Wang Mengqi showed a strange expression.

She had thought that Chen Nan would say many kinds of answers to perfunctory her.

But I never expected to say that my son was the reincarnation of Nezha.

After returning to her senses, a sneer appeared on her face: "Have you seen too many mythological stories?"

Chen Nan asked calmly, "Could it be that you forgot more than ten years ago, when Truth Cultivators endangered the world?"

Wang Mengqi's pupils trembled violently.

Things from more than a decade ago were really far away for her.

After all, she was in her prime at that time.

Naturally remember some old things.

I also know that there are powerful cultivators in the world who can protect the sword for nine days.

It's just that for some reason.

Those people disappeared en masse.

After that.

There is no sign of their existence in the world.

There are no clues of them even on the Internet.

"You know in your heart that this world is not what we imagined!" Chen Nan picked up the kettle and poured a cup of tea for Wang Mengqi: "And myths are not all made up.

Wang Mengqi chuckled: "If my son is really Nezha, how can he be reincarnated as a powerful god?"

"Your question is pointed." Chen Nan smiled and said, "Yes, under normal circumstances, gods do not die, because they are immortal existences.

"But the problem is that the Heavenly Court has been invaded by alien demons!"

"The gods have fallen, and the alien demons have occupied the heavenly court."

"And if you want to recapture the Heavenly Court and rebuild the Heavenly Court."

"The gods need to return to their places!"

Wang Mengqi frowned and couldn't help but say, "Do you still have the identity of an author?" Which masterpiece did you write and can I read it? "


She didn't believe what Chen Nan said.

Chen Nan was speechless.

Although I wrote a book in Hades, the book was plagiarized!

"Chen Nan, I thank you for letting me get rid of that demon of Li Chen." Wang Mengqi's eyes were complicated: "But I hope that you will not instill in him ideas that are not conducive to his growth."

"If you can do it, I can allow the two of you to continue to interact."

Said that Chen Nan and Li Xiang were allowed to communicate together.

In fact, it is also to give herself a chance.

After all.

In addition to instilling extremely bad thoughts in his son, Chen Nan instilled extremely bad ideas.

He's still pretty good.


Chen Nan answered.

He knew that getting Wang Mengqi to accept that Li Xiang was the reincarnation of Nezha was a long way off.

As long as she agrees that she and Li want to go together.

Then there is still a chance.


Chen Nan drove Wang Mengqi and Li Xiang back to their residence.

As for him...

It's sitting in the car.

It's like a duckweed floating on the surface of the water without roots, not knowing where to go.

"Haven't you bought a house in the past ten years?"

"What did you do?"

He sighed deeply.

Qinglong smiled and said, "I always go to five-star hotels, or go to other people's homes to stay."

Chen Nan was too lazy to talk to him, sat alone in the cab and lit a cigarette, murmuring: "You guys have always told me to let me find the reincarnated Heavenly Gods and lead them to rebuild the Heavenly Court."

"But you never told me how to find those reincarnated gods."

"The world is so big, aimlessly searching, when do you have to find it?"

Qinglong said, "You can light the Changming fire." "

That's the First Divine Fire of the Three Realms."

"After lighting it, those reincarnated gods will sense its existence."

"Even if you don't look for them, they will come because of you."

Qinglong wanted to do this before.

But the Changming Flame had long been merged with Chen Nan's soul.

Even if he controlled Chen Nan's physical body.

It is also not enough to ignite the fire of Changming.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Can it still be done like this?

Qinglong continued, "Don't be happy too early, it's a long job to attract the gods because of you. "

With your current soul power, it is not enough to support the Changming Fire for a long time."

"So, you need to graft the Changming Flame onto other items."

"And when in the world, only 10,000 years of lightning strike willow yin wood can become a carrier."

Chen Nan suddenly realized, and immediately said, "Is the number of years for 10,000 years of lightning strike willow wood enough?" How about finding a million-year-old lightning strike willow? "

Ten thousand years of lightning strike wood is extremely rare on earth.

And 10,000 years of lightning strikes willow wood is even rarer.


In the immortal world, there are too many lightning strikes on willows.

There are also many millions of years.

"How can you ask such childish questions?" Qinglong's tone was filled with a hint of contempt: "Why did the gods come to the earth instead of going to the immortal realm?"

"The Immortal Realm is just an independent space."

"Although there is no shortage of million-year-old lightning strike wood there."

"But I can tell you very responsibly, it's useless."

"This is the difference between a biological daughter and a goddaughter, do you understand that?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try."

Chen Nan raised his hand and a dark million-year-old lightning strike wood appeared in his hand, and then his mind moved, and a white flame fell on it.


The next moment.

That lightning strike wood instantly burned.

Chen Nan was stunned.

Extinguishing the flames and throwing the half of the lightning strike wood out the car window.

"I don't deny that there are many things in the immortal world that are beneficial to mortals, but the lightning strike wood of the immortal world, even if it is a million years, is not as good as the lightning strike wood of the mortal world."

"After all, Earth is the land of origin!"

Qinglong said, "Don't worry about this, I know that the Kyoto Wu family got a 10,000-year lightning strike wood a few years ago, and you can find a way to get it in their hands."

"This is the only way to find the reincarnation of the gods in a short period of time."

The fire of Changming is a light in a dark space.

Just light it up.

It can guide those reincarnated gods.

"Wu family?"

"You can go to Wu's house tomorrow to try your luck." Chen Nan's eyes flashed with expectation.

Then Qinglong told him about the Wu family.

The Wu family has a certain influence in Kyoto, with assets of nearly 100 billion.

Tied with the other five giants, it is one of the six giants in Kyoto.

It's just that the Wu family offended Guo Mo, one of the eight great masters, so the situation is not good.

Now their position is precarious.

It can be replaced at any time.


Chen Nan drove the Mercedes Benz straight to Wu's house.

As one of the six giants of Kyoto, the Wu family is still very magnificent.

It has a large courtyard on the edge of the palace.

And this set of courtyards historically belonged to a prince.

The car hasn't stopped yet.

Chen Nan saw that there were many luxury cars parked at the gate of Wu Mansion, and there was an endless stream of people entering it.

It's all some elderly people.

However, they are full of blood.

By the standards of the current warriors.

They should have reached the highest level of warriors in the Heavenly Pivot Realm.

Chen Nan was curious.

I don't know why so many Heavenly Pivot Realm experts entered the Wu family.

He parked the car in the distance curiously, and then walked over, but was blocked by the bodyguard at the door: "You are also here to compete for offerings?"

"You're so young, you can defeat those Heavenly Pivot Realm powerhouses?"

"Isn't that self-inflicted?"

"In my opinion, you better find a cool place to pee live mud!"

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