Wu Dazhi also sneered: "Young man, you really don't put Guo Mo in your eyes, that is one of the eight combat power ceilings in the rivers and lakes." "

Super strong, one punch can shatter rocks."

"There is an invulnerable defense."

"And each of his disciples is a master."

"With the appearance of your fine skin and tender flesh, if you meet them, you will definitely be beaten and lose half your life!"

Wu Qianru said: "Grandpa, uncle is my lifesaver, now he needs that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood, we must not express anything?"

"In my opinion, how about we change the conditions for those offerings?"

Wu Qianru also did not believe that Chen Nan could defeat Guo Mo's people.


She also hoped that her grandfather would give the 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood to Chen Nan.

"I'll mention this matter again!" Wu Tianquan's face was expressionless: "Although I, Wu Tianquan, am not a big person, I will do what I say, and I will spit on a nail."

"Now there are already friends from the rivers and lakes who have come to my Wu family one after another."

"The purpose is all for that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood."

"If my Wu family temporarily changes it to become a reward for worship."

"Isn't this a joke on friends in the rivers and lakes?"

"If this is the case, how will my Wu family gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes in the future?"

"Since Chen Xiaoyou is your lifesaver, stay at home for lunch before leaving!" Saying that, heading towards the backyard, because there will be a game there.

The winner can become an offering of the Wu family.

Wu Dazhi looked at his daughter holding Chen Nan's arm, and a burst of unhappiness rose in his heart: "The surname Chen, you are not worthy of my daughter, I advise you not to think about anything wrong."

"After lunch, you will leave!"

"You and I are not people of the same world at all."

"Of course."

"In order to thank you for saving the little girl's life, we will give you a sum of money." Saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left, keeping up with his father's footsteps.

"Uncle, I'm sorry." Wu Qianru lowered her head, her face full of loss, and seemed to blame herself for not being able to help Chen Nan get the lightning strike wood.

Chen Nan smiled: "It's okay, let's go, let's go and see the liveliness!" "


Wu Qianru nodded desperately, and then hugged Chen Nan to the backyard.

And at this time.

More than fifty old men gathered in the backyard of the Wu family.

Without exception.

They are all masters of cultivation plus kung fu for decades.

Bloody and old.

Looking at those strong people, Wu Tianquan arched his hand towards them according to the number of rivers and lakes, and then said: "Thank you friends for looking at my Wu family, coming from thousands of miles."

"You have all heard about the things encountered by my Wu family, don't talk nonsense, let's start the competition!"

"The rules of the game are divided into three levels."

"Let me talk about the rules."

"The first level is very simple, lift the stone lock."

"The pair of stone locks on the ground weigh four hundred catties."

"Whoever can lift and support for three minutes will get to the second level."

Everyone couldn't help but look at the two stone locks made of granite on the ground.

A relaxed look appeared on his face.

With their current strength, it was not difficult to lift a four-hundred-pound stone lock.

Wu Tianquan continued: "The second level is crossing the sea of fire!

"I have ordered people to prepare a fire path."

"It's covered with burning charcoal."

"This road is about 100 meters long, and whoever can cross this fire road can enter the third level."

Hear this.

Many people's faces have changed.

An old man couldn't help but say, "Elder Wu, is the carbon fire in your mouth charcoal or coal?" "

It's well known.

The temperature of charcoal and coal is different.

Even if many of them can walk through the fire path with their feet on charcoal.

But coal is not child's play.

A fire path of 100 meters can cook the soles of the feet.

Wu Tianquan smiled: "Naturally it's charcoal."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is charcoal, they are still very confident to give it a shot.

"The third level is also very simple." Wu Tianquan said, "I asked people to prepare a bamboo pole about twenty meters high, and put Wu's seal on it.

"As long as whoever can climb to it and obtain Wu's seal, they can become the worship of the Wu family and obtain that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood."

An old man asked, "Is it really that simple?"

Wu Tianquan smiled: "I just let people tie some long knives to the bamboo pole, you need to climb up barefoot!" Everyone

was taken aback.


You are assessing according to the standards of the Daoshan Fire Sea!

If someone can really get to the third level.

Then he must have the strength of a half-step grandmaster.


Several of Guo Mo's apprentices all had the strength of a half-step grandmaster.

To compete with them.

Can't you have the strength of a half-step grandmaster?

"Guys, that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood is for those who are prepared." An old man spoke: "Children who have just stepped into the Heavenly Pivot Realm, don't come to mix."

"These three levels are not so easy to pass."

"I have another question." An old man with a childlike appearance spoke: "In case, more than one person has completed these three levels, who does that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood belong to?"

Wu Tianquan said, "No matter who it is, as long as they can pass these three levels, they can become the worship of my Wu family, with an annual salary of ten million."

"There is no restriction on any freedom, as long as I help my Wu family when it is in trouble."

"As for the final ownership of that 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood, you can discuss it yourself."

Chen Nan couldn't help but be impressed by Wu Tianquan.

Use a 10,000-year-old lightning strike wood to bind multiple masters.

It has to be said.

This old thing is still very clever.

"In that case, let's get started!"

A thin old man walked directly to the middle of the courtyard.

Both hands held the handle of the stone lock, drank lightly, and directly lifted the stone lock above his head.

The four-hundred-pound stone lock seemed to be as light as nothing in his hand.

Three minutes later.

In vain he let go of his hands.

Two stone locks fell heavily on the ground.

"Guys, I've been to the second level!" The old man smiled, then took off the mille-soled shoes on his feet, and came to the fire road barefoot.

Although it is charcoal, it also emits a terrifying high temperature.

The old man's eyes also became solemn.

Then he took a deep breath.

Like a dragonfly stepping on the carbon fire, it quickly flew towards the end of the fire road.

After he passes.

The scene erupted into cheers.

Everyone can see that he has an easy life.

Chen Nan looked at Wu Tianquan and asked politely, "Old man Wu, can I try these three levels?" "

Chen Nan doesn't want to be an enshrinement of a certain force.

But now.

Does he still have a choice?

Heard Chen Nan's voice.

Everyone looked over in unison.

After seeing him as a young man in his twenties.

A disdainful smile appeared on everyone's faces.

Just he also thought about these three levels?


It's just out of your own hands!

Wu Tianquan's face was full of disgust, thinking that Chen Nanyelang was arrogant, and he snorted coldly: "The surname is Chen, do you think this is a child's household?"

"These three levels are life-threatening, what if you have an accident when you break through the level?"

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