Chen Nan walked into the kitchen with a curious face, and saw a dark stick quietly inserted in the ashes under the stove.

The stick looked more than a meter long and as thick as a wrist.

It is dark all over and exudes an aura of ancient mystery.

Chen Nan didn't know what this thing was.

But one thing is obvious.

This stick is by no means an ordinary fire-burning stick.

"Is this burning stick any different?" Quinn asked curiously.

Chen Nan shook his head: "I feel that this thing has a great origin and a mysterious atmosphere."

Quinn looked in the direction of the stone house and said to Yu Bo: "Yu Bo, my brother has taken a fancy to your family's burning stick, or will you cut your love and fulfill him?"

Yu Bo in the room made a hoarse voice: "Ten blood zhu fruits."

Quinn pouted and said with a look of disgust: "It's just a broken fire stick, you actually want ten blood zhu fruits?" Why don't you go and grab it?

Yu Bo walked out of the room with a smile: "What is the difference between this and robbery?"

"You always deserve the title of iron rooster." Quinn is powerless to complain, Yu Bo is a doctor in the tribe, but he is also the most critical guy in the tribe.

Wanting some kind of benefit in his hands is a fool's dream.

Yu Bo smiled and said, "Shi Wu also took a fancy to my burning stick, if I guessed correctly, he should go out to look for the Blood Zhu Guo."

"If you want this stick, you need to find the Blood Zhuguo before him."

"Slow down!"

"Don't send it!"

Quinn frowned: "That guy from Shi Wu also took a fancy to this stick?" He


It's just an ordinary fire-burning stick.

But Shi Wu is the third strongest among the younger generation of the tribe.

And I have read a lot of old texts.


He had a hunch.

What even Shi Wu fancy is absolutely extraordinary.

However, he didn't say anything more, and only after leaving Yu Bo's house with Chen Nan asked, "Do you really feel that that thing is a treasure?"

Chen Nan snorted.

He thought of a supreme being in mythology that restrained the gods.

That supreme existence helped Jiang Ziya complete the sealing of gods.

After returning to the heavenly court, he helped the leeway to restrain the gods.


That was the famous first divine weapon of the Three Realms: the Divine Whip.

The status of the God Whip in the Three Realms is obvious.

Even the so-called golden hoop rod, Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged knife, is much inferior in the face of the God Whip.

It is not a grade existence at all.

Although that stick looks very different from a whip.

But he knew that the stick's final form wasn't black.

Quinn hesitated and said, "If you fancy that black stick, we can go out and try our luck." Isn't it ten blood vermilion fruits, if you are lucky, you can still find them.

Chen Nan said, "Forget it, there is no need to go out alone in order to find the blood zhuguo." "

The world is much crueler than he imagined.

He didn't want Quinn to risk his life.

Quinn said, "This matter is not only for you, but also for the people in the tribe!"

"I don't know the origin of that burning stick, though."

"But that thing must not fall into Shi Wu's hands." Speaking of this, a sad look flashed in his eyes, and then he told what happened.

Wushuang City currently has more than 30,000 Terrans.

All people married according to the old system.


Shi Wu proposed to select the elite combination of the younger generation and give birth to excellent heirs.

This proposal was opposed by many people.

Because in people's hearts, marriage is a sacred thing, which is also the biggest difference between shemales.

Shi Wu's proposal, on the other hand, felt incredible, even absurd.

Because in his proposal, women can only become reproductive machines.

They shoulder the heavy responsibility of inheritance and combine with many outstanding young generations.

Although at first it was opposed by many people.

But because of his rise, half of the clan approved his proposal.


Quinn wants to stop Shi Wu from obtaining the burning stick.

Do everything to stop him from getting stronger.

Because he didn't want to see the women of the clan reduced to fertility machines.

"Ridimental!" Chen Nan was also full of indignation after hearing this: "Feelings themselves cannot be forced, even if Shi Wu's starting point is for the tribe, but he must not mess with the relationship between men and women."

Chen Nan was glad that Shi Wu did not appear on Earth.

Otherwise, he will be beaten to death by the boxers on Earth.

Quinn's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that Chen Nan's thoughts coincided with his own: "If Shi Wu is really thinking about the tribe, according to my understanding of him, he has a lot of selfishness in this move."

Chen Nan: "How do you say this?"

Quinn said, "After he put forward that condition, I once proposed to combine with his mother, after all, his mother's bone and blood are very good, and she should help the clan to pass on the descendants."

Chen Nan was stunned.

After hesitating, he asked, "Did Shi Wu hit you?" "

Ahem!" Quinn cleared her throat and said embarrassedly, "Although he broke three of my ribs, I also beat him into a pig's head." I don't tell you that I didn't even recognize him when my mother saw him. He laughed loudly.

"Okay, it's getting late today, let's rest for the night, and go out tomorrow to look for the blood vermilion fruit."

"No matter what, you can't let Shi Wu get that burning stick." Speaking of this, a determined glint flashed in his eyes.

All he had to do was sabotage Shi Wu's plan.

If that burning stick is really a baby.

Shi Wu's influence in the tribe is bound to increase.

At that time, it is very likely that his plan will be carried out.

This is not what he wants to see.


into the night.

There was silence inside the dungeon.

Silence allows people to hear their heartbeats.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled and practiced the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

This was the foundation of his foothold in the Divine Realm, and he needed to rely on the Eight Nine Xuan Gong to make himself grow up quickly.


Quinn's three views coincide with him, but he can help him.

Think of this.

Chen Nan was out of his soul and went directly into Quinn's dreamland, where he taught him an inner skill method of creating the Yuan Gong.

This is the top practice in the three realms, although it is not as good as the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

But there are also very few exercises that can surpass the Creation Huiyuan Gong.

He believes.

With this exercise, Quinn's strength is bound to rise.


The sun rises.

Quinn ran out of the room excitedly, saw Chen Nan who was preparing breakfast, and said incredulously: "Chen Nan, I have been created, the creation of heaven."

"You may not believe it, but last night a strong man entered my dreamland and taught me a powerful inner strength heart method."

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

I may not believe it?


It should be that you may not believe it, but the person who taught you the exercises is me!

"This is your creation, gratifying!" Chen Nan smiled and diverted the topic: "I prepared breakfast, after eating, let's leave the dungeon and look for the blood zhuguo!"

Quinn nodded solemnly: "You are right, the priority is to find the blood zhuguo, and no matter what, you can't let that burning stick fall into Shi Wu's hands!" "

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