"All this is fate!"

With an old voice.

The previous leader, Gu Jian, lit the divine fire.

His eyes were flat.

As if this situation was expected of him.

Of course.

He doesn't feel sorry for it.

Even if the clansmen he guarded were being eaten one after another by alien demons.

But that's their life.

They did it themselves.

If it weren't for their ingratitude and insistence on driving Chen Nan out of the tribe.

How did things come to the way they are?

Even if they regret it now.

Even if they scream and wail.

It's just about bearing the corresponding consequences for the sins you did before!


Being a Terran.

What he has to do is kill the alien demon.

That's all.

After igniting the divine fire, Gu Jian's strength reached the lower god king realm.

His figure was like the wind, and the long sword in his hand was sharp and dazzling.

Everywhere you pass, there will be blood mist.

In an instant, he killed dozens of alien demons.

But the divine fire on his body was gradually weakening.

His face is aging rapidly.

The momentum is also constantly weakening.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that the oil is running out.

Seeing that Gu Jian's momentum had diminished, a group of alien demons rushed up in all directions, wanting to split his corpse.

But Gu Jian showed a hint of an evil smile.

He discarded the long sword in his hand, sealed his hands, and used the divine power and soul power in his body as a guide to draw an ancient magic seal on his chest.


"Let's all die!"

Gu Jian let out a maniacal laugh.

Immediately, a dazzling golden light bloomed out of his body.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion.

A huge mushroom cloud soared into the sky.

Hundreds of alien demons and Gu Jian turned into ashes at the same time.


Even if Gu Jian killed thousands of alien demons with his martyrdom.

However, for the alien group, it has no substantial impact.

Not to mention changing the final outcome!

The golems were hungry Venus-eyed humans who rushed into a fancy cafeteria, fighting for and grabbing the corpses of those humans.

There are even alien demons who tear each other apart in order to fight for a person's stump and broken arm.

Five minutes later.

The screams and wails of heaven and earth disappeared one after another.

Only the chewing sound of Gaba Gaba.


The smell of blood wafting in the air and the blood pooling on the ground proved what had happened before.


The humanoid creature looked indifferently at the clansmen below.

Countless alien demons gathered, their eyes were empty, and wisps of white divine power flew out of their bodies.

It seems small.

But together, it is as bright as the sun.

After all, these divine powers came from more than 30,000 humans in Wushuang City.

This divine power is a great addition to the humanoid creature, and it can repair his injuries.


"What's going on?"

"How did the North give birth to a round of tomorrow?"

A hundred miles away.

Zhou Li exclaimed.

They were heading towards the Nanyuan tribe and did not know what was happening in the tribe.

Nongnian turned around, watched the sun that had just risen disappear, and watched the heavens and the earth return to darkness, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "In the natural disaster and chaos, it was recorded that the alien demon devoured the human body, and the divine power in the human body could be extracted and sacrificed to the more powerful alien demon.

"If I'm not mistaken, the sun in our mouth just now should be the divine power extracted by the alien demons after the clansmen were devoured."

As soon as the words came out.

The expressions on everyone's faces changed.

A deep shock appeared in his eyes.

No one doubts the year of farming.

Because he is well versed in the history books.

There will be no fakes in his words.

Xia Yuan let out a light sigh: "This result is not surprising.

"Because of this, we tried to protect Chen Nan Xiaoyou before."

Quinn's face was sallow, and a trace of pain appeared in her pupils: "Yes! We all fought for it, but those people were stubborn.

"Now that this is happening, it can only be said that they are to blame!"

"Okay, don't talk about this, hurry up!"

Chen Nan said a little tiredly: "Have you ever thought that the humanoid creature has obviously been hit hard, but why has it come back?"

Xia Yuan's face was solemn: "You mean to say that the alien demon has been watching us?"

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "Apart from this kind of guessing, I can't think of other possibilities."

"If we were really being watched by alien demons."

"Then we didn't go to the Nanyuan tribe knowingly."

"This is very likely to bring disaster to the Nanyuan tribe."

Xia Lan said nervously: "Then where should we go now?" Everyone

else was also full of unease.

They are in a bad situation.

Knowing the location of the Nanyuan tribe.

But can't go.

And there is no place for them in this ice and snow.

"Perhaps, we can try our luck in the Death Swamp!" Quinn came up with a crazy idea.

The Death Swamp, the Misty Valley, and the Blackwater Lake are juxtaposed with the three forbidden lands of the two heavens.

All belong to the existence of ten dead and lifeless, which makes people talk about the tiger's color.

Of course.

That was before.

Because after leaving Misty Hollow.

Quinn just felt.

The other two forbidden places may not be as terrifying as previously imagined.

There may also be some chance in it.

Of course.

At that time, he was just thinking about it.

Don't dare to take risks.

Because before entering the other two forbidden places.

No one knows if there is an unknown danger hidden inside.

But now it's different.

They have been cornered.

You have to find a place to hide.

Only in this way could Chen Nan calm down and cultivate.

If only the army of alien demons followed.

Even if Chen Nan had repelled the humanoid creatures, he might not be able to defeat him at this time.

Chen Nan also gave his opinion: "I feel that Brother Quinn's proposal is good. "

None of the others spoke.

Because from the moment they left with Chen Nan, they were ready to wander around.

Even if the death swamp is in great danger.

But it's better than staying in the tribe...

After all.

Those who remained in the tribe were dead.

"Then head to the Death Swamp!" Xia Yuan's eyes were full of expectation, and he was a little eager to try, wanting to see if there was a big opportunity inside.

"Come on me!"

Chen Nan cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and directly transformed into a huge golden-winged bird.

After everyone fell on him, he took off into the air, leaving a golden afterimage in the air, and quickly flew towards the death swamp in the southwest.

He was extremely fast, and it only took a few minutes to cover a distance of more than three hundred miles.

A dark swamp came into view.

A foul smell permeated the swamp.

Even if they fly in the air.

But that breath also makes people dizzy.


Chen Nan retracted his wings and swooped towards the island in the middle of the death swamp high in the air.

Wait for him to break through the fog.

An island full of flowers and lush greenery comes into view.

And just as Chen Nan landed, groups of monkeys surrounded them in all directions, their teeth grinning, and their eyes were full of fierce light.

"This is my territory, humans should not set foot in it!" Accompanied by a slightly blunt sound.

A two-meter-tall, covered in golden hair, pointy-billed monkey with gills, and angry eyes walked out carrying an iron rod.

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