He was eight feet tall.

Unusually burly.

The face that was not angry and threatening exuded a lofty momentum.

Like a king who rules over the world.

See his appearance.

Ma Yan was stunned.

The soul is about to disintegrate.

He didn't know if this man was Hades.

But his momentum was too terrifying for him to bear.

He didn't even dare to look at him.

It seems that just one glance will make you lose your soul.

King Yan bowed and saluted, respectfully saying, "Junior Yan Luo, meet the senior!" "

King Yan Luo knows Chen Nan.

After all, in Hades.

Chen Nan had once refined pills for him.

He also beat him before he became the lord of Hades.

It was a terrible fight.

The two also talked in the snow.

Although the man in front of him looks different from the man in the netherworld.


King Yan Luo was familiar with Chen Nan's breath.

Not only that.

He also heard Emperor Yudu say that Chen Nan had become the lord of the netherworld.

Chen Nan drank a glass of wine and said casually: "I said that I went to fish in the Nai River, and I can let you pour me wine, this guy doesn't believe it, he has to say that I am bragging."

"That's why I called you out, just to verify that I'm an honest person and I'm not lying."

King Yan Luo looked at Ma Yan and said angrily: "Sinner Ma Yan, are you guilty?"

Ma Yan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

Because he doesn't know why the other person knows his name.

"The villain is guilty, the villain is guilty!" He kept kowtowing.

Although he was not sure that this person was King Yan Luo.

But he knew that the other party was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

I also know that Chen Nan is definitely very human.


This also made him clearly understand why Chen Nan could see himself.

Why don't you panic when you see yourself?

Even knows how ghosts eat.

Seeing that Ma Yan was so frightened that he was about to lose his soul, Chen Nan waved his hand: "Okay, I called King Yan out just to prove to you that I didn't brag, that's all."

"Meet is fate, get up, let's continue to drink us."

Saying that, he looked at King Yan Luo: "You will be responsible for pouring us wine tonight."

King Yan Luo was flattered: "It is an honor for juniors to be able to pour wine for you."

Ma Yan was about to cry.

How could he drink the wine poured by King Yan Luo?

He was thankful.

Fortunately, after coming, I missed the business because of greed.

If he intimidated Chen Nan after coming, he would show a very arrogant appearance.

Does he still have a good end?

Don't say he's terribly evil.

Even if not guilty.

Don't you also have to enter the eighteenth layer of hell, and all disasters will not recover?


The first time he felt that it was a good thing to make a mistake after drinking.

It's really a blessing to lose his horse!

Seeing that King Yan Luo had poured himself full of wine, Ma Yan hurriedly said, "Senior Chen, I salute you for this cup of wine!" I've lived a shit in my life, and I hope to have a good baby in the next life.

"Have you ever wondered what caused you to live like this in your life?" Chen Nan asked casually.

The moment Ma Yan entered the room before.

Ma Yan's past in this life appeared in the back of his mind.

This is the power of the Lord of Hades.

As long as it's a ghost.

The past will appear in Chen Nan's mind.

Ma Yan was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "Hey, don't mention it, it's not that fate is unfair, I used to get some bad habits in the factory."

"Don't say this, I am fortunate to meet you today, and I will toast you again."

Li Mu frowned and said, "Your idea is not right!"

"Yes, I don't deny that fate has never been fair."


"We cannot impose on destiny the unhappiness of this life and the sins we have done in this life."

"It's like playing enough."

"It's up to us to make it."

"Maybe ordinary people can't have several kings, and they can't have many two."

"But we can't beat ourselves up either."

"Whether it's a good deck or a bad deck."

"As long as you fight hard and seriously, the end will not be too miserable."

"And as the old saying goes, a man is good when he dies."

"You're all dead and haven't you realized you're wrong?"

Ma Yanyi smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you are right, I realized my mistake!"

Chen Nan: "Come on, drink." "


"Senior, what happened to that heavenly thunder just now?" Void.

Zhou Wen looked ahead with a jealous face.

They are not fast.

After all, black and white impermanence belongs to yin, and flying with him in the sun will affect the speed.

But it has also been locked in Ma Yan's breath.

But just before.

They saw a series of heavenly thunder appear ahead.

Hei Impermanence's expression was solemn: "I feel the breath of the King of Yan!"

Bai Impermanence whispered, "Yes, King Yan has descended to the mortal world."


Zhou Wen gasped, his pupils trembling deeply: "Yan Wang Ye actually descended into the Yang Realm?" Oh my God, how could that terrifying existence descend into the sun?

Hei Impermanence looked at a high-rise building in front of him and said, "Maybe what you said is right, the person in your mouth is really a sinner who is full of evil and does nothing evil!"

"It is very likely that the king of Hades came because of him."

Bai Wuxian said, "No matter how much it is, go and meet King Yan!" Zhou

Wen's heart beat uncontrollably.

Oh, my God!

I can actually meet King Yan Luo!

This is a supreme existence that even Master has never seen!

Seeing the king of Yan made him unable to calm down.

This forced him to blow for a lifetime.

Hei Impermanence smiled and said: "Although I often see him in the netherworld, it is the first time to see King Yan in the yang, which makes me think of the proverb in the yang, the villager sees the fellow villager with tears in his eyes!" Saying that, he increased his speed and flew into Li Mu's house in the window.


But he did not see the figure of King Yan Luo.

This made Black and White Impermanence a little puzzled, and there was obviously the breath of King Yan Luo in the room.

But where did the others go?

"Ma Yan, what are you doing?" Seeing Ma Yan and Chen Nan talking about the wine, Zhou Wenwen instantly became angry: "Why did you drink with this guy?"

Ma Yan looked confused.

Only then did he think that he was instigated by Zhou Wen to come to trouble Chen Nan.


Without waiting for him to speak.

Zhou Wenwen pointed at Chen Nan indignantly, "Two adults, this is the guy I said who does nothing evil and is full of evil!"

"I guess it's you doing the ghost!" Seeing Zhou Wenwen, Chen Nan showed a sneer on his face.

He didn't believe that a ghost would come here for no reason.

After all.

Even if the ghost asks for his life, he will look for old people with weak yang qi, or children.

"The surname is Chen, don't be arrogant, I'll help you open the eyes of the sky and let you see who these two people around me are!"

Zhou Wenwen had a crazy smile on his face, and he didn't see the black and white impermanence shivering at all: "I'm not afraid to scare you to death when I say it, these are the two masters of the supreme black and white impermanence of the netherworld."

"Do you see the two of them, don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Right at this moment.

Yan Luo Wang came out expressionlessly with a plate of cucumber dipping sauce in the kitchen: "Who borrowed your dog galls to make you jump up and down in front of Senior Chen?"

Zhou Wenwen's eyes widened, and he scolded angrily: "Zhen, what are you, is there something you can say here?" "

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