"If you want to get beaten, cough." Wang Mengqi's face was straight, and her eyes flashed with shame.

She didn't expect her son to say this in public.

Although she still dreamed of becoming friends with Chen Nan before.

But now.

After learning about Chen Nan's means.

She felt unworthy of him.

Seeing his mother's anger, Li Xiang smiled and said nothing more.

Then the four of them arrived at a large shopping mall in Kyoto.

"Father Chen, I want toys." Li Xiang looked at Chen Nan with a smile, he knew that if he asked his mother for toys, his mother would not necessarily buy them.

But ask Chen Nan for toys, he will definitely buy them for himself.

Seeing that there was a large figure shop next to him, Chen Nan said to Wang Mengqi and He Shuqin: "You two go shopping first, I'll take Li Xiang to walk around, and we'll call later." "

He loves children himself.

Not to mention that Li Xiang was still Nezha in his previous life.

It is necessary for him to satisfy all his little thoughts before he awakens the memories of his past life.

After all.

Once awakened past life memories.

He has more heavy responsibilities and missions.

Then it will not be so happy.

"Just spoil him!" Wang Mengqi shook her head helplessly, and then put her arm around He Shuqin and walked towards the inside of the mall.

"Sister Mengqi, do you like Dr. Chen?" He Shuqin looked at Wang Mengqi curiously.

Wang Mengqi's face turned red, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes: "He is not my dish!"

He Shuqin smiled and said, "You are clearly lying, I can feel that you have a good impression of Dr. Chen." In fact, there is nothing that cannot be admitted to this kind of thing, and what woman like him would not like it?

Wang Mengqi sighed lightly: "What if you have a good feeling?" How can an ordinary person like me be worthy of him?

He Shuqin pulled Wang Mengqi into a nearby jewelry store, found a lock ornament, and then removed the key and mixed it with several other keys.

Wang Mengqi looked puzzled.

He Shuqin said: "Dr. Chen is like a key, you are like this lock, as for whether the two of you are the same, just try a few times?" Saying

that, he picked up a key and inserted it into the lock cylinder...

Wang Mengqi was stunned for a moment, and then a blush rose on her face: "Shu Qin, I really didn't expect that a gentle lady like you could also say such a faceless metaphor."

"Am I not right?" A charming smile appeared at the corner of He Shuqin's mouth: "Sister Mengqi, it is said that it is difficult to chase women next to the mountain, women chase men to the next layer, since you have ideas about Dr. Chen, then you must strive for it!"

"Take a walk, I'll take you to the lingerie store to buy some clothes that men like."

"As long as you wear it to Dr. Chen in private, you are guaranteed to make him infatuated with you."

Wang Mengqi frowned.

I'm a mother.

Do you still need to teach this kind of thing?


toy store.

Chen Nan and Li Xiang chose a lot of remote control toys, as well as assembly toys.

Stacked together like a hill.

In desperation, he gave the clerk an address and asked them to help deliver the toys to the courtyard.

After leaving the toy store.

Chen Nan went to buy four more cold drinks.

Then in the clothing area on the fifth floor, I found Wang Mengqi and He Shuqin who were choosing clothes.

By this time, they had already bought a lot of clothes, and each of them was carrying several shopping bags.

After Chen Nan and Li Xiang came.

The two suddenly became poor tool people...


They hadn't finished shopping, and they happily entered a lingerie store.

The lingerie store is full of some dazzling lingerie.

The number of styles refreshed Chen Nan's cognition.

But because it was an underwear store, he couldn't go in with a big old man, so he could only sit on the bench at the door with Li Xiang to rest.

Li Xiang looked back from time to time.

A child his age is very impatient.

I really hope that my mother can buy it early and go to dinner together.

Right at this moment.

He saw a woman's wallet fall out, and subconsciously got up and entered the underwear store, and at this time the woman had entered the dressing room.

So he picked up the wallet on the ground and waited for the woman to come out and give it to her.


The woman in the dressing room let out a piercing scream: "My wallet has been stolen!" Saying that, he walked out angrily.

Li Xiang immediately stepped forward: "Auntie, your..."


The words are not finished.

The woman slapped Li Xiang's face and said angrily: "Little mongrel, you are not small, you dare to steal my wallet?" The

sudden scene caused many onlookers.

Many customers who came to shop pointed out to Li Xiang.

Li Xiang was stunned by this slap, and after returning to his senses, he quickly explained: "Auntie, this is a misunderstanding, it was your wallet that was lost, not I stole it." His

face was full of panic, but more of a grievance.

Because he has lived so big, he has not been wronged like this.

The woman said unsparingly: "My wallet is obviously in my bag, how can it fall out?" It is clear that you stole it, but everyone stolen and got it, and you still have a hard mouth?

"I didn't steal, I really didn't steal!" Li Xiang looked aggrieved.

Wang Mengqi and He Shuqin also walked out in the dressing room, and seeing that their son's right face was red, Wang Mengqi quickly asked what happened.

Knowing what happened, Wang Mengqi looked at the woman with anger on her face: "You must apologize to my son!" The

woman looked proud: "When I came out, the wallet was in his hands, didn't he steal it?" Let me apologize? Do you deserve it?

"Did he steal it, just call the monitoring to take a look?" Chen Nan walked in, he didn't expect to meet such an unreasonable woman.

Such people must be taught a lesson.

He Shuqin looked at the staff in the store and said, "If you call out the monitoring just now, we must be given justice." The

duty manager said nervously: "Sorry, the monitoring in our store is being maintained, and the previous picture was not taken." "

Is it so coincidental?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Your store should not be partial to this woman, right?" The

woman looked condescending: "I'm a gold member of this store, isn't it normal to be favored?"

"Okay, I have a lot of adults, don't know you guys, hurry up!"

Saying that, he turned and walked towards the dressing room.

Chen Nan looked at the duty manager of the underwear store: "Today's matter, you must give us a satisfactory statement, otherwise it will not be so easy to turn the page."

"Sir, the monitoring of our store is really being maintained." The duty manager smiled awkwardly but politely.

"I hope what you said is true." Chen Nan said and took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "I encountered something in the dream underwear store on the fifth floor, you come and solve it!" "

He called the head of the mall.

The reason is none of it.

This mall is also his!

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