Yan Wushuang's set of courtyards.

Bright lights are lit around the grape trellis.

Cheng Yan's family of four, and his girlfriend Liu Xia's family of four talked very happily.

Everyone drank to their heart's content.

After all.

It was their first time meeting their parents.

Liu Xia and Cheng Yan have also reached the point of talking about marriage.

Although the Cheng family's company is not small.

The annual income also broke 100 million.

But for the Liu family, it is also wrong to be wrong.

If it weren't for the fact that the Cheng family had a courtyard house, they would not have agreed to this affair at all.

After all.

Having a courtyard in Kyoto is not just a symbol of wealth.

Or a status symbol.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Liu Xia's father, Liu Jianchun, said, "It's not early, or let's go home?"

Cheng Dongpeng hurriedly said, "Mr. Liu, if you don't dislike it, how about spending the night at our house?" In this way, we can get drunk!

Liu Xia's younger brother Liu Qiang said: "Dad, Uncle Cheng has been warmly invited, let's not go back, I haven't lived in the courtyard yet." Speaking of this, his gaze was locked on Cheng Yan's younger sister Cheng Xin, who had just turned eighteen.

Unabashedly fiery inside.

He wanted to kiss and kiss.


Cheng Xin did not give him a good look.

As a school flower in school, there are many people who pursue her.

Although Liu Qiang is about the same age as her, he can't get into her eyes.

Cheng Yan also said: "Yes, Uncle Liu, you finally came once, plus it was late, so you all stayed for one night."

"Dad, or let's stay!" A hint of blush appeared on Liu Xia's face, and she missed the time with Cheng Yan a little.

The reason is none of it.

Cheng Yan is clever in his tongue.

It's very nice.

Liu Jianchun did not answer, but turned his head to look at his wife Wang Li beside him.

Wang Li smiled: "If you want to stay, then open two more bottles of the bar." "

Everyone is happy.

Cheng Yan immediately went to get two more bottles of Maotai.

Liu Jianchun looked at Cheng Dongpeng and asked curiously: "Brother Cheng, it used to be said that there was a lot of resentment in the palace, and eunuchs and concubines who had fallen out of favor often died inside.

"So, the palace is often haunted."

"You've lived here for so long, have you ever seen something unclean?"

Cheng Dongpeng smiled and said, "Brother Liu, I don't dare to say that there are no ghosts in the world.

"But the palace is where the emperor lives, and it is said that there is a dragon vein under the palace."

"Even if there really are ghosts and ghosts, what about demons and monsters?"

"Even if you lend them a hundred dog galls, they won't dare to come to the foot of the palace to do something, right?"

Sun Caiying also said: "Yes, we have lived here for so many years, and we have never seen anything unclean."

"Not only that, but sleep soundly here, this place raises people."

"As long as you sleep here for one night, you will know the benefits here!"

On the grape rack.

Zhao Feiyan and Lu Xi quietly looked at the eight people below.

An intriguing light appeared in Zhao Feiyan's eyes: "Eight people, four men and four women, just enough for them to play together."

Lu Hen showed a disgusted gaze: "Your idea is a little vicious, that adult just let us intimidate them, if you follow what you say, that adult is afraid that he will be angry."

Zhao Feiyan chuckled: "That adult just said not to kill them, but he didn't say that he couldn't let them do happy things!"

"Also, everyone is not a good person."

"Don't call me vicious."

Lu Xi was speechless.

If they were both good people, how could they have been imprisoned in hell for so long?


Zhao Feiyan blew out a breath.

The next moment.

A dark wind rose up on the ground.


The Cheng family of four, and the Liu family of four, suddenly felt a sense of coolness.

Drinking more and more enjoyably.

"No, no, no, I drank a little too much, I have to go back to my room to rest!" Liu Jianchun rubbed his brows, looking a little haggard.

"Uncle Liu, I'll take you to the guest room." Cheng Yan quickly stood up, and then sent Liu Jianchun and his wife to the guest room.


Everyone went back to their rooms.

As Cheng Dongpeng and his wife said.

Sleeping here, really down-to-earth.

It was also very comfortable.

Anyway, Liu Qiang is very comfortable.

He opened his sleepy eyes, and then as if he felt something, he suddenly turned away.

The picture in front of him deeply shocked him.

I saw Sun Caiying lying quietly beside him, and a thick thigh was still pressing on his body.

"Husband, it's still early, sleep a little longer!" Sun Caiying's face was full of happiness, and she didn't even open her eyes: "Your performance last night was really fierce, and I feel as if you are back to twenty years old."

Liu Qiang was extremely disgusted and said angrily: "Slut, what have you done to me?

Sun Caiying suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing lying next to him was the younger brother of the future daughter-in-law.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of five thunders hitting the top.

It was like drinking a broken piece.

I don't remember what happened last night.

"Hadron, what's going on? How could I be in your room? Sun Caiying's eyes were full of fear, if this matter was said, how would she behave in the future?

This family, must not be dispersed?

"Wow, you ask me, who do I ask?" Liu Qiang directly pushed Sun Caiying away, his eyes were full of disgust, and he felt dirty.

He was furious.

Why isn't Sun Caiying's daughter Cheng Xin in his room?

If Cheng Xin came to his room, wouldn't it be cool?

", get out, or I'll kill you!"


There was a heart-wrenching scream from the door.

Liu Qiang and Sun Caiying's faces changed drastically.

It was Cheng Xin's scream.

Without much thought, the two ran out while sorting out their clothes.

I saw that Liu Jianchun was only wearing a big pants and was driven out by Cheng Xin.


Sun Caiying and Liu Qiang suddenly felt that their heads exploded!

What the hell is going on here?

Why did they sleep together?

Sun Caiying almost didn't sit on the ground.

It is difficult to accept his daughter and spend the night with her future in-laws.

"Son, you give me death!"

Another scream rang out.

I saw that Cheng Yan was driven out by Liu Jianchun's wife Wang Li.


Liu Xia also ran out of Cheng Dongpeng's room crying.

This moment.

Everyone felt completely numb in their heads.

Cheng Yan stood there dumbfounded.

His eyes were full of consternation.

What's going on?

Why do I sleep in the same room with my future mother-in-law?

Why did his future brother-in-law sleep in the same room with his mother?

Why did his sister sleep in the same room with her future husband?

Why does his girlfriend sleep in the same room with his father?

Why the is this relationship?

Can anyone tell me why this is so?

"There are ghosts, there must be ghosts!" Sun Caiying's face was full of horror: "We were all possessed by ghosts yesterday, otherwise how could we do such a thing that goes against human ethics?" "

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