Chen Nan also ignored what this group of old guys called him.

Instead, he sits cross-kneeled and consolidates his cultivation.

"The priority should be to find three weapons at hand."

"If you can find three weapons at hand."

"Even if I don't use Eight Nine Xuan Gong, my strength can be improved a lot."

"Although that black burning stick can be used as a weapon."

"But that burning stick has a big strangeness, and it can't be used easily."

Chen Nan couldn't understand the origin of the burning stick.

But one thing is obvious.

That burning stick contains terrifying power, and if it is used rashly, it will be eaten back.

With a fresh breeze blowing.

The crowd was incredulous to see.

Ten peach trees fell on the peach tree at once.

Ten peach quietly landed in front of Chen Nan and stood together.

It looks spectacular.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

A peach has 10,000 years of power.

These ten peaches are equivalent to 100,000 years of skill.

Chen Nan did not hesitate in the slightest, grabbed a peach in one hand and ate it happily.



The crisp sound made everyone salivate.

However, in the face of this opportunity, they can only be gluttonous.

After all, this chance does not belong to them.

And Chen Nan did not give it to them.

What can you do besides gluttony?

After ten peaches are down.

The divine power contained in it instantly turned into a rushing river, and he was madly sadistic in Chen Nan's body.

Washing his root bones, tendons.

Make his body harder.


Chen Nan's cultivation also stepped into the Central Divine General.

He looked up at the peach tree.

It's night.

But the peach tree shimmered with countless pink and tender peach.

It is like neon and exudes divine light.

"Give me three days to consolidate my cultivation!" Chen Nan whispered.

He had a hunch.

This peach tree is made for itself.

After all.

He shoulders the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the Heavenly Court.


three days later.

Chen Nan stopped cultivating.

He looked at the peach tree, and then opened his mouth, and a terrifying suction force spread out.

Next second.

One by one, as if summoned, flew into his mouth.

A total of a hundred flew in.

A hundred peaches doesn't seem like much.

But don't forget.

This peach is equivalent to 10,000 years of power!

It can be worth Chen Nan's 10,000 years of hard practice.

"Ancestor, can you leave us one?"

"Daddy Chen, I want..."

The eyes of the powerful people around were red.

It may be that the peach tree feels their sincerity.

Everyone got a peach, which excited them.

Although one peach is not enough for them to improve their cultivation.

But it can allow them to improve their skills for ten thousand years.


Chen Nan swallowed a hundred peaches.

Successfully stepped into the upper god general.

"Give me another ten days." Chen Nan said to the peach tree, and then consolidated his cultivation.

There are still many peach trees on the peach tree.

He wanted to step into the God King Realm in one go.

If he has the cultivation of the God King Realm, he can also be regarded as having some self-preservation power in the God Realm.

Ten days later.

More than a thousand peaches remained on the peach tree and flew into Chen Nan's mouth.


Chen Nan still reserved ten for Quinn, Xia Lan, Zhou Li, and Yao Chun each.

The rest were refined by him.

A thousand peaches is comparable to a million years of skill.

Fierce looks outrageous.

But is it really outrageous?

You must know that the Jade Emperor has cultivated for 226.8 million years.

Even if Chen Nan took a lot of peach.

But it doesn't add up to a fraction of the Jade Emperor.

"I took so many peach to step into the Lower God King Realm, if an ordinary person cultivates to the Saint Realm, how many years will it take?"

Chen Nan couldn't calm his heart.

At this moment, he realized that time was so ethereal for cultivators.

He then went on retreat for another ten days.

Consolidated cultivation.

After he gets out of customs.

Quinn and the others also stepped into the realm of the Central God General.

It's all good for them.

"Brother Chen, how about you go and try to push open that stone door?" Quinn looked at Chen Nan nervously, today is the last day of January.

If they rushed back at this time, they could still prevent Shi Wu from becoming the leader of the tribe.


Everything will be a foregone conclusion.

If Shi Wu became the leader of the tribe, even if they rushed back, it would be useless.


After cultivating here for so long, Chen Nan also wanted to leave.

After all.

One day in the divine realm, one year in the mortal world.

Now he has been in the Divine Realm for more than a month.

He really wanted to retrieve the three living stones as soon as possible and open the memories of those reincarnated heavenly gods.

"Father Chen come with me." Yu Lu respectfully spoke, and then led Chen Nan to a cave at the back of the valley.

The entrance to the cave has a thick stone door.

The stone gate is about five meters high.

It is covered with thick moss.

It gives a quaint and desolate atmosphere.

Xia Yuan said: "Over the years, we have tried more than once to push this door open, even if everyone joined forces and failed. "

Although you only have the cultivation of the lower God King now, you are extremely talented and have a great creation in your body, so you may be able to give it a try."

They pinned all their hopes on Chen Nan.

Although Chen Nan's realm is only the lower god king.

But after he cast the transformation technique and turned into a mad ape, his strength was infinite.

"I'll try!"

Chen Nan walked straight to the stone gate, and then ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong.


He had already cultivated the Eight Nine Xuan Gong to the fourth layer.

When cast, the skin turns pale gold.

It was as if an ancient god had descended, exuding a terrifying divine power.

It's daunting.


The galloping divine power roared and tumbled inside him.

Gather your arms together under his control.

He burst into force.


The stone gate emitted a roaring sound.

The moss on it also disappeared without a trace.

It is simply impossible to withstand this power.

Everyone held their breath, expecting Chen Nan to lead them out of the door.


The stone gate stood tall.

Even if Chen Nan's strength was outstanding, he couldn't break it.

See this scene.

A strong reluctance rose in everyone's hearts.

Do you really want to be stuck here for the rest of your life?

If that's the case.

Even if the strength is improved, what is the point?

"I don't believe it, I can't break this stone door!" A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and he immediately cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and transformed into a golden mad ape more than ten meters tall.

The height is not very tall though.

But it exudes terrifying power.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that they can shake mountains and rivers with their hands.

"Break it for me!"

Accompanied by Chen Nan's roar.

A terrifying divine power instantly enveloped his fist.

The pale golden divine power carried the momentum of destroying the world and destroying the earth, making people subconsciously hold their breath.

Immediately, he smashed his fist into the heavy stone door.


The vigorous power smashed into the stone door through his fist.

In an instant, the wind howled, and the ground shook.

The impregnable stone gate cracked under everyone's ecstatic eyes.

It exploded with it.


The scene in front of them also changed, appearing in a field of ice and snow.

Chen Nan broke the curse that there was no return in the Misty Valley.

Led everyone to a new life!

"Hurry back to the tribe, it's still too late to rush back!" Chen Nan's eyes flashed with essence.

He wants to stop Shi Wu from becoming the leader of the tribe!

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