"Offerings are being recruited here?"

Chen Nan was not angry because of the other party's contempt.

After all, according to the rank of today's warriors.

No one believed that he could defeat the Heavenly Hub Realm powerhouse.

"Don't you know?" The middle-aged man frowned: "Since you are not here to compete for worship, then what are you doing in the Wu family?"

"Oh, I have something and want to visit Old Master Wu." Chen Nan said and took out a package of huazi and gave it to the other party: "Big brother, take the liberty to ask, why did the Wu family recruit offerings?"

"Go and go, don't get close to us." The middle-aged man looked disgusted: "It's okay to visit my old man if you want to, but do you have an appointment?"

"If not, hurry up and play, the Wu family has no kung fu to deal with you today."

Right at this moment.

A girl's oriole-like voice came from behind Chen Nan, and his voice was full of joy: "Uncle, is it really you?"

Chen Nan turned around.

I saw a young girl in her twenties and eight years old looking at him with an incredulous face.

She wore a school uniform skirt and combed her ponytail, and the whole person exuded a youthful vitality from the inside out.

Her skin is like coagulation, and her facial features are delicate, like a porcelain doll.

"It's really you, I miss you so much."

The girl cried with joy and threw herself directly into Chen Nan's arms.

"Qinglong, you are not a thing!" Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears, but he didn't expect that the green dragon would even harm the flowers of the motherland.

"You misunderstood me, how could I possibly do something inferior to such a beast?" Qinglong had a hint of resentment in his tone, and then shared some memories of the girl to Chen Nan.

After seeing it, Chen Nan also breathed a sigh of relief.

As Qinglong said.

Indeed, I misunderstood him.

The girl's name is Wu Qianru.

is a senior in high school.

At the beginning of the year.

She and her classmates were drugged while partying in a bar.

In a critical moment, Qinglong stepped forward to rescue the girl and took her to the hotel.

Of course.

Nothing happened to the two.

However, Wu Qianru was grateful to him and even threatened to be his girlfriend.

However, it was rejected by Qinglong.

After that, the two became passers-by.

Which Cheng thought would meet here.

"Uncle is my lifesaver, you must apologize to Uncle, or I will let Grandpa fire you now!" Wu Qianru looked angrily at the bodyguard at the door.

The two bodyguards looked embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan turned out to be this aunt's lifesaver.

In order to keep the job, the only option is to apologize.

Wu Qianru hugged Chen Nan's arm affectionately and led him towards the house, she smiled happily and showed a bright smile: "Uncle, why did you come to my house?" "

Did you agree to me being your girlfriend?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "Miss Wu, I have a girlfriend!"

"By the way, why did the Wu family recruit offerings?"

Wu Qianru sighed: "It's not because of Guo Mo, I heard that our Wu family accidentally offended each other in the business field, and then Guo Mo held a grudge."

"He sent a letter of war to our family."

"First gave our family three months to find help."

"After three months, he will send someone to challenge."

"If our Wu family can resist his attack."

"What happened before is written off."

"If not, we must hand over 70 percent of the property."

"Because of this, my grandfather will openly recruit offerings, and today is the time for the assessment."

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown: "Guo Mo is also one of the eight great masters, how could he do such a bullying thing?"

"Otherwise, how could Guo Mo be worth hundreds of billions?" Wu Qianru scoffed: "The reason why Guo Mo has his current wealth is all obtained by such improper means." "

Between conversations.

The two had already entered the Wu family.

Wu Qianru's father, Wu Dazhi saw his daughter holding a strange man, and behaved so intimately, and suddenly became furious: "Girl, who is this man?"

"You are a girl, what kind of system is you in the public around him?"

"Isn't it shameful?"

"Hurry up!"

Who expected that Wu Qianru was holding her head high, hugging Chen Nan's arm tightly, and said with a defiant look: "Uncle saved my life, he is my benefactor, what can I do if I put my arms around him?"

"You..." Wu Dazhi's face was livid.

I can't discipline my daughter who is spoiled by the old man at all.

Of course.

He had also heard his daughter talk about Chen Nan.

I am still grateful for the things he saved people.

He arched his hand towards Chen Nan and said politely: "Thank you Xiaoyou for saving Xiaonu's life before, I wonder what our Wu family can do for you?"

Wu Qianru said with a grin: "Just let the uncle be your son-in-law!" The

corners of Wu Dazhi's mouth twitched.

A burst of anger also rose in his heart: "Our Wu family has come to many masters in the rivers and lakes today, and you have to say something that is not marginal, which will affect the reputation of our Wu family." "

At this time.

Wu Tianquan finished a pair of burgundy walnuts and walked over like a stroll.

He wore a linen robe and had white hair, giving people a fairy wind and bone temperament.

"After Xiaoyou saved my precious granddaughter, he sank into the sea and lost his whereabouts, I don't know what happened this time?" Wu Tianquan asked calmly.

After he learned that Chen Nan had saved his granddaughter, he wanted to find out his whereabouts and repay his favor.


Even if the Wu family is the existence of one of the six giants of Kyoto.

However, Chen Nan's whereabouts were not found.


In his opinion, Chen Nan must have something when he came to the door this time.

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "I heard that the Wu family has a 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood, and the junior came to the door for it this time, and I hope that Old Master Wu can be fulfilled."

Wu Tianquan frowned slightly: "What do you want that thing for?"

Chen Nan smiled: "The junior naturally has the usefulness of the junior.

Wu Tianquan: "If three months ago, the old immortal would definitely give you that lightning strike wood, but now..." You change the conditions!

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Why is that?" Could it be that the Wu family gave the lightning strike wood to someone else?

Wu Tianquan said, "Not yet, but it's fast." "

You should know about our Wu family's recruitment for worship, right?"

Chen Nan nodded.

Wu Tianquan continued: "The Wu family recruits for worship, and the condition prescribed is that lightning strike wood. You should know that that thing is a log for ordinary people, but it is a rare treasure for cultivators.

"That lightning strike wood has a unique medicinal fragrance, and meditating and cultivating next to it can play a multiplier effect with half the effort."

Chen Nan was relieved, no wonder there were so many Heavenly Pivot Realm powerhouses who came to compete for the Wu family's worship.

The feeling is that they took out that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood as a reward.

After hesitating, he said, "Otherwise, I'll help you fight off Guo Mo's people, and then the Wu family will give me that lightning strike wood?" "

Hear that.

Wu Tianquan sneered: "If you don't measure yourself, just rely on you, a young man who has not dried up, how can you fight Guo Mo's people?" "

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