Creation can give away.

This is something that everyone did not expect.

I knew that.

They will definitely call Chen Nan Chen Dad like Yu Lu.

But now...

They could only watch as Yu Lu got the opportunity given by Chen Nan and stepped into the realm of the Central God King.

"Xuan Ming, can you still have a little bit of relief?" Mu Yang snorted coldly: "How can you call him Father Chen because Chen Xiaoyou gave Yulu the opportunity?" You have lived this age, do you still want to face?

After a pause, he said, "In my opinion, it should be called ancestor." "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Call me a young man in his thirties an ancestor?

Thanks to you for coming up with it.

"What's the situation? Why did my generation suddenly rise up? A hint of shock appeared in Yu Lu's eyes.

Everyone else looked indignant.

Is this old thing really crazy or fake crazy?

If it's crazy.

How could he know at this moment that his generation had become higher?

If it's fake madness.

Why did you act like a madman before?

Just before everyone could return to their senses, Yu Lu made a boo gesture: "Shh, my father Chen wants to break through, you can't make a sound."

"If you disobey my orders, you will deceive and destroy the ancestors."

Everyone brushed and gave Yu Lu a roll of his eyes.

Say you're fat, you're still gasping?


But everyone remained silent.

No sound.

Watching Chen Nan's cultivation step into the realm of the next step god general.

The lower god general can only be regarded as an ordinary master in the god realm.


After Chen Nan became a lower divine general, he clearly felt that his strength had grown by leaps and bounds again.

Before, when he cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, he could only transform the mad ape and the crow.

And now.

He can transform more than a dozen species.

Not only that.

Eight Nine Xuan Gong also cultivated to the second level.

The strength of the physical body has been at least doubled compared to before.

"Now it's time to try cultivating other spells!" Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, cultivating Nezha's divine powers, three heads and six arms.

In a flash.

Two more heads appeared on his shoulders.

and two pairs of arms.

Everyone felt numb when they saw this.

You must know that three heads and six arms are Nezha's unique magical powers.

Chen Nan can show it now, how can they not be shocked?

This moment.

They couldn't help but think.

Is Chen Nan the reincarnation of Nezha?

Otherwise, how could it be such a top-level magic power?

"Old man Xia, how about you send out three people, let's compare them?" Chen Nan's heart was eager to test his strength.

Although he is only a lower god general, there is still a big gap between him and the lower god king.

But he also wanted to know how many pounds he had.


Xia Yuan answered with a smile.

The ancestors had orders, and they did not dare not obey.


Xia Yuan, Mu Yang, and Xuan Ming stepped forward.

They each held a sharp weapon, and then surrounded Chen Nan in a three-legged manner.

"Come on!"

With Chen Nan's order, the three rushed towards Chen Nan at the same time.

Chen Nan had no weapons.

But he is fierce in the flesh and has a wealth of experience in hand-to-hand combat.

For a while, it was difficult to solve with the three of them.

Although with one against three.

But with three heads and six arms, he is equivalent to having three independent souls.

Even one against three will not affect his distraction.


This situation lasted less than half a minute.

Then he was frantically suppressed by the three.

After all, they are all lower god kings.

Even if you look at the entire God Realm, it can be regarded as a master.

Before the Heavenly Court was broken, with their existing strength, they could even become Heavenly Soldiers in the Heavenly Court.

"You can only use Eight Nine Xuan Gong!"

A flash of essence flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He immediately used the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.

Transform into a mad ape about 100 meters tall.

The reason why he turned into a mad ape is also very simple.

The body structure of apes and humans is very similar, which allows him to better exert his strength.

"Ancestor, what kind of magical power are you exerting?" A middle-aged man was almost scared to pee.

Xia Yuan and the others also had numb scalps.

They could tell that Chen Nan had cast two spells.

Because even if he turned into a mad ape, his three heads and six arms did not disappear.


Chen Nan launched a fierce attack.

Six fists the size of a house bombarded Xia Yuan, Mu Yang, and Xuan Ming madly.

Even if the three of them have the realm of the lower god king.

But as the old saying goes.

One force down ten will.

In the face of absolute power.

Their little means are nothing at all.

In an instant, Xia Yuan was hit by Chen Nan's fist, let out a scream, and instantly flew out hundreds of meters.

Mu Yang is even worse.

was smashed by Chen Nan to a position more than ten meters underground.

A deep pit in the shape of a 'big' figure appeared on the ground.

Xuan Ming's ending was not too good, and he was slapped out by Chen Nan.

"The strength of the ancestors is too strong, we are convinced." Xuan Ming gasped.

Xia Yuan and Mu Yang were also full of sallow faces.

At this time, Chen Nan was like a true god who stepped on the ground and held the sky above his head.

Powerful to the point of almost suffocating.

"I said that Father Chen is the chosen one and shoulders the heavy responsibility of saving the Three Realms, can you be credible this time?" Yulu let out a maniacal laugh.

The scene was silent.

Although Yulu said something similar before.

But they didn't believe it at all.

But now.

They felt that what Yulu said seemed to have some truth.

If not the true Chosen.

How could his strength be so strong as to lose his conscience?

The strength of the lower god generals crushed the three lower god kings.

Such a thing is unheard of.

Even before the Heavenly Court was broken, it had never happened.

"Maybe he's right." Xia Yuan's eyes were solemn, and he recognized Yu Lu's point of view: "After all, madmen are crazy like prophets. "

At this time.

Chen Nan returned to his human form, but his face was a little haggard.

In fact, with his current strength, even if he performs the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, he will not feel tired.

It can even last for a long time.


When he performed the Eight Nine Xuan Gong before, he also cast three heads and six arms.

At the same time, cast two top-notch spell powers, looking at ancient and modern times, it is also the first time that a big girl has been on the flower palanquin.

Although somewhat weak.

But he had a hearty feeling.

Because this can increase his strength several times.

Seeing that Chen Nan had recovered his body, Yu Lu stepped forward with a flattering smile on his face: "Father Chen, are you tired?" Do you want me to give you a massage?

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "I said, don't call me Father Chen."

Mu Yang hurriedly said, "Old madman, just call him the old ancestor like us!"

Yu Lu's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "Do you really think I'm a fool? If I call him the ancestor, doesn't that mean that we have become peers?

"It can't be like this!"

"Although he is your ancestor, he is my father Chen."

"Generations can't be chaotic!"

Everyone looked depressed.

How did this old thing take such a big advantage?

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