
"It's unreasonable!"

"It's really not reasonable at all!"

Qinglong's mentality exploded: "Chen Nan, do you know how I have lived in the past ten years when you are away?

"I'm always looking for opportunities in the Yang world."

"And nothing."

"You're good, just because you don't let it fight alone, it will bring down the fruit of the avenue."


"This dog thing is also a little garbage that watches people cook!"

Chen Nan smiled and stretched out his hand, and the crystal clear Dao Fruit fell lightly in his palm.

The next moment.

The fruit of the Great Avenue dissolved in his palm.

Become one with him.

"What a mysterious feeling!"

Chen Nan felt that his whole body was fluttering, and he had a mysterious feeling that he couldn't tell the truth.

The feeling was also familiar to him.

It was as if the earth had become part of his body.

Qinglong said sourly: "Now you can create life!" "

The law of yin and yang is the strongest law in the world.

The fruit of the Great Dao is the law of the yang.

"I've created small worlds, but I haven't created life yet!" Chen Nan smiled heartily, and then his mind moved, and a Chen Nan who looked exactly like him appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"From now on, you will parasitize in this body!" Chen Nan summoned Qinglong, he knew that this dog thing was not honest, and instead of letting him stay in Nezha's body, it was better to create a body for him to use.

The green dragon broke away from Chen Nan's body and submerged into the body created by Chen Nan, and then sighed: "Maybe you are right, since you want to go deep into the God Realm, then go!" Before

, he did not approve of Chen Nan's entry into the Divine Realm.


The rules of the earth's Heavenly Dao have all lowered the fruit of the Dao, indicating that the rules of the Heavenly Dao also acquiesced to this matter.

Although in his opinion, there was a great danger for Chen Nan to go deep into the Divine Realm.

But now.

There are only a handful of people who can kill him.

After all.

He already controls the two paths of yin and yang.

As long as the earth and Hades do not die, he will not die.

"However, before you enter the Divine Realm, there are some things to tell you!" Qinglong spoke: "Although your current soul is comparable to a half-saint, your strength is too weak.

"You are only in the mortal world, invincible to the underworld."

"In the God Realm, there are many people who can hit you hard."

"Even if those people can't kill you, they can banish you to the Dark River of Time and Space."

"Let's tell you about the division of the realm of the God Realm!"

In the mouth of the green dragon, Chen Nan also had a new understanding of the divine world.

The ranks of the Divine Realm are divided into Heavenly Gods, Divine Generals, Divine Kings, Divine Venerables, Holy Venerables, Half-Saints, and Saints.

Nezha Yang Jian is a god in the realm of saints.

The Jade Emperor, on the other hand, is a half-saint-level existence, and there is still a big gap between him and a saint.


The Divine Realm was also more complicated than he had imagined.

The Divine Realm is divided into nine heavens.

Above the Nine Heavens is the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

"Since that battle, no one has ascended to the Divine Realm." The green dragon spoke: "If you ascend to the God Realm, when you arrive at the God Realm, you will be discovered and captured."

"If you want to enter the divine realm, you must be unaware."


"You control the two realms of Yin and Yang at the same time, and your identity is special."

"It is very likely to be discovered in the Divine Realm."

"You only have a hundred years to find the Three Birthstones."

"No matter what the outcome is after a hundred years, you must leave the divine realm."

"Otherwise you will be attacked by alien demons."

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "The question is, how can I enter the God Realm?"

Qinglong: "The answer is in your heart."

Chen Nan frowned.

Then he closed his eyes.

A huge Taijitu suddenly appeared in the depths of the sea of knowledge.

Two wooden fish, one black and one white, are slowly rotating.

In the middle of the Taijitu, there is a faint gap.

He knows.

This is the so-called answer in Qinglong's mouth.

He opened his eyes and looked at the green dragon: "This side of the earth will be handed over to you."

Qinglong said solemnly, "Don't worry." "


Chen Nan's figure instantly turned into a phantom and disappeared into heaven and earth.

He wants to go to the Divine Realm to find the Three Birthstones.

Only in this way can the memories of those heavenly gods be opened and led them to overthrow the rule of alien demons.

Lead them to rebuild the Heavenly Court!

After rebuilding the Heavenly Court, he can live freely in the heavens and the earth like an ordinary person and do what he wants!

After all, he now has a heavy mission on his shoulders.

You can't live as you like.


don't know how long has passed.

A thick fog appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

He quickly flew through the thick fog, and what he saw was a frozen world.

Heaven and earth are in the middle of nowhere.

The howling cold wind hit him like a knife, making his whole person shiver.

"Is this the Divine Realm?"

"Sure enough, the coercion of heaven and earth here is terrifying."

"The immortal aura in the air is also very strong, but it is too manic to absorb."

Chen Nan's strength is very strong.

But after coming to the God Realm, he couldn't fly.


This was all within his expectation.

Even though he was strong before, the Divine Realm was a higher plane.

This also has to be cultivated from scratch.

Fortunately, Qinglong had taught him a lot of spells before.

This also includes the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

Eight Nine Xuan Gong not only allows cultivators to have seventy-two changes, but also allows cultivators to have a Vajra body, which is the top spell in the three realms.

He happened to be able to practice this exercise.

"The priority is to find someone and ask what kind of day this is!"

Chen Nan's goal was to enter the Lingxiao Treasure Hall and retrieve the Three Birthstones.


The Lingxiao Treasure Hall is located above the Nine Heavens.

He silently recited the Eight Nine Xuan Gong Heart Mantra.

A faint glow erupted from his body.


He transformed into a black crow...

Chen Nan originally wanted to transform into a Jinpeng, after all, Jinpeng is fast and powerful.


His mana does not allow it.

So he transformed into a crow...

"Crows can also do it, as long as they can fly!" Chen Nan spread his wings and flew directly into the air.

He faced the wind and flew 100 meters in the air.

As he flew, he looked at the ground, looking for humans.

But unfortunately, after three days of flight, he did not see a single person.

"It shouldn't be!"

A big question mark rose in Chen Nan's heart.

"Although the alien demon killed the people of the God Realm when it invaded, it did not kill them all."

"Why have I flown for so long, but I haven't seen a native of the Divine Realm?"

"Could it be that the natives of the Divine Realm are all dead?"

A sense of foreboding arose in Chen Nan's heart.

If so.

Then things are a little tricky.

Just when he was confused, confused.

A strong sense of crisis came from below.

Without waiting for him to react.

A black light flew in the distance.

Followed by.

A sharp pain came from Chen Nan's back door.

He turned his head to look at the arrow nailed to his butt, and suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp: "Oh lying groove!" "

I was exploded when I first entered the God Realm."

"Is it so brutal?"

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