Listening to the shouts coming from afar, Zhou Li couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Shi Wu is really out of stock, and his head is tendons.

"We're almost full, and he even thinks we're still trapped in the Sky Shielding Flag."

Gong Yong: "Maybe he thinks we are too rich and have a lot of invisibility talismans!" I couldn't help but laugh as I said that.

Chen Nan looked out of the cave, his eyes solemn: "Have you felt that something flashed before?" "

His perception is different from normal.

Just now, I felt as if something flashed.

But because the view from the outside was dim, I didn't see clearly.

Quinn: "I didn't feel anything, but we can't underestimate Shi Wu's means, let's quickly recover our strength and leave this place as soon as possible!" "

Shi Wu is very arrogant among the younger generation of the tribe.


He is very intelligent himself, and there are many thinkers around him.

You may be able to guess that they have practiced some kind of exercise and have long left.

At the moment when the six people had eaten and recovered some physical strength and were ready to leave the cave.

A group of tall figures appeared out of thin air, blocking their way.

It was Shi Wu who was the leader.

He looked at everyone with a sinister smile on his face, and did not hide the killing intent in his heart: "You guys are running, run one and I'll see!"

"Scolded the next door!"

"Dare to rob my prey, you are tired of living, right?"

The words fell.

He directly sacrificed the Killing Rune.

Red rune paper levitates at the entrance of the cave.

A terrifying divine light erupted.

Directly imprisoned the cave, shrouding everyone in it.

In a flash.

Everyone felt like their bodies were shattering.

Dao cracks appeared on the body, and the severe pain was unbearable for everyone.

It feels like they are carrying a mountain, and they can turn into a blood mist at any time.

Not only that.

The soul also has a sharp pain of being torn apart.

It was as if the soul had been put into a millstone, about to be worn out.

"I can't give you a chance to escape!"

"Even if you practice the Escape Technique."

"You have to die today!"

Shi Wu seemed to have won a battle, and his mouth showed a cruel smile: "However, I am willing to give you a chance, as long as you are willing to follow me and hand over the Escape Technique, I can let you live!" "

Bah!" Yao Chun spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Shi Wu angrily: "The eldest husband was born between heaven and earth, he should put his head on the sky and step on the ground, even if he dies, he is not worthy of his heart."

"How can you turn to a vile villain like you in order to survive?"

"Find death!"

Shi Wuhua turned his finger into a sword, and a terrifying sword light slashed towards Yao Chun.

At the critical moment, Quinn held a long knife in front of Yao Chun and blocked Shi Wu's fatal blow, his face was solemn, and he gasped: "Shi Wu, there is a debt and a master, I hope you can see that we are the same race, and release these brothers of mine."

"As for me, life or death is at your disposal."

Being blocked in the cave by Shi Wu with a God Killing Rune, which he did not expect.

At this time, he no longer had the luxury of being able to leave alive.

I just want my brother to live.

"As I said, none of you want to leave alive!" Shi Wu's eyes were cold, and he had already had killing intent.



Xia Lan spewed out a mouthful of blood, covered her chest and fell to the ground.

Her skin was cracked and covered in blood.

It looked like it had crawled out of a sea of blood.

"Do you think this talisman paper can trap us?" Chen Nan shouted angrily, and a long black stick appeared in his hand, and then he rushed towards the red talisman paper suspended at the mouth of the cave with the burning stick in his hand.


Without waiting for him to approach the rune paper.

A terrifying divine force was like a flash flood, roaring out within the rune paper.


This moment!

Chen Nan felt as if he had become a flat boat overturned by the fierce wind and waves in the vast ocean.

The blood is boiling.

The whole person was blasted out and hit the stone wall of the cave hard before stopping.

The mouth is full of fishy sweetness.

"The surname Chen, don't be dying!" Shi Wu sneered, "This is a god-killing talisman, even if a god-level powerhouse is going to fall in front of it."

"How can you get close to it?"

"You will die today!"

"Without any suspense!"

"Yes?" Chen Nan covered his chest and stumbled to his feet, his eyes full of madness: "You want to kill me with a broken talisman paper?" You're underestimating me! "

When the words fell, he ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

The divine power in the body quickly repaired the injury.

His momentum skyrocketed.

It's like a god.

The madness in his eyes made people moved, and they didn't even dare to look at him.

He injected the divine power in his body into the burning stick.

In a flash.

The black light spread out from the burning stick, giving people a strange and bizarre feeling.

Shi Wu frowned slightly, and then grinned: "I felt that this burning stick was extraordinary before.

"Now it seems really extraordinary."

"It's just."

"Looking at your current appearance, it seems that you still don't know how to use this burning stick."

"Break it for me!"

With Chen Nan's thunderous roar, he rushed to the exit of the cave again, wanting to destroy the red rune paper.

Because he knows.

If you don't destroy this talisman paper soon.

It won't be long before everyone but him dies.

This is what he does not want to see.

In any case, break this talisman and save everyone from this place of right and wrong.


He still didn't get close to the Talisman.

When he was still more than a meter away from the God Killing Rune, he was once again hit hard by the divine power contained in the God Killing Rune.


The burning stick fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

After Chen Nan hit the stone wall of the cave, the bones of his whole body also burst into a cracking sound.

Dozens of broken bones.

"You all have to die!"

Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, and the killing intent in his heart was ignited again.


The burning stick on the ground seemed to sense the anger in his heart, and it trembled.

Then a whoop flew into his hands.

Next second.

Chen Nan felt an unparalleled force spread into his body through the burning stick, instantly repairing his broken bones and making his strength reach its peak.

This moment.

He was like a demon king, exuding the momentum of destruction and decay.

Even Shi Wu and the others outside the cave felt their scalps tingle.

Although Chen Nan was trapped inside the God Killing Rune.

But his momentum and eyes are too domineering.

Let more than six hundred of them have a shuddering feeling.


The crowd was in chaos, and some even proposed to leave this place of right and wrong.

Seeing this, Shi Wu shouted angrily: "Something that has no interest, they have been trapped within the God Killing Rune, even if this person's combat power is extraordinary?"

"Do you think that he alone can break the Talisman of Killing?"

Chu Xiong also said to stabilize the army's heart: "The boss is right, the God Killing Talisman can kill a strong person at the level of a God General, it is impossible for Chen Nan to break this talisman alone, it won't be long before he will..."

Before the words fell, Chen Nan rose into the sky.

Under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

A stick destroyed the god-killing talisman suspended at the exit of the cave.

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