"Thank you brothers and people for your trust."

"Since I, Shi Wu, have become the leader of the tribe, I will definitely bow down for the survival of the clansmen."

"If you break this oath!"

"People and gods are angry together, and they must not die well!"

In the tribe.

Shi Wu was impassioned and his face full of excitement: "However, the priority is to find a new shelter. "

Wushuang City has always been hidden underground.

That's why we've been at peace for so many years.

But today is different.

The alien demon already knew the location of Wushuang City.

If Wushuang City does not look for a new shelter.

It won't be long before those demons return.

Gu Jian handed the formation plate to him and said in a serious voice: "Shi Wu, I hope you can make your own tribute for the life and death of the tribe..."

The word 'dedication' has not yet been spoken.

I heard a piercing roar from heaven and earth.

Countless alien demons appeared in the sky above the tribe, and they frantically attacked the formation.

"Why are these alien demons killing again?"

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Look at those dark red eyes.

The people in the tribe were completely panicked.

Eyes full of fear.

There is a feeling that the end is coming.

After all.

Shi Wu has not yet refined the formation plate.

The formation's own defensive ability alone is simply not enough to support it for too long.

A strong uneasiness hung over everyone's hearts.

They knew that the alien demon would definitely make a comeback.

I just didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Shi Wuye's face turned sallow, and he immediately reprimanded: "Listen to my order, all cultivators leave the dungeon and kill the alien demons in the outside world, I will take this opportunity to refine the formation plate." "


He responded.

Suddenly, thousands of people armed with blades killed them.

And he sat cross-kneeled and began refining the formation plate.

The people in the clan all raised their heads nervously, watching the clansmen who were fighting with the alien demon on the top of their heads being killed and eaten by the alien demon one after another.

Maybe those people are strong.

But in front of countless alien demons, it is not worth mentioning at all.

It is simply impossible to resist the stormy attack of the alien demon.

"The strength of these alien demons is too strong, and our people simply cannot resist it." One woman's face was full of horror, and there was obvious crying in her voice.

"Nope! Don't do this, don't do this! Another woman let out a heart-rending scream, and she watched as her son was bitten off his head by a demon and his body was eaten by other demons.

The cruel image cut her heart like a knife.

It also almost suffocated her.

"Is there really no one who can resist these demons?" Someone let out a helpless cry.

Because everyone can see it.

It won't be long before their people will die one after another.

At that time, those alien demons will definitely break through the formation and enter in a big way.

And they will all become the rations of the alien devil.

Gu Jian raised his head and said calmly: "Someone was able to stop these alien demons before, but... But that man was driven away by you! The

words came out.

People instantly thought of Chen Nan.

After all, he had resisted the invasion of alien demons, and even repelled the humanoid creature.

But now...

Chen Nan was driven away by them!





A variety of emotions pervade everyone's heart.

"Even without Chen Nan, I can resist the invasion of alien demons!" Shi Wu let out an angry low roar, and he squeezed his hands and spewed out a mouthful of blood on the tip of his tongue.


He also controlled the formation as fast as he could.

With a crazy smile in his eyes, he squeezed his hands and the clansmen who were fighting with the alien demons above his head were controlled by him with a formation and returned to the clan.

It's just that 10,000 people went out.

When he returned, there were only a thousand people left.

Even if there are more than a thousand survivors, they are all missing arms and legs, and their injuries are serious.

"Chen Nan?"

"What is he?"

"Even without him, I can save the tribe."

"I am the real savior!"

Shi Wu seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he quickly pinched the law with both hands.


The formation was urged to the extreme by him.

A dark red glow enveloped the entire tribe.

One after another terrifying murderous aura rose from the formation.

But whenever a demon touches it, it will turn into a blood mist.

This gave hope to the people in the tribe.

"Is this the power of the formation? It's really too strong!

"With this formation, why can't you resist the invasion of alien demons?"

Watching countless alien demons turn into blood mist, the people in the tribe were very excited.

Even if a lot of people died before.

As long as it can withstand the invasion of alien demons, it is enough.

Just when people rejoice.

The humanoid slowly descended from the air.

He was like a god.

Condescendingly overlooking the people under the formation.

A trace of disdain appeared in his eyes: "A broken formation, just want to resist the attack of my clan?"

Shi Wu said without humility, "Can you resist your attack, just try it?" The

humanoid slowly raised its right hand.

I saw a ray of light condensing on his fingertips.

The light is getting brighter and brighter.

Like the stars shining in the night sky.

It also gives people a sense of déjà vu of devastation.


An indifferent voice came out of the humanoid creature's mouth.

Next second.

The light on his fingertips was like a shooting star.

Cut through the night sky.

Under everyone's nervous and uneasy eyes, he descended towards the French formation.

At the moment when that ray of light fell on the magic array.

Shi Wu instantly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He simply could not withstand the attack power of the Law Formation.

Immediately after that, the formation was torn open by the light.

That ray of light was like a faint spark, instantly igniting the dead grass on the wilderness, making the opening of the formation bigger and bigger.

"Why is that?"


Shi Wu's eyes were scarlet, and he let out a hysterical roar.

He thought.

After controlling the magic array, he can resist the invasion of alien demons.

But he never expected that the strength of this humanoid creature would be so strong.

And when the opening of the formation became bigger and bigger.

Countless alien demons burst the banks of the Heavenly River, swarming through the opening, and began a suspenseless hunt.


The wail resounded in the night.

Countless old, weak, sick and disabled fled in terror, but the number of alien demons was too large.

There is simply no escape.

Although there are still people fighting hard, it does not help.

"Shi Wu, blame you!"

"If you hadn't driven Chen Nan out of the tribe, how would the clansmen have suffered this calamity?" With an angry roar, someone held a sharp blade and pierced Shi Wu's chest.

Shi Wu vomited blood, and his eyes were full of bitterness: "I admit that I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter, but do you really blame me?"

"I'm just proposing to drive Chen Nan out of the tribe."

"The real decision is in your hands!"

"If you hadn't approved of my proposal, how could things have ended up like this?"

A strong sense of remorse rose in his heart.

It should not be proposed to drive Chen Nan out of the tribe.

But regret it now, is it still too late?

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