Once Shi Wu becomes the new leader of Wushuang City.

More than 30,000 people in Wushuang City will be controlled by him.

If so.

It will definitely be better to live than to die.

After all, Shi Wu's wolf ambition has long been revealed.

Not to mention.

If he becomes a tribal leader.

How could he give Chen Nan the remnants of the painting of the road to heaven?

If you can't get the remnants of the road to heaven.

How did Chen Nan reach the Three Heavens?

And how to cross the nine heavens, reach the Heavenly Palace, and retrieve the three living stones?

And how to restore the memories of the previous lives of those reincarnated gods?

How can they lead them to fight off the demons?

And how to rebuild the Heavenly Court?

And how to lead them to kill the Western Elysium, to ask Rulai for an explanation?

"Father Chen, I'm going back to the tribe too." Yu Lu spoke: "If you have time, you can come to our Nanyuan tribe as a guest." "

He knows about Wushuang City.


It's just a small stone martial arts.

What is it in front of Father Chen?

With Father Chen's current cultivation.

You can destroy him with a snap of your fingers.

Mu Yang also said, "Ancestor, our Beili tribe also welcomes you to come as a guest at any time.

Xuan Ming: "Our Cold Knife Tribe also welcomes the ancestors as guests.

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "When I finish dealing with the affairs of Wushuang City, I will go to your three tribes as guests." Quinn


The road to heaven is a painting.

It's just that the painting was destroyed when the alien invaded.

Split into four.

It was divided among the Quartet tribes.

If he wanted to go to the Three Heavens, he needed to collect four fragments.

That's it.

Everyone parted ways.

Chen Nan and the others walked towards Wushuang City at the fastest speed.

They need to arrive at Matchless City before sunset.

Prevent Shi Wu from becoming the leader of the tribe.


On the return to Matchless City.

A solemn expression appeared on everyone's face.

"What's going on? Why do you feel so many demons around you? Xia Yuan's eyes were solemn, and he could feel the aura around him.

A conservative estimate is that there must be a few hundred alien demons.

The sheer number.

It's staggering.

Xia Dong also frowned: "If something goes wrong, there will be a demon, and this must be prevented." "

Uncle Dong is right." Quinn: "This time the patriarch proposed to hunt the alien demons, but the number of alien demons we encountered was much higher than before.

"I have a feeling that something in our tribe is summoning those demons."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many alien demons in the territory."

The voice just fell.

A group of alien demons suddenly appeared ahead.

As far as the eye can see, the black pressure is pressed.

It's like a dark cloud.

At a glance, you can't see the edge.

Everyone who looked at those scarlet eyes shuddered.

Even Chen Nan, Xia Yuan, and Xia Dong all had the realm of the lower god king.

But face so many demons.

There is also a feeling of overwhelm.

They have a hunch.

Once surrounded by alien demons, it will definitely be torn to pieces.

"How can there be so many alien demons?" Zhou Li's voice trembled.

Xiaran also shivered with fear.

Thousands of alien demons were nothing less than a catastrophe for them.

Don't say they were a group of seven.

Even if Yulu and the others are there.

It is also impossible to beat the siege.

"Can't come hard."

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn, and he directly transformed into a golden-winged giant peng with a body length of 100 meters: "Come on my back, I will lead you across this land." Xia

Yuan and the others no longer marveled at Chen Nan's means.

Immediately took off and landed on Chen Nan's back.

Everyone knows.

If you can't leave this place.

Even if they escaped from the Misty Valley.

Will also be buried in the alien demon group.



Chen Nan waved his arms.

It turned into a golden afterimage and soared into the sky, instantly disappearing into the depths of the clouds.

The reason why he rose to the sky was because he was afraid of leading the alien demon to the dungeon.

Flying high in the air avoids being tracked by alien demons.

"Why are there so many alien demons?" Xia Yuan's scalp was numb, and he looked at the scene below.

Although they are in the air.

But you can also clearly see that the earth below, which should have been white, is now shrouded in darkness.

That darkness was the figure of countless alien demons gathered together.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be something in the territory of Wushuang City that attracts alien demons." Chen Nan gave his opinion.

Except for this possibility.

He really couldn't imagine why a large number of alien demons suddenly appeared in the territory of Wushuang City.

Quinn's face was full of sadness: "The number of these alien demons is too large, if you don't get rid of them, it won't be long before the clan will perish." "

There were more than a hundred alien demons in the territory of Wushuang City before.

There are more than a hundred alien demons in an area of more than five hundred kilometers, which is not much.

As long as your luck is not too bad, you will basically not encounter it when you go out hunting.

So the people can survive.

But now it's different.

Thousands of alien demons live in this territory.

As soon as you leave the dungeon, you will encounter it.

To live.

The only way is to huddle in the dungeon and never come out.


How long will this survive?

Three more months and they'll run out.

Until then...

He didn't dare to imagine.

After all.

Cannibalism has also happened in history.


Chen Nan spread his wings and flew in the air.

A moment later.

He came to the entrance of Wushuang City.

Compared to the dense alien demon group hundreds of miles away.

It's very quiet.

The sun has not yet set in the west.

A shallow smile appeared on everyone's faces.

Although it has been difficult and dangerous.

But in the end, he rushed back before the sun went down.

Chen Nan landed.

A group of seven people entered it along a crack in the ground.

The guards at the entrance saw Quinn and the others.

Suddenly the scalp felt numb.

Because he heard that Quinn and the others had entered the Misty Valley.


Who would have thought.

They actually came back alive?

He didn't just recognize Quinn and the others.

He even recognized Xia Yuan, Xia Dong father and son.

He knows.

The dungeon is about to change the sky.


altar in the middle of Wushuang City.

A large number of people gathered around the altar.

They all know that the new leader is about to be revealed today.

The future lives of all people are at stake.

The old leader Gu Jian sat there weakly.

In front of him, a middle-aged man counted the alien demons hunted by Nongnian, Liu Zhou, and Shi Wu, and then said to Gu Jian: "Chief, the number of alien demons hunted by Shi Wu among the three of them is as high as one hundred and fifty, and the sum of Liu Zhou and Nongnian is only one hundred and thirteen.

"According to the assessment rules, the winner this time is Shi Wu."

"Shi Wu will become the new leader of the tribe."

As soon as the words came out.

Suddenly some people rejoiced and some worried.

Liu Zhou and Nong Nian wanted to add up the results.


They didn't expect Shi Wu to hunt so many alien demons.

Even if the results are added up at this time, it will not help.

They were more worried that Shi Wu would do whatever he wanted after becoming the new leader.

Until then.

There will inevitably be people in the tribe.

After all, in many cases.

Humans are far more evil than monsters and demons!

Shi Wu had a bright smile on his face, looking at the clansmen below, with a high-ranking appearance: "I became the leader, do you have any opinions?" "

I have an opinion!" Quinn smiled wickedly and swaggered over under the incredulous eyes of countless people.

Shi Wu exclaimed, "You guys actually left the Misty Valley? "

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