say, what is your purpose in approaching me?"

"I want you to be honest and not tell some brainless lies to deceive me."

The president of the Blue Dragon Society, that is a big man who really covers the sky with one hand.

But this big man became her tenant.

He became a doctor by her side and also became her licking dog.

It's a fantasy.


She had to ask for an answer.

Chen Nan hesitated and couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever thought that Li Xiang is really the reincarnation of Nezha?" "

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