King Yan Luo was directly stunned in place.

His eyes were full of consternation.

After all.

He hadn't been scolded like this in years.

He was skeptical at one point.

Zhou Wenwen is Chen Nan's friend.

It was once believed that Zhou Wen was the reincarnation of some celestial god.

Otherwise, it would be impossible not to put him in the eyes...

"Hades, we don't know him!" Hei Impermanence's face was full of horror, and he was scared into a cold sweat.

He didn't expect that Zhou Wen would be bold enough to ask which onion King Yan Luo was.

This is really groundbreaking on Hades' head.

Tired of living!


"Is he King Yan Luo?"

Zhou Wen's scalp exploded, and the hair all over his body stood up like steel needles.

He couldn't believe it.

Chen Nan and they were drinking here, and King Yan Luo actually went down to the kitchen to prepare cucumber dipping sauce for them?

How could such an absurd and bizarre thing happen?

Ma Yan hurriedly said, "Lord Yan Wang, this guy asked me to intimidate Brother Chen Nan." Yes, yes, he also said that I have sinned deeply and will go to hell when I die.

"He asked me to intimidate Brother Chen Nan, and said that as long as I did what he said, he would intercede for me in front of Yin Chao to avoid me being sent to hell."

"This guy is not a good person at all!"

"So it is!" Yan Wang Ye looked at Zhou Wenwen, his eyes widened angrily, and a terrifying aura erupted: "Sinner Zhou Wenwen, can you be guilty?"

Hei Impermanence was also full of anger: "The surname Zhou, you said before that Senior Chen was deeply sinful and did all evil, do you know who he really is?" "


Zhou Wen was so frightened that he sat down directly on the ground, and feces and urine flowed all over the ground.

He kowtowed like garlic: "Master Chen, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't slander you behind my back, I shouldn't trouble you, you have a lot of adults, treat me as a fart, okay?"

He didn't expect Chen Nan to have such a terrifying origin.

Even let King Yan Luo cook the cucumber dipping sauce.

This is the supreme being of Hades!

He couldn't understand why King Yan Luo was so groveling.

Chen Nan laughed: "It's okay, it's okay, I'd better talk." As long as you say sorry, I will reply to you. Zhou

Wen: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Chen Nan: "It's okay.

King Yan Luo snorted heavily: "Even if Senior Chen forgives your crime, what should you do if you offend King Ben?" King Ben is not as talkative as Senior Chen.

Chen Nan spread his hands: "See, it's not that I don't want to let you go, the main thing is that you offended Yan Luo." Saying that, he laughed and took the wine glass and drank it.

And when Chen Nan put down the wine glass, Yan Luo Wang held the wine bottle in both hands and respectfully poured a glass for Chen Nan.

"Yan Wang Ye spare his life, the villain really knows the mistake!" Zhou Wen wept bitterly.

Doesn't it all say that the king of Yan is good, and the little ghost is difficult to entangle?

But why is King Yan Luo so difficult?

King Yan Luo snorted coldly: "Although you can be spared the death penalty, it is impossible to escape the living crime!"

"Thank you Yan Wangye, thank you Yan Wangye!" Zhou Wen is grateful, as long as he doesn't die, suffer a little, and suffer a little, what is it?

King Yan Luo: "This king will accept you with a soul and a soul!" Saying that, a palm poked out, and two white rays of light flew out from the top of Zhou Wen's head.

Zhou Wenwen, who was taken away from his soul, instantly sluggish.

It's like a dementia.

A moment later.

He came back to his senses, a puzzled look on his face: "Who are you?" Why am I here? Saying that, he reached behind his butt and took out a hard sho.

"Wow, sausage yay!"

"I love sausages!" Saying that, he stuffed his mouth and ate happily.

"Gag... I can't do it, I'm going to throw up for a while! Li Mu covered his mouth and ran into the bathroom.

"Isn't it disgusting?" Chen Nan looked disgusted and said to King Yan Luo: "Hurry up and get this goods for me!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" King Yan Luo waved his right hand.

Zhou Wen flew out directly through the window, not knowing where it landed.

Black and white impermanence also quickly cleans up the excrement of the weekly paper.

"Okay, take this guy to reincarnation!" Chen Nan also lost his appetite: "I will do what I say, and when I say let him have a good baby, I will naturally not break my word."

"In the next life, let him live a carefree life and be fed three meals a day!"

Ma Yan was grateful, and got up and said, "Thank you, Brother Chen!"

Chen Nan showed a sinister smile: "Well, it's good to be an old sow." "

Huh?" Ma Yan was immediately dumbfounded: "Don't, don't do this, I don't want to be an old sow..." Before he finished speaking, he was bound by a black and white soul chain, unable to speak, but his eyes were full of pleading.

Chen Nan turned to King Yan Luo and said, "I borrowed two powerful ghosts imprisoned in the eighteen-layer hell.

King Yan Luo hurriedly said, "You are the lord of the underworld, and you don't need to say hello to your juniors for such a trifle."

Chen Nan: "Okay, you guys go back." "

Junior retreat!" King Yan Luo disappeared into Li Mu's house with black and white impermanence and Ma Yan.

"Lying groove, it's really disgusting to die Laozi just now!" Li Mu vomited and turned pale and walked out in the bathroom: "I've never seen someone eat with such relish, is that thing really so delicious?"

Chen Nan snorted: "Why are you so interested in this matter?" Do you want to try it? "

Gag..." Li Mu ran back to the bathroom and vomited.

I almost vomited all the bile this time.

But just when he returned to the restaurant.

Just be pleasantly surprised.

In front of him, there were two female ghosts wearing ancient costume dresses and stunning appearances.

Just a glance made Li Mu's heart beat faster.

He had never seen a woman with such a good look.

"Is there such a project after dinner?" Li Mu swallowed his saliva furiously: "I really didn't expect that I, Li Mu, would one day be able to become an existence of the same level as Ning Caichen."

"That's very nice!"

Chen Nan lit a cigarette with a smile and said to the woman in the red dress: "Come on, you two introduce yourself one after another!"

The woman in red saluted Li Mu slightly, and a pleasant voice came out of her mouth: "The little woman Zhao Feiyan has seen Gongzi!"

Li Mu instantly snorted.

To ask which woman in the history of Daxia was the most vicious.

Zhao Feiyan is definitely one of them.

She is cruel and vicious.

Another woman in white looked a little older, and she saluted: "The people's daughter Lu Hen has seen Gongzi!"

Li Mu swallowed wildly.

Is this woman the notorious and extremely vicious Empress Lu in history?

Looking at Li Mu's nervous appearance, Chen Nan laughed: "If you are interested in them, I don't mind letting them accompany you for one night anyway."

Li Mu was stunned: "You don't have to!"

Chen Nan looked at Lu Xi and Zhao Feiyan and said, "You two go to the courtyard No. 68 on the west side of the palace and teach the residents there a lesson!"


"Do not hurt their lives."

"Just a lesson!"


The two took off and took off.

Looking at the departing figures of the two, a cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Want to take over my house?


Let's see if you have the guts!

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