"What? He actually destroyed the God Killing Rune?

"Lying groove, shouldn't he have the strength of the God King realm?"

Watching the God Killing Talisman being broken by Chen Nan.

Shi Wu's younger brothers couldn't calm down in their hearts.

After all, the God Killing Rune can trap and kill a strong person at the God General level.

"It's impossible, if he has the strength of the God King realm, he can crush us with his own strength, but he was beaten by the boss before and vomited blood."

"It seems that the boss is right, this burning stick does have an extraordinary origin."

There was a lot of talk.

A trace of jealousy also flashed in Shi Wu's eyes.

I didn't expect that Chen Nan would be able to break the God Killing Rune.

But he could feel it.

The reason why Chen Nan was able to break the God Killing Rune was, in the final analysis, because of that burning stick.

It was the burning stick that lent him some strength.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to do so alone.

"Kill them!"

Shi Wu held a long sword and took the lead in killing Chen Nan.

"Silly, do you think we're going to fight you?" Chen Nan's scarlet eyes flashed with a trace of disdain, and he summoned Quinn and the others to perform a retreat technique and leave the cave.

Although the burning stick lent him a terrible power.

But his heart is like Spiegel.

That power does not belong to you.

If you control that power, you will definitely be eaten back.

"Damn it!"

Watching the figures of Chen Nan's six disappear into the cave, Shi Wu jumped like thunder.


Shi Wu shouted angrily, and immediately led people to chase towards the northeast.

He could feel the aura of Chen Nan and the others appear hundreds of meters away in the northeast.

As long as you lock their location, you can completely catch up with them, and then kill all six of them.

After all.

Casting spells is very soul-draining.

"Boss, they're catching up!"

Under nightfall.

Zhou Li gasped and glanced back.

They had consumed their soul power by casting the Escape Technique before, and now they had not fully recovered before they had been subjected to the divine power of the Talisman Killer, which made their weak bodies even worse.

Not to mention that now he is performing the Escape Technique.

At this time, they simply could not get rid of the tracking of Shi Wu and the others.

"Chen Nan, what should we do now?" Quinn also felt burnt.

In the face of the pursuit of more than 600 people, it was impossible to fight.

You can't escape.

It's pretty desperate.

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn and said, "You guys flee first, I'll stay here to delay time for you."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yao Yong said angrily: "The six of us live and die together, how can we leave you alone?"

Quinn also said: "Yes, your strength is not bad, but the other party has more than six hundred people, if you are left behind, it is very likely that something will happen!"

Chen Nan smiled and looked at the pursuers behind him, and said disdainfully: "You overestimate them too much!"

"Listen to me, you go first, I'll break the back."

"This is not the time to verify brotherhood."

"Thinking about Shi Wu's ambitions, are you really willing to make him the new leader of the tribe?"

"Are you really willing to see him do whatever he wants after becoming the leader?"

Quinn's pupils trembled violently, and then he hugged his fist towards Chen Nan and said, "Then let's part ways first!" Saying that, he led Zhou Li and the others to continue on their way.

He believed that Chen Nan would definitely be able to catch up with them.


After Quinn and the others left.

Chen Nan directly used the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and transformed into a mad ape about twenty meters tall.

Immediately, he angrily pulled out a large tree about twenty meters high, and with a gentle stroke of his hand, all the branches were removed and turned into a long stick more than twenty meters long and the thickness of a millstone.

He hides behind a mountain with a long stick.

After Shi Wu and the others appeared, he picked up his long stick and smashed it down fiercely.

The sudden scene frightened many people's scalps numb.

I didn't expect that there was a powerful monster hidden here.


The tree fell to the ground, suddenly making the earth tremble.

It also smashed more than a dozen young people to death in an instant.


Shi Wu was furious, and the long sword in his hand turned into a long rainbow and flew towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan picked up the trunk and hit Shi Wu's long sword.

But the long sword cut off the trunk at waist length.

Then he left a shocking wound on Chen Nan's chest.

Yin Hong's blood stained its chest, and it looked particularly hideous.

Chen Nan let out an angry roar.

Holding a tree trunk more than ten meters long in each hand, they bombarded the earth like a drum, bombarding the people around them.

Although Shi Wu's younger brothers released arrows using a long-range attack.

But ordinary arrows couldn't break through Chen Nan's defenses at all.

Even if it hits him, it is like shooting at a hard wall and falling in the air.

Chen Nan knew the truth that the thief captured the king first.

Holding a tree trunk of more than ten meters, he smashed towards Shi Wu frantically.

"Give me death!"

Shi Wu squeezed his hands.

A blazing flame shot out, instantly enveloping Chen Nan.

But the next moment.

Chen Nan crossed the flames and appeared unscathed in the eyes of everyone.

The trunk in his hand whistled.

But was calmly taken away by Shi Wu.

"What kind of monster are you? Why can I ignore my spells? A strong shock rose in Shi Wu's heart, and he rarely cast spells.


His spells are extremely domineering and can melt steel.

But now...

The spell he was proud of failed to hurt the hair of the mad ape in front of him.

This was no small blow to him.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

Chen Nan had already appeared in front of him.


Accompanied by a piercing sound of breaking wind.

A thick tree trunk came towards him and directly blasted Shi Wu out a hundred meters.

"While your illness kills, you can die!" A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and he took a big stride towards Shi Wu.

The huge soles of their feet stepped on the ground, making a dull loud noise.

See this scene.

Shi Wu's younger brothers all swarmed as if they had killed red eyes, directly blocking Chen Nan's way to prevent Chen Nan from taking the opportunity to kill Shi Wu.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan spat out thunder, and the tree trunk in his hand whistled out, like a fly flapping, and instantly blasted dozens of people.

The strength of those people is not as strong as Shi Wu.


When they were hit, they directly turned into bursts of blood mist.

Chen Nan's momentum was like a rainbow, unstoppable.

It was like a killing god possessed, which made a strong uneasiness rise in everyone's hearts.

They had never encountered such a powerful demon.

Powerful to the point of almost suffocation.

Even if there are more than six hundred of them.

But in the blink of an eye, they killed and injured a hundred people.

Shi Wu's face was pale, and he was spitting out blood.

His eyes were full of killing intent.

When he raised his hand, he wanted to sacrifice the Sky Covering Flag, wanting to trap Chen Nan.

But he can't wait for him to cast the Sky Shielding Flag.

Then another mouthful of blood spewed out.

His current situation does not allow him to cast the Sky Covering Flag.

Just when he felt hopeless.

In the distance, the sky shook, and there was a roar.


A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the night.

Chen Nan stood tall and looked far away.

See this scene.

Suddenly I felt numb in my scalp.

Things seem to be getting bigger...

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