Chen Nan's mood was not beautiful.

After all, he has just entered the Divine Realm.

I didn't even see a person.

But someone went through the back door.


It really hurts!

Without much thought, he quickly flew into the distance and then transformed into a human being.

Reached out and touched the position of his butt.

A warm heat swept in.

When I looked up, my hands were covered in blood.

It's like blood in the, shocking.

He clenched his teeth, then pulled out the arrow nailed to his ass and dropped it in the distance.


Five men and one woman, six figures wearing animal skin coats came quickly.

None of them are old.

He looks like he is in his twenties.

Except for the slightly dark-skinned woman holding a curved bow, the other five were all holding swords, looking like they were waiting in a stern manner.

See the woman.

Chen Nan kind of wanted to vomit blood.

After all, being blown up at the beginning of entering the God Realm is an unspeakable thing in itself.

Who would have thought.

The one who exploded his back door turned out to be a girl?

When I first entered the God Realm, I was blown out by the back door of my sister, and this wave of operation is okay???

"Huh, there's someone here?"

After seeing Chen Nan, the six people all showed incredible eyes, obviously they did not expect to meet the same clan in this icy and snowy place.

"Don't be careless!" A man with a strong figure and a pair of azure eyes had a solemn look in his eyes: "We can't be deceived by our eyes, after all, many monsters can transform into adults." Speaking

of this, a copper mirror appeared in his hand.

The copper mirror exudes mysterious energy, and you can tell at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing.

He aimed the copper mirror at Chen Nan.

Everyone else held their breath.

I was afraid that the figure in the mirror would turn into a demon.

But half a minute passed, and Chen Nan still hadn't turned into a demon.

This made all six people breathe a sigh of relief.

The man with cyan eyes put away the copper mirror and asked Chen Nan, "Which tribe are you from?" How could it be in the territory of our Matchless City?

"I don't know!"

Chen Nan could only play the fool.

You can't say that you came from the Nether.

After all, he couldn't understand whether these people were friends or foes.

"Brother Quinn, this guy seems to be an idiot!" A young man whispered.

The man named Quinn glanced Chen Nan up and down, and then said, "Are you amnesia?"

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart.

You're really good at making excuses for me!

You said it all.

Am I not allowed to cooperate?

Thinking of this, he showed a painful expression: "I only remember that my name is Chen Nan, and other memories have disappeared." Quinn

just wanted to speak.

The dark-skinned woman asked, "Why are you bleeding?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

Are you sure this is a question that girls can ask?

Don't you think this question will make me feel embarrassed?

"Okay, don't talk about this!" Quinn said, "Since Brother Chen has amnesia, then return to Wushuang City with us, and leave after you recover your memory!" "

Brother Quinn, it's not appropriate!" A young man's face was full of anxiety: "We don't know if what this guy said is true or false, we can't bring him back to Wushuang City, in case he has evil intentions, won't it harm the clansmen of the tribe?"

The young woman also spoke: "Zhou Li's words are reasonable, and he can't be brought back to Wushuang City. "

It's obvious.

They reject outsiders.

Quinn said with a straight face: "I know the concerns in your hearts, but Senior Brother Chen Nan is our kindred, even so, we can't turn a blind eye."

"We can't let him die in the mouth of those monsters and demons."

"This matter is so decided, when I go back, I will personally explain it to the chief." Speaking of this, he took out an emerald green herb in his arms.

"Brother Chen Nan, you take this herb first, this medicine is extremely miraculous, especially in terms of stopping bleeding, it has an extraordinary divine effect."

"After taking this herb, I will take you back to Wushuang City."

"Thank you!!" Chen Nan thanked him sincerely, and then took the herb and put it in his mouth to chew it.

A moment later.

The herbs turn into a stream of sweetness and enter the belly.

The miraculous medicinal effect quickly rushed towards the meridians of the whole body, making his hot back door have a hint of coolness, and even the heart-wrenching pain disappeared.

"Hey, did you see a crow just now?" The woman looked at Chen Nan with high spirits.

Chen Nan shook his head: "I haven't seen it." Hearing

this, a young man laughed out loud: "Xialan, didn't you say before that you have unparalleled archery skills? If you really shot that crow, wouldn't Chen Nan see it?

The woman named Xia Lan had a gloomy face: "It's impossible, I obviously shot that crow, this can't be wrong."

Chen Nan seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said, "Crow... Is it a bird? I did just see a black bird that flew into the distance.

Upon hearing this, Xia Lan's face showed a proud look: "See? I said that as long as it is flying in the sky, there is no girl who can't shoot.

"After all, we believe in the Great God of Houyi."

The man who laughed at Xia Lan before suddenly stopped speaking.

Quinn said, "It's getting late, let's continue hunting, in any case, we must return to Wushuang City before dawn." "

They have been out for five days and nights, and they have very little food left.



A low roar of a demon beast came from the valley ahead.

The eyes of the six people flashed with excitement.

After all.

They haven't met the Zheng'er Eight Classics demon clan for a long time.

"Chen Nan, you will follow behind us later, and when we kill this demon, we will be able to return to Wushuang City!" Quinn said, and then led everyone, bent over, and flew in the direction where the demon beast's low roar came.

They are quick enough to step on snow without a trace.


None of them are ordinary people.

It is very likely to be a cultivator of the Divine Realm.

Although Chen Nan had just entered the Divine Realm, his strength was far above these people.


However, he did not cast spells easily, but followed behind the six people with some difficulty.

It wasn't until they crossed a valley that the group stopped.

They are hidden behind a large rock.

And in front of them are two brute bulls that are colliding.

Their eyes are scarlet and beastly.

"I really didn't expect these two brutes to fight each other, if we can kill these two beasts, we can rest for a while!" Quinn's eyes sparkled.

"Let me come!"

Xia Lan took out the arrow in the quiver, his expression solemn, and whispered in his mouth: "Respected Houyi Great God, please use my divine power to shoot these two brutes!" Speaking

of this, she aimed her arrow at the eyes of a brute bull.

Resolutely released his right hand.


The moment the arrow burst out of the air.

The brute bull in front seemed to sense something, and subconsciously turned his body.


Without warning.

The arrow hit the barbarian bull's valley with unmistakable accuracy.

Caused a heart-wrenching scream.

Chen Nan on the side was shocked.

Why does this woman like to go through the back door?

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