Zhou Wenwen originally wanted to kill Chen Nan.


His profession cannot kill people casually.

Because of this, he would find a ghost to intimidate Chen Nan.

The purpose is to teach him a lesson.

Who ever thought.

Just casually slandered Chen Nan a few words, and black and white impermanence became angry.

He also claimed to take him.

It's very comfortable!

After all.

Black and white impermanence shot, is there anyone who can't take it away?

No way!

There is absolutely no one in this world who cannot be taken away by black and white impermanence!

"Let's go, let's go together to meet that evil man who is extremely vicious and does everything." A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Hei Impermanence's mouth: "I want to see if he dares to play a trick in front of our brothers."

Zhou Wen's eyes lit up, and his blood boiled: "Even if you lend him a hundred dog galls, he doesn't dare to play a trick in front of the two adults, right?" Unless he wants to go down to eighteen levels of hell. A

ghost qi gushed out of Hei Impermanence's body, wrapped Zhou Wen and soared into the air, chasing in the direction where Ma Yan left.


Li Mu's house.


Without warning.

A cool breeze poured in through the window.

Let the chandelier shake.

The temperature in the room also dropped sharply.

"What's the situation?"

"This wind is a little cool!"

"Is it going to rain?" Li Mu's face was drunk, and his eyes were full of stunned.

They drank from three o'clock in the afternoon until now.

But because the air at home is not smooth, it is all hot pot smell.

So he turned off the air conditioner and thought about opening the window to ventilate.

He Cheng thought but poured a cool breeze.

"This is all the money left over for air conditioning!" Li Mu laughed, and then he glanced at the weather forecast on his mobile phone: "Something is wrong, very wrong, the weather forecast does not show rain, why is there a cool breeze suddenly blowing?" The

voice just fell.

The chandelier snapped and flickered.

It's like the atmosphere when a ghost appears in a horror movie.

Chen Nan leaned lazily on the chair and said with a smile: "Do you want to see something exciting?"

Li Mu snorted, covered his chest, and his face was full of jealousy: "Lying groove, I was joking before, shouldn't you take it seriously and want to me?" "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood: "Even if I fuck your sister, I can't fuck you dead fat man!"

Li Mu gritted his teeth and said, "The surname Chen, the reason why we are brothers is not only because we are like-minded. The main thing is that you didn't harm my sister, if you really move her, we won't be brothers!"

Chen Nan laughed: "Isn't it good to be a brother and a relative?" The

corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

"Okay, the exciting thing I'm talking about is not the kind of picture of erotic color." Chen Nan blew a breath towards Li Mu and directly opened his Heavenly Eye.

The next moment.

Li Mu felt that the picture in front of him had changed.

There was a hint of black ghost qi in the air.

Immediately he saw a fierce ghost hanging from the chandelier, with a hideous face and sticking out his tongue.

Before you change it.

He must be a little jealous.

But now.

He had no fear at all.

After all, his brother is the lord of Hades.

He grinned and said to Ma Yan: "Little brother, are you tired of staying on it?" Would you like to come down and have a drink? "

Ma Yan's mentality collapsed!

What and what!

Why aren't these people afraid of me either?

Can you give the ghost a little dignity?


He flew down from the chandelier and looked at Chen Nan and Li Mu with grinning: "You two deceive ghosts too much, you obviously know that Laozi is a ghost, why aren't you afraid of me?" Where do you put my face on this? "

Zhou Wen is not afraid of him.

After all, people are superior.


Chen Nan and Li Mu saw that he didn't care about him, which made him very unhappy.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Do you want a huazi?"

Li Mu: "Would you like a cold beer?"

Ma Yan's addiction to alcohol and tobacco was offended, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Since you two are so in awe of Xiaoye, and even invited me to smoke and drink, then I have to give this face."

Speaking of this, he frowned: "It's just, I'm a soul body, I can't smoke and drink!"

"Are you two kidding me?"

Chen Nan smiled: "How can the two of us fool you?" Although you are a soul and cannot eat or drink, you can inhale it with your nose, so that you can taste cigarettes and cold beer.

Ma Yan's face was full of surprise: "Really?

"You can try!" Chen Nan said and poured a beer for Ma Yan.

Ma Yan possessed and inhaled gently through his nose.

Although it only tasted like beer, it felt the same as drinking alcohol while alive.

This made his eyes shine: "What can you do just drinking, hurry up, bring me the bowls and chopsticks."

"Also, get me some small ingredients, more sesame juice and garlic puree."

"I don't want coriander, I can't stand the smell."

"Hey, one of your two bowls has coriander."

"I really don't understand that you two have different tastes."

"To be able to sit together and drink so much."

Li Mu smiled and prepared a pair of chopsticks for Ma Yan, and prepared garlic paste and sesame juice for him, not only that, but even sandwiched the shabu dishes into his bowl.

Ma Yan ate so much that he even forgot to get down to business.

Li Mu looked at Chen Nan and asked drunkenly, "Continuing the topic just now, is it cool to fish in the Nai River?" Is the fish inside really big?

Chen Nan: "That's not it, the fish inside is particularly large, casually encountering a Nai River fish is comparable to our Yang sperm whale, as for the taste... I haven't eaten it, but I'll try it another day.

Ma Yan raised his head, his eyes full of curiosity: "Where is the Nai River you said in your mouth?" Is it the Nai River in the legend of Hades?

"That's not it!" Li Mu smiled and drained the wine in Ma Yan's cup, and poured him another glass: "I said ghost brother, you really came to the right place today."

"Do you know who this person sitting next to you is?"

"He is the Lord of Hades."

"Even if King Yan Luo comes here, he has to stand behind him and pour wine."

"How many more drinks will you toast him?"

"You... If you drink him to the fullest, he is in a good mood, and in the next life you will be a good person, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Ma Yan looked stunned, and said slowly: "Why are you two so good at bragging?" "

Hoan Nai River fishing?"

"Lord of Hades?"

"Are you drinking fake wine?"

Speaking of which.

He sniffed the wine in the glass again, and looked puzzled: "It's not fake wine, how can one of you dare to say that you are fishing in the Nai River, how can the other dare to believe it?"

"I'm afraid you two don't have some serious illness, right?"

Li Mu slapped the table and said angrily, "You can't question my brother's ability!" Speaking

of this, he looked at Chen Nan: "Brother, let King Yan Luo come out and let this guy know that we are not lying."

Chen Nan burped and said with a smile: "What's so difficult about this?" "

Words fall!

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers!

The next moment.

A space-time vortex appeared behind him.

Outside, the sky was thunderous, and the wind was roaring.

It's like the end of the world.

A burly figure walked out of the whirlpool.

Who is not the King of Yan Luo?

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