Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet.

Didn't pay attention to the bull demon's words at all.

He jumped to kill the bull demon.

See this scene.

Quinn and the others all held their breath.

Because they didn't expect that there was a mad ape in the territory of Wushuang City.

"You look for death!"

The bull demon was enraged by Chen Nan and rushed towards Chen Nan frantically.

Chen Nan's eyes were quick, and he held the pair of sharp horns with both hands.

Immediately, an angry drink came out of his mouth, and he abruptly threw the bull demon out tens of meters.


The bull demon landed with a deafening loud noise.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Nan rushed over.

Riding on its body roughly, holding the bull demon's head with one hand, then raising his right fist and smashing fiercely into the bull demon's head!

Bang bang!

With a dull crashing sound, the bull demon also let out a heart-rending scream.

But that's about it.

The bull demon's head is unusually hard.

Even if Chen Nan's fist landed on it, there was a sour pain.

Right at this moment.

Quinn said, "Senior, this knife lends you." Saying

that, he threw the long knife to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan held the long knife thrown by Quinn with one hand, and the tip of the knife was aimed at the bull demon's eyes.

And then...


A long knife pierces a bull's eye.

The cow demon let out a heart-rending scream.

Chen Nan turned the handle of the knife, and the bull demon's eyes instantly spewed out a red blood mist.

And his screams slowly disappeared.

Until he stopped convulsing.

After doing these.

Chen Nan looked back at Quinn and the others who were full of trepidation, left a kind gaze, and quickly disappeared in the southwest.

"In the territory of our Matchless City, how come there is another powerful mad ape?" Xia Lan's face was sallow, thanks to the mad ape did not hurt them.

Otherwise, everyone will have to die here.

Quinn said with a palpitation: "Put these three corpses away and take Erlang home!" Speaking of this sigh, although they have experienced countless lives and deaths, the pain of watching their brother die in front of them is still almost suffocating.

Don't think about it.

Several people put the corpses of the two brutes and the corpses of the bull demon into the storage space.

Then he carried Erlang's body on his back and chased after him along the footsteps left by Chen Nan.

Finally, he caught up with Chen Nan more than ten miles away.

"You actually came back alive?" Chen Nan's face was full of surprise.

Quinn forced a smile: "Good luck, I met a mad ape, he killed the bull demon, or we will all die at the hands of the bull demon."

Chen Nan: "This shows that your Hong Fu Qi Tian, your fate should not be extinguished."

Quinn smiled and didn't say much, and led Chen Nan to a bottomless canyon.

There is a formation deep in the canyon.

After they appeared, two middle-aged men with sharp blades appeared behind the formation.

After seeing Erlang, who had lost his breath, both of them showed sadness.

After a simple greeting, Quinn turned to a middle-aged man: "Brother Muba, this little brother is called Chen Nan, we met outside, he has amnesia, so I thought of taking him back to Wushuang City to recuperate."

"Oh, I've seen it in the mirror, he's our Terran."

The middle-aged man named Muba nodded slightly, and then let him go.

Then Chen Nan followed everyone into the formation.

The next moment.

He had a feeling of brightness.

A city appeared in front of him.

Although the city is not very large, it can also accommodate tens of thousands of people.


There is also a blazing sun overhead.

The temperature inside was also comfortable.

It gave him an incredible feeling.

Because he can feel that this is not an independent world.

They are still underground.

Quinn saw the curiosity in Chen Nan's heart and explained, "Ten thousand years ago, the epidemic demon invaded, the Heavenly Court fell, and our Duo Heaven clan suffered heavy damage from the alien demon.

"In desperation, I will enter the underground life."

"This sun above your head is just a rare magic weapon."

"It simulates the four seasons of the year and protects the people living in the city."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

Being in the second heaven is quite depressing.

After all.

If you want to reach Lingxiao, you need to cross the nine heavens.


It's also much better than being in a heavy sky.

After that, Quinn took Chen Nan to the residence of Patriarch Gu Jian and informed the other party about Erlang's tragic death.

He also told Gu Jian about Chen Nan.

Gu Jian was still wary of Chen Nan before, but when he saw that Chen Nan was a Terran with a demon mirror, he let go of his heart: "Since you have amnesia, then live in our tribe from now on!"

"Life in our tribe is not very good, but it can save your life."

"Thank you Patriarch!"

Chen Nan thanked him.

He desperately needs a place to live now.

After all, Quinn said it before.

The ground has long been unsuitable for Terran life.

Not only is the environment harsh, but there are also many powerful monsters living there.

and alien demons.

This world belongs to monsters and demons, and if the Terrans want to survive, they can only survive in the cracks.

"Erlang used to live with me, but now that he's gone, you can live in his house, so that you can take care of it." After leaving Gu Jian's residence, Quinn said with a sad face.


Chen Nan nodded and agreed.

He now needs to adapt to this world, slowly improve his cultivation, and then find a way to enter the Three Heavens.

After inquiring, Chen Nan also learned about Quinn's strength.

Quinn possesses the strength of the Central Celestial God.

At this age, there is the strength of the Central Heavenly God, looking at the entire tribe, that is also the top ten masters in the younger generation.


However, they did not practice the inner strength of the spiritual method.


The inner strength heart method is extremely rare in this world.

They can have this cultivation, but also rely on the blood and flesh of the monsters, as well as medicinal herbs.


To gain greater power, they need to believe in God.

For example, Xia Lan, she is good at archery, so she believes in Houyi.

When fighting with the enemy, as long as you pray to the god they believe in, you can obtain divine power, and thus significantly improve your strength.

Of course.

Chen Nan was skeptical of this statement.

Because Xia Lan prayed to Houyi, she did not see her gain divine power.

"Eat something, after eating, I'll take you to see the doctor and ask him if he has any medicinal herbs to restore his memory." Quinn came out of the kitchen with a pot of broth and placed it under the date tree in the yard.

Quinn's cooking skills are average.

However, Chen Nan was sweating profusely.

After all, this was his first meal since coming to the Divine Realm.

Of course, for him, as long as he can fill his stomach, the taste is secondary.

Because only people who have experienced real hunger will know the importance of food.


Quinn took Chen Nan to the home of an old doctor in the city and asked if there were any medicinal herbs that could help people recover their memories.

But the result made Quinn regret.

Maybe there was that kind of miracle medicine before, but now that kind of medicinal herb has long been extinct.

Just as he took Chen Nan and prepared to leave.

Chen Nan stopped.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the kitchen, an incredible light flashed in his eyes.

There he felt an ancient, mysterious, and powerful force.

"What kind of baby is it?"

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