In the dark.

The two-headed scarlet eyes and the dark alien demon grinned in the direction of the wooden house.

A low whimper came out of his mouth.

Chen Nan had seen alien demons on Earth.


Compared with here, the alien demons on the earth are simply pediatric.

Because of the aura emitted by the two alien demons in front of him, even he felt palpitations and unease.

There is a saying.

Even if he goes all out now, or even uses spells, he may not be able to defeat these two demons.

Right now.

Quinn took out four yellow talismans and distributed them to the three.

Then pinch with one hand.

The figures of the four people suddenly turned transparent.

Invisibility charms.

This is a kind of existence that can hide the figure, as well as the breath.

It's also a great way to avoid demons.

Just behind the four of them just invisible.

The door of the wooden house was broken open by the demons outside, and they grinned at the empty wooden house, looked at the hot snake soup, and drool dripped down.


The alien demon's saliva was strongly corrosive, and it fell on the wood on the ground, and the wood suddenly emitted a burst of smoke, and at the same time, a pungent smell spread.

Although Chen Nan and the others were invisible, they smelled the smell, but they had a feeling of dizziness.

Two demons entered the wooden house and quickly ate the snake soup.

Followed by.

A scene that made people's mentals explode happened.

The two demons did not leave, but fell asleep in the wooden house.

"Boss, what should we do?" Zhou Li's soul transmitted, and his mentality was a little broken.

The reason is none of it.

Invisibility charms can only help them stay invisible for a while.

And at this time.

Two alien demons had blocked the door.

They simply can't get out.

If the role of the invisibility charm disappears.

They must become caged birds and be eaten by two demons.

Quinn's expression was solemn.

He is a hunter with a lot of experience.

But he has never been as embarrassed as at this time, and he has not been blocked by the alien demon.

After hesitating, he said, "I forcibly broke out, and when I go out, you will first find a way to escape, and when the blood vermilion fruit is ripe, you will come back to pick it, no matter what, you can't let Shi Wu get Yu Bo's burning stick!"

Without waiting for the three to answer, he stepped on the head of the alien demon at the door and rushed out.


The alien demon sensed that someone was stepping on his head, opened his scarlet eyes sharply, and rushed out with a roar.

The other demon also rushed out.

Quinn's strength is strong.

Swift moves.

You can walk almost without a trace.


Everywhere he passed, a faint footprint was left on the thick snow.

This also became a clue to the tracking of the alien demon.

"Once the alien demon leaves, it should not come back in a short time, I will go and give Brother Quinn a hand!" Chen Nan flew out as soon as possible, and he attached the invisibility talisman to the wooden house.

The next moment.

The wooden house disappeared into the ice and snow.

And he leaked into the night.

Leakage is dangerous.

However, even so, he could not watch Quinn's accident.

Although last night he passed on Quinn in his dream.


He didn't think Quinn could master the Mixed Element Creation Skill in one night.


Just when Chen Nan was exposed to the snowy night.

A foreign demon instantly discovered him, let out a roar in his mouth, opened his blood basin and rushed towards him.

The other demon sensed the call of his companion, gave up pursuing Quinn, and also turned around and went straight to Chen Nan to kill.

The two alien demons are violent, making people palpitate and uneasy.

"Come on!"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and he directly cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, transforming into a mad ape about twenty meters tall.

A trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the two alien demons.

But he still opened his blood basin and pounced on Chen Nan.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan let out a thunderous roar in his mouth.

He raised a slap the size of a door panel and pumped it directly at a foreign demon.

Although he is now like a giant, his speed has not been affected in any way.


He hit a foreign demon with one palm, and blasted the alien demon out for hundreds of meters, but it did not directly destroy its life.


The other demon bit onto Chen Nan's left shoulder.

The severe pain made Chen Nan grin.

But he endured the pain, grabbed the alien demon, and then his right hand suddenly exerted force and pinched the alien demon's head.


With a stream of black blood, the demon lost its breath.

Seeing this, the other alien demon rushed up desperately, thinking of killing Chen Nan to avenge his companions.

This time, Chen Nan learned well.

He grabbed a rock larger than the reel of a bulldozer, held it in his hand and smashed it at the oncoming demon.



With Chen Nan smashing down hard.

The monster also had bursts of black blood splattered on his body.

It let out a mournful cry from its mouth, and then completely lost its breath.

Chen Nan stopped breathlessly, and seeing that Quinn was watching here nervously in the distance, he turned around and ran into the distance.

Although Quinn is trustworthy, he does not want to reveal his strength.

After all, it is necessary to be defensive.

In troubled times, you also need to be cautious.

If you want to blame, blame Quinn, this guy's mouth is too fast, can't hide words!

This can be seen after Chen Nan enters the dream and passes on the gong.

If he were a man with a deep city, he would definitely not tell himself about the chance he had in his dreams.

Not long after Chen Nan left, Xia Lan and Zhou Li also cautiously rushed over.

Seeing Quinn unscathed, both breathed a sigh of relief.

"What just happened? Who killed these two demons? Xia Lan asked with a palpitation.

Zhou Li looked at the huge footprints on the ground with a solemn expression: "There should be a powerful existence that killed those two demons."

Quinn said, "It's the mad ape that saved us before, and its strength has increased a lot compared to before." Zhou

Li and Xia Lan looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, the mad ape saved them again.

This is surprising.

"What about Chen Nan? Why isn't he with you? Quinn asked curiously.

Xia Lan said, "Not long after you left, Chen Nan rushed out, saying that he wanted to help you with the handle, didn't you see him?"

Quinn shook his head: "No! I didn't see him at all.

Zhou Li asked cautiously, "He shouldn't be eaten by a foreign demon, right?"

"No, no, no!" Quinn immediately said: "Although Chen Nan has amnesia, according to my understanding of him, this person is very measured in his work and will not mess around."

Xia Lan hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Boss, have you ever thought that Chen Nan is that mad ape?"

Quinn frowned: "How do you say this?"

Xia Lan said: "If you think about it, we have lived here for so many years, and we have never seen that mad ape."

"However, after Chen Nan appeared, the mad ape appeared one after another."

"Don't you feel that this is too much of a coincidence?"

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