Shi Wu: "I admit that this move is unfair to Chen Nan.

"But it's the only way to save your people."

"We can't watch any danger and misfortune happen to our people."

Speaking of this, an intriguing smile flashed in his eyes.

Although Quinn became the leader of the tribe.

But so what?

He could completely expel him from the tribe on the grounds that Chen Nan was about to go crazy and would endanger the tribe.

Although this is not enough to change the fact that Quinn has become the leader of the tribe.

But he can bite him back.


Gu Jian walked out with Yu Bo, the tribal doctor.

Yu Bo said, "I have a medicinal fruit here that can calm Chen Nan Xiaoyou's heart and avoid the result of going crazy." Speaking of this, an apple-sized white medicinal fruit appeared in his hand.

The medicinal fruit exudes a light medicinal fragrance, and just smelling it can make people tired all over the body.

"Go on!"

Yu Bo threw the medicinal fruit to Chen Nan.

"Thank you Yu Bo!" Chen Nan thanked him and immediately took the medicinal fruit.

The next moment.

The chaos in the body, the uncontrolled divine power gradually calmed down.

Although this medicinal fruit was not enough to suppress the killing intent in his heart.

But it also makes it a lot easier for him.

"Even if Chen Nan takes the medicinal fruit, he has the holy relics of the alien demon clan after all." Shi Wu's eyes were firm, "The cultivation techniques of the alien demon clan are extremely special, not to mention that holy relic.

"Unless Chen Nan hands over that holy relic of the Alien Demon Clan, I will not allow him to return to the tribe."


"He must hand over the holy relic or he will still not be able to lift the threat."

Shi Wu's younger brothers shouted one after another.

With their cries.

Others in the tribe chimed in.

Unwilling to return Chen Nan to the tribe.

Seeing this scene, Gu Jian sighed lightly: "Chen Nan Xiaoyou is the benefactor of my clan, why do you want to reject him?" Just because his realm is unstable and he is about to go crazy?

"Just because he has the holy relics of the Alien Demon Clan?"

"That dark red stick is indeed a holy relic of the alien demon race."

"But in his hands, he can severely damage that humanoid creature!"

"We can't exclude dissidents just because that red stick exists!"

Shi Wu spoke up: "Old leader, we are not excluding dissidents, we are simply thinking about the tribe.

He paused and said, "Otherwise, let the clan decide where Chen Nan will stay."

Speaking of this, he looked at everyone and said, "Those who are willing to let Chen Nan stay in the tribe stand behind the leader of Quinn, and those who are willing to let him stay stand behind me." The

words came out.

Countless people walked behind Shi Wu.

And behind Quinn there are only three generations of the Xia family, as well as Zhou Li, Yao Chun, Nong Nian, and Liu Zhou.

"Do you really want to be so desperate?" Gu Jian sighed, this result was unexpected.

Shi Wuqiang endured the joy in his heart, pretending to be calm: "Old Chief, everyone just made a correct choice.

He looked at Quinn, who had a sallow face, knelt down on one knee, and said solemnly: "I also ask the chief to drive Chen Nan out of the tribe for the sake of the life and death of more than 30,000 tribes." More

than 30,000 people behind him also knelt down on one knee, shouting to drive Chen Nan out of the tribe.

"You can't forget your roots." Quinn's face was full of anger, like a mad beast: "You can forget that Chen Nan saved the tribe before, but I Quinn can't forget!"

"The reason why he became what he is now is all because of fighting that humanoid creature!"

"It's all because of saving you people!"

"Or he wouldn't have become like this!"

The scene was silent.

Quinn's words are impossible to refute.

Although they know this well.

But in the face of life and death.

These are trivial.

Quinn looked up at the sky and muttered, "This world is already very chaotic!"

"If even the last thing is black and white, justice can be forgotten."

"What's the difference between that and a beast?"

"I, Quinn, though don't have much ambition and revenge."

"But he will not become the leader of a herd of beasts."

The words fell.

A ray of light appeared in his hand.

It was the formation plate he had just refined: "The leader of this unparalleled city, it is not appropriate!" He

pinched the trick with one hand and disconnected the soul connection with the formation plate.

"Brother Quinn, you don't have to do this!" Chen Nan's eyes were complicated, and he didn't expect that Quinn would give up becoming a tribal leader for his own sake.

Quinn laughed: "It's only a hundred years for a lifetime to live, and we can't do something meaningful while we are alive?" "

He was disappointed in the tribe.

Even if he had ambitions before.

This battle can be passed.

He recognized the hearts of people.

Say something ugly.

What does the life and death of the clansmen have to do with him?

Shi Wu's eyes lit up, and he never expected to force Quinn to give up the position of leader.

This was a real bonus.


Shi Wu's younger brother Chu Xiong said loudly: "Old chief, now that Quinn has given up the position of leader, a new leader should be elected as usual.

"Yes, the tribe cannot be left without masters for a day."

"In my opinion, Shi Wu's eldest brother has both virtue and ability, and he is dedicated to the sake of the tribe, and he is qualified to be the leader."

"I am willing to elect Big Brother Shi Wu to become the leader of the tribe."

Listen to the cries in my ears getting higher and higher.

Shi Wu showed a triumphant smile.

Today is really a twist and turn.

It's thrilling!

Who would have thought.

The position of this leader went around in circles, and finally returned to his own hands?

Could it be that this is the so-called destiny of heaven?

"Chief, take care!" Quinn bowed deeply to Gu Jian, although he was reluctant, but the wood was already ready, and he was not willing to stay.

Gu Jian patted Quinn's shoulder and looked at Nong Nian and the others with complicated eyes: "Although you are about to leave, I hope that you can remember where your roots are."

Several people nodded solemnly.

Although they do not stay in Wushuang City to continue living.

But as long as they live, they are the people of Wushuang City.

"I hope you don't regret your choice today!" Quinn looked at the clansmen, then helped Chen Nan, and the group of eight headed south in the muddy snow.

Although they could not continue to stay in the tribe.


Wushuang City was only more than a thousand miles away from the Nanyuan tribe.

They can go to the Nanyuan tribe to live.

After all, the old thing of Yulu once invited Chen Nan to be a guest there.

Chen Nan: "You shouldn't give up your position as a leader!"

Quinn looked understated: "That group of people is ungrateful, I don't want to be with them." As soon as the words fell, a black storage bag appeared in his hand: "Mum, for you."

Chen Nan asked, "What is this?" Quinn

: "What a remnant of the road to heaven!"

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise, but he didn't expect that Quinn had just become the leader and got this thing.

"You made me the leader of the tribe, we have to believe in our words, don't we?" Quinn laughed, and when he was refining the formation plate, he asked Gu Jian to come to the remnants of the road to heaven.

Just to abide by the agreement with Chen Nan.


An alien demon hiding near the dungeon quickly returned to their base camp.

He informed the humanoid creature about Chen Nan's departure.

A hint of surprise flashed in the humanoid creature's eyes, and then he sneered: "Ingratitude is indeed human nature. "

That's it, Honza is seriously injured and urgently needs the Terrans to recover from their injuries."

"Pass the order down!"

"Attack Wushuang City again!"

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