Watch Chen Nan kill towards himself.

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the humanoid creature: "Even if you have three true fires?"

"Even if you have my clan's holy relics?"

"Your current strength is too weak."

The words fell.

He clenched his fists in the air.


A strong sense of restraint imprisoned Chen Nan in the void.

It's like falling into a swamp of death.

No matter how he struggled, it didn't help.

Even if he urged the Three Immortal True Fire to the extreme, he could not break the shackles on his body.

"What kind of cultivation is this alien demon?"

"Why is the strength so terrifying?"

Chen Nan now has the cultivation of the Lower God King, and he can touch the upper God King in close combat.

To put it bluntly.

His current strength, even if he encounters a strong person in the realm of God Venerable, he can exchange it for one.

And the God King Realm is definitely an invincible existence.


At this moment, he felt powerless.

The strength of the humanoid creature in front of him was too terrifying.

Don't think about it.

He ran the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and transformed into a grain of dust that was imperceptible to the naked eye.


The sense of restraint on his body is also gone.

The humanoid creature showed a surprised look, but he didn't expect Chen Nan to disappear under his nose.

Just as he was looking around.

Chen Nan was like a phantom.

The strange appeared behind him.

The black fire stick in his hand erupted with an icy glow.

"Not good!"

The humanoid sensed a sense of foreboding.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But Chen Nan was faster.

The black burning stick smashed heavily on the shoulder of the humanoid creature.


At the moment when he was hit hard by the burning stick.

A mouthful of black blood spewed out of the humanoid creature's mouth.

Then a strange scene happened.

The blood floating in the air seemed to be summoned by some mysterious power, and it was actually absorbed by the burning stick.


The black burning stick trembled madly in Chen Nan's hand.

And the bloody qi between heaven and earth also flew towards the mysterious stick in Chen Nan's hand in a form visible to the naked eye.

Along with the absorption of more and more bloody qi.

The black stick also turned dark red.

And there are also extremely hideous and slowly squirming skulls.

Those skulls glowed blue light, as if they were going to devour everything.

Even Chen Nan did not dare to look at him.

Of course.

And that's not the most outrageous.

The most outrageous is.

A manic, mysterious, and strange energy entered Chen Nan's body through the burning stick.


Chen Nan's eyes instantly turned blood red.

His heart was racing and he was distraught.

There was a feeling of losing control.

He knows.

This burning stick is about to eat itself.

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan roared and rushed towards the humanoid creature.

He had to deal with this demon before he was eaten back.

At this time, a trace of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the humanoid creature, and he quickly flew back, and at the same time transformed into a black magic qi and disappeared between heaven and earth.

But there was his voice in the air: "Walk and see, one day I will kill you and take back my clan's holy relics." "


At the same time that the humanoid disappeared.

Countless demons on the ground also fled in all directions.

In an instant, he disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The alien demon retreated.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A relaxed look also appeared on his face.

There is a saying.

If it weren't for Chen Nan forcing back the humanoid creature.

They will definitely die in the mouth of the alien devil.

Although there are many deaths and injuries now.

But at least they achieved a phased victory.

"Thanks to Chen Nan this time!"

"yes! If it weren't for him, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

He is the benefactor of our tribe."

The eyes of everyone looking at Chen Nan were full of gratitude.

They knew that without Chen Nan, they would not be able to resist the attack of the alien demons.

If he hadn't entangled him, he had fought off the humanoids.

Those alien demons will definitely take the opportunity to break through the formation and kill the tribe.


Quinn did not disappoint Chen Nan either, he had already controlled the tribal formation and could overtake the formation to face the attack of the alien demon.

"Chen Nan, how are you?"

Quinn was on the ground for the first time.

Seeing Chen Nan's eyes were red and the blood qi in his body was disordered, he felt inexplicably worried.

Xia Yuan spoke, "He should be on the verge of going crazy now, in my opinion, he should be allowed to return to the tribe to recuperate for a while."

He knew that Chen Nan had taken a large amount of peach, although his strength had improved rapidly.


Improving his strength quickly will make his foundation unstable.

Quinn immediately decided: "Go, return to the tribe!" "

Not appropriate!"

Shi Wu's voice suddenly sounded.


He became the focus of countless people's eyes.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

Shi Wu was covered in black blood and looked a little frightened, he looked at the clansmen, then at Chen Nan, and finally at Quinn: "I don't deny that this battle Chen Nan helped us a lot, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to block the attack of the alien demon."


"This cannot deny that Chen Nan is a huge hidden danger."

"He himself belongs to the brink of going crazy."

"What's more, the stick in his hand is still a holy relic of the alien demon clan."

"Although I hope he can get through this crisis."


"Anyone who cares far will have near worries."

"We should think about it."

"In case he gets out of control in my clan, he really goes crazy."

"What should I do then?"

"Can anyone beat him?"

"If he gets out of control in my clan, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

As soon as the words came out.

The surroundings were suddenly silent.

Oh, yes!

Although Chen Nan has made a great contribution.


He's in really bad shape right now.

Once he goes crazy in the clan.

There is simply no one in the clan who can compete with it.

If so.

Wushuang City is bound to be bloodied and there will be no bones.

This is not an exaggeration.

Because once a cultivator goes crazy, he will be addicted to killing.

Such examples abound.

"Shi Wu, what do you mean by that?" Quinn's face was full of frost: "Chen Nan just helped us fight off the alien demon and didn't let him return to the clan to rest, is it possible to let him stay on the ground?"

The corners of Shi Wu's mouth rose: "I also know that we can't be ungrateful, but do we have other options in order to protect the clansmen?"

Xia Yuan spoke: "I believe that Chen Nan can get through the current difficulties.

Xia Lan also said: "Not bad, I also believe Chen Nan." Although

Xia Dong did not speak, the attitudes of the three generations of the family are highly compatible.

Zhou Li: "I also believe in Chen Nan.

Yao Chun: "I believe him too!"

Shi Wu sneered: "Just because you believe in him, will you let the clansmen live in unknown hidden dangers?"

"Shi Wu is right, Chen Nan can't return to the tribe."

"This time I agree with Shi Wu's point of view, even if Chen Nan has helped us, he can't return to the tribe at this time."

Loud voices sounded all around.

None of them allowed Chen Nan to return to the tribe.

Listening to the refusal of the clansmen, Quinn let out an angry roar: "He is obviously our benefactor, why do you consider him an enemy?"

"Just because he is in a bad state at the moment, is that a reason for your ingratitude to be ungrateful?"

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