Li Mu was roasting meat, and when he heard Chen Nan's words, he was furious: "How can you curse people? Lao Tzu is a pure master, do the pure masters understand?

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "I just had a perspective eye."

Li Mu was stunned for a moment.

Then subconsciously clamp the crotch between the legs.

A trace of nervousness also appeared in his eyes: "Fat, is this because of fat?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said with a sneer: "Can it still be used now?"

Li Mu jumped like a thunder: "You want to try?" "

Pull down you!" Chen Nan gave him a roll of his eyes, and then picked up a bunch of roasted meat and ate it with relish.

Knock knock!


There was a knock on the door.

Then a familiar voice: "Anyone?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, it was Li Xiang's voice.

It's clear.

Li Xiang felt the fire of Changming and found here.

He got up and walked to the door, and after pushing the door open, Li Xiang and Wang Mengqi appeared in his eyes.

"Father Chen... Uncle? Li Xiang looked at Chen Nan incredulously, he didn't expect to meet Chen Nan here.

Wang Mengqi's eyes were also full of stunned: "Why are you here?"

"This is my home!" Chen Nan said and invited the mother and son to enter it.

Wang Mengqi knew that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person.

But I didn't expect her to have a set of courtyards.

After entering the courtyard, Wang Mengqi looked at Chen Nan nervously: "Before Li wanted to say that something here was summoning him..."

Chen Nan didn't explain anything, and took Wang Mengqi to the room where the Changming fire was stored: "It is this flame that is summoning Li Xiang, not only him, but also many people who will be summoned one after another."

Wang Mengqi's eyes flashed with doubt.

She didn't believe what Chen Nan said.


The white flame she had never heard of.

"Mom, I want to live here in the future!" Li Xiang grabbed his mother's hand, his eyes full of pleading.

He didn't yet know what this flame was.


Staying here, he felt an inexplicable sense of security.

It feels very grounded.

Wang Mengqi said, "It's not that we don't have a home, why should we live in someone else's house?"

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Let me take you somewhere!" Speaking of this, the soul power roared out, wrapping Wang Mengqi mother and son and disappeared into the room in an instant.

He first took the mother and son to the immortal world.

I have seen the magnificence of the fairy world.

I also saw those powerful monster beasts.

Then he went to Hades.

Looked at the River Nair.

Eighteen levels of hell.

Saw the six reincarnations.


He returned to the Yang Realm with mother and son.

"So, what you said before is true?" Wang Mengqi's face turned sallow: "Is my son really the reincarnation of Nezha?"

She didn't believe Chen Nan's words at first.

But now I am convinced.

Because Chen Nan took her to see too many divine existences.

This made her frightened and uneasy.

Because she was afraid that her son would become someone else.

Chen Nan saw the fear and uneasiness in Wang Mengqi's heart, and poured her a cold beer: "You don't need to have any worries about this, even if Li Xiang was Nezha in his previous life, but it was only an experience in his previous life."

"No matter what, his name is Li Xiang."

Wang Mengqi asked nervously, "So, my son won't become Nezha, right?"

Chen Nan nodded.

Hear this.

Wang Mengqi's hanging heart also landed.

Chen Nan continued, "However, the Heavenly Court has fallen, and Li Xiang needs to awaken the memories of his previous life to rebuild the Heavenly Court, and living here is a bad thing for him. "

He needs to find something that opens Nezha's memories of his past life.

"Okay then!" Wang Mengqi finally chose to stay.

Li Xiang was overjoyed.

Knock knock!

This thing.

Another knock sounded on the door.

King Kong spoke: "I'll open the door." "

A moment later.

King Kong took He Shuqin to the courtyard.

Chen Nan was not surprised by He Shuqin's appearance, after all, she was the first existence of the seven fairies.

You can definitely feel the call of the Changming fire.

"Doctor Chen, this is your home?" Seeing Chen Nan, He Shuqin was also stunned.

"Yes!" Chen Nan smiled slightly, and then informed her of He Shuqin's identity in his previous life, and He Shuqin was shocked when he heard it.

Unexpectedly, his previous life turned out to be the head of the seven fairies.

It also made her realize.

Why I have loved birds since I was a child.

And the birds are willing to get close to her.


Her worldview is changing dramatically.

"Can I live here?" He Shuqin said his inner thoughts with embarrassment, staying here is not because of Chen Nan, but because of the fire of Changming.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Of course!"

A trace of gratitude flashed in He Shuqin's eyes.

"Come and come, don't talk about anything else, eat first." Chen Nan distributed the meat skewers cooked by Li Mu to everyone, fortunately, there were not many people at home, otherwise this bit of meat would definitely not be enough.


Chen Nan slept until ten o'clock in the morning before getting up.

No way, cultivating the Fire Eye Golden Eye is too soul-consuming.


He reached the second realm of the Fire Eye Golden Eye, looking at the bones.

Come under the vines in the yard.

Chen Nan saw Li Mu, who was lying on the recliner and dancing with his young sister: "Don't look, it's useless to watch."

Li Mu directly gave him a roll of his eyes, and then said with a firm look: "I want to lose weight and change back to my previous appearance!"

Chen Nan shrugged: "Are you okay today?" Nothing to accompany me to the mall to buy some clothes!

"Two old men going to the mall?" Li Mu looked disgusted: "Laozi is not going." "

Is Big Brother Chen going to the mall too?"


He Shuqin and Wang Mengqi, who were wearing a white cheongsam skirt with birds tattooed with flying birds, walked over with a smile, and the room where they lived was only separated by a wall.

Although they have only known each other for a short time, they have become friends who talk about everything.

Compared with He Shuqin's dignified and elegant cheongsam skirt.

Wang Mengqi wore it very hot.

A black one-piece hip skirt that outlines the bumpy figure.

Wear a pair of high heels on your feet to make your legs more slender.

Just one glance is overwhelming.

The whole person exudes the charm of a mature woman.

Chen Nan Ghost made the god open his see-through eyes, and his heart beat faster.


Wang Mengqi turned out to be a white tiger.

I can't see that Qinglong's eyes are still very vicious, and the woman he likes is also so unusual.

He withdrew his impolite gaze and said casually, "I want to buy a few changes of clothes."

"It just so happens that Mengqi sister Li and I are also going to the mall, or the four of us will go together." He Shuqin invited with a smile.

Chen Nan: "It's okay!" "

He doesn't like to go to the mall alone.

It was an extremely lonely act.

It is precisely because of this that Li Mu was invited to go.

It's just...

Let Li Mu follow, how can it be comfortable to visit the mall with two beautiful women?

"Let's go out, you guys are at home to watch the house, if anyone comes, remember to call me!" Chen Nan explained to Li Mu and King Kong, and then took Li Xiang's mother and son, as well as He Shuqin, out of the courtyard and headed for the mall.

As soon as he got into the car, Li Xiang's voice sounded: "Uncle Chen, my mother doesn't reject you anymore, you have to strike while the iron is hot to take her down!" "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Is it appropriate to say this in front of your mother?

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