Watching Quinn fall into hesitation.

Xia Lan continued to analyze: "And the most important point is that the two times that the mad ape appeared, Chen Nan was not in front of us.

"You can question my archery, but you must not question my sixth sense."

"I can conclude that Chen Nan is the mad ape."

Quinn frowned, thought about Xia Lan's words, and gave his own opinion: "What you said makes some sense, but we have seen Chen Nan with the mirror of the demon, and he is not a monster!"

As soon as his voice changed, he continued, "Monsters."

"People too."

"As long as he has no malice towards us, that's enough!"

Zhou Li nodded: "What the boss said is reasonable, no matter who Chen Nan is, as long as he has no malice towards us, it is enough."

Xialan: "I am only curious about one thing now, why does he hide his strength?"

Quinn smiled and said, "Who doesn't have some little secrets of their own?"

"Okay, find a place and wait for the blood fruit to ripen!"

He knows.

Chen Nan was injured.

If that mad ape was really transformed by him.

In a short time, he will find a place to heal.

"Who the hell is that guy? Why can it transform into a mad ape? A

strong curiosity rose in Quinn's heart.


"Who was the person who passed on my exercises in my dream last night?"

He has lived for more than thirty years, and it was last night that he met a noble man in a dream.

If Chen Nan was really that mad ape.

Then this thing is interesting.


more than ten miles away.

Chen Nan returned to his humanoid form.

He looked at his right shoulder, where there was a row of sharp bite marks, which had now swollen purple-black.

You can smell fishy.

Not only that.

His entire right arm also felt sore and numb.

It was as if lying on the desk to sleep at school and oppressing the blood was not smooth.

It's just that this feeling is a hundred times stronger than sleeping on your desk.

It's clear.

The poison contained in the mouth of the alien demon caused him a certain degree of injury.

Even made his head feel groggy.

"This poison is too domineering, not only affecting the physical body, but even affecting the divine soul."

Without much thought, he sat cross-kneeled and ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

Eight Nine Xuan Gong is the top practice in the three realms, and after cultivating to a certain extent, you can have an undefeated golden body.

Although he has just cultivated now.

But forcing out the poison in the body is more than enough.

It took two days and two nights.

He successfully forced out the poison in his body.

"Thanks to the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, otherwise even if the poison of the alien demon can't kill me, it will have to make me lose an arm!" Chen Nan was very fortunate to have the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

I was also glad that I took a blood vermilion fruit before meeting those two alien demons, and my strength improved.


Even if he cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and transformed into a mad ape, he was definitely not the opponent of the alien demon.

"Those blood vermilion fruits should already be ripe, right?" Chen Nan got up and flew towards the valley before, but fortunately the distance was not far.

It only took more than ten minutes to rush over.

At this moment, Quinn, Xia Lan, and Zhou Li were quietly waiting for the dozen or so blood vermilion fruits to ripen.

"Where have you been?" Seeing Chen Nan come back, Xia Lan asked casually.

Chen Nan laughed with embarrassment on his face: "I lost my way before.

"Yes?" An intriguing smile appeared on Xialan's face.

Chen Nan suddenly felt a little hairy.

This woman should not have guessed that he was the mad ape, right?

"It's good to come back." Quinn took out a gourd and threw it to Chen Nan: "There are some drinks in it, drink some to warm your body!"


Chen Nan opened the gourd smoothly, took a sip of wine, and suddenly felt a warm current rushing through his body.

Then he looked at the dozen or so blood zhu fruits in the distance: "It seems that these blood zhu fruits will ripen soon."

Quinn: "The blood fruit ripens at night."

"It's still more than an hour before evening, as long as there are no accidents, we can get these fifteen blood vermilion fruits."

Nineteen Blood Zhu Fruits were obtained at once, which was a record they had never had before.

Even if they give Yu Bo ten, they can still save five.

Even one piece per person can improve one-year skill.

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

Because the mountains are covered with thick snow.

Even at night, the sight is not dark.

It looks like the night when the moon is full.

Especially those fifteen blood-red blood zhu fruits.

It is especially noticeable at night.

Exudes a red glow.

"It's finally ripe, don't waste us waiting for three days and three nights!" Quinn was overjoyed and said that he was going to step forward to pick those blood vermilion fruits.


Without warning.

Sharp arrows flew in the distance and landed in front of Quinn, blocking his path.

The next moment.

More than a dozen figures wearing animal skin coats walked out with curved bows and sharp blades on their faces.

The man at the head grinned: "Quinn, these blood vermilion fruits were discovered by us first, you don't want to get involved!"

Xia Lan's face was full of anger: "Chu Xiong, these blood fruits were obviously discovered by us first, how did they become the first ones you discovered?" "

These people are also from Wushuang City.

The difference is.

They were Shi Wu's subordinates.

The man named Chu Xiong sneered: "Give face not face, I just want to give you a step down, that's all."

A young man carried a long knife more than two meters long on his shoulder, with a disdainful smile on his face: "Yes, those who have the ability to treasure the world know it."

"If you want to get involved in these blood fruits, you must first defeat us."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of ridicule: "Just with the four of them, they can beat our brothers?" It's just out of your own hands!

"Not bad, with the strength of Big Brother Chuxiong, he can crush the four of them with one hand."

Hear this.

Chu Xiong shook his head: "Don't underestimate Quinn, this guy is a top ten master in our tribe, but if you defeat him, you don't need a hand."

"Well, one middle finger is enough!" Saying that he laughed unscrupulously, he didn't put Quinn and the others in his eyes at all.

Quinn sacrificed the long knife with a cold face, even in the face of the young generation of powerhouses in more than ten tribes, he did not have the slightest fear in his eyes: "Want these blood zhu fruits?" You have to beat me first!" Saying that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he entered the enemy camp with a long knife in hand.

"Give a face, not a face!" Chu Xiong snorted heavily, drew his knife and fought with Quinn.

Xia Lan originally wanted to take the opportunity to pick those blood vermilion fruits.

But the enemy pointed arrows at her.

At the moment, she can only be anxious, but she does not know what to do.


Quinn and Chu Xiong fought together, which immediately caused a deafening crash.

One after another terrifying energy was abused, and the snow in the sky danced wildly in the air.

And right now.

Everyone was shocked to see that the fifteen blood zhu fruits had actually disappeared between heaven and earth.

Quinn and Chu Xiong also stopped fighting, their eyes full of stunned: "What situation?" Why did those blood zhuguo disappear? "

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