After leaving the cave.

Chen Nan saw groups of alien demons appear in all directions of the island.

Like black clouds, they are speeding across the swamp towards the island.

Although any creature that falls in the swamp will sink quickly, it can't resist the number of alien demons!

The alien demon in front has not completely sunk under the swamp.

Behind them, a demon stepped on the body of his companion and flew over.

They are like moths to a fire, and they are constantly shortening the distance from the island.

See this scene.

The macaques were grinning and their faces were full of fierceness.

Quinn and the others were even more solemn.

Face so many alien demons.

They don't have the confidence to make a bloody path.

"Good to go."

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He threw the divine stone into the air and squeezed it with both hands.

Those divine stones instantly flew in all directions, shrouding the island.

The next moment.

A white glow rose into the sky.

It was like a dome that shrouded the island.

This formation is called the God Slashing Array!

It was an extremely domineering god-level killing formation in the God Realm.

Although there are not many divine stones, the power exerted is less than one percent of the real God Slashing Array.

But it is more than enough to face these alien demons.

Just when the formation was just activated.

A demon approached the formation.

Instantly, it turned into a blood mist and disappeared between heaven and earth.

In front of this formation, they didn't even know how they died.

"This formation is too strong!" Quinn's eyes were full of incredulity.

Xia Lan cheered: "I have a hunch that this formation will definitely be able to block the attack of the alien demon." Chen

Nan's means made everyone see the hope of living.

"Why do you Terrans always rely on formations?"

Accompanied by a deep voice.

The humanoid creature came across the void, with a hint of playfulness in its eyes: "Do you think that this broken formation can stop the main seat?" The

words fell.

It's a finger away.

A ray of light fell from the sky.

When it landed on the formation, that ray of light was actually bounced out.

If it were not for the rapid reaction of humanoids, it would most likely penetrate its body.

It looked at Chen Nan with interest: "I admit that I underestimated you."

"This formation is indeed interesting."


"Any formation requires the consumption of cornerstones."

"If I'm not mistaken, you don't have many cornerstones, you should have just found them."

"If you had the cornerstone before, you wouldn't have been so embarrassed."

"I'd rather see how long your formation can last."

Chen Nan's face changed.

I never expected this humanoid creature to be so smart.

As it just said.

The formation he had arranged could only last for seven days.

It will fall apart in seven days.

That's when it really comes.

The alien demon group will definitely enter the island in a big way.

This place is bound to become a purgatory on earth.

Even if the monkey tribe has thousands of clansmen.

It is also impossible to block the crazy attack of the alien demon group.

"I need a retreat!"

"Success or not, wake me up in seven days!"

Chen Nan's current strength is not weak.

But he himself has a few pounds and taels, and his heart is the same as Spiegel.

With his current strength, it was not enough to defeat the humanoid creature in front of him.


He needs retreat.

This retreat is not about breaking through.

Instead, it is to practice an extremely rare exercise.

This practice is called Soul Breaking Technique.

The Soul Breaker is not aimed at the enemy.

It's about yourself.

Once cultivated into this exercise.

A cultivator can have two souls.

It's equivalent to one more life.

Of course.

With Chen Nan's strength, there was no need for this kind of chicken rib technique at all.

He is now the Lord of the Yin and Yang Realms.

Unless the two realms of yin and yang are destroyed at the same time.

Otherwise no one can kill him.


There is also an advantage to practicing this exercise.

That is the holy relic that controls the alien race.

Even if it is eaten back.

He can also destroy the sub-soul.

Just as Chen Nan was about to go to cultivate, the monkey king walked out expressionless: "Where did they come from?"

Chen Nan spoke: "Their appearance is related to you."

"The monkey that replaced you is their kindred."

He didn't say much.

Because he knew that the monkey king could know what he wanted to express.

"What can I do?" The monkey king gritted his teeth, his eyes full of fierceness.

Chen Nan: "You can restore your cultivation in your previous life, kill the Nine Heavens, and kill the alien demons like the Heavenly Palace back then!" The

monkey king asked, "You should be able to help me, right?"

Chen Nan grinned: "Of course. The

words fell.

He pinched it with one hand.

A rune disappeared into the depths of the monkey king's mind.

While on Earth, Qinglong taught him the top exercises of the Divine Realm.

Among them, there is the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Duel cultivated by Sun Wukong.

This is the inner strength method that Bodhi Laozu taught Sun Wukong, and it is also the basis for Sun Wukong's awesome combat power.


He was also imparted to it along with the magic powers of Douyun, Qifu Seventy-two Changes, Three Heads and Six Arms, and so on.

Although it is difficult for the Monkey King to master these magic powers in a short time.

But it can also improve its strength in a short period of time.

Do this.

He went straight to the old monkey's cave, sat cross-kneeled and began to practice the Soul Breaking Technique.

The Soul Breaking Technique seems simple.

But it is extremely difficult to cultivate.


Extremely painful to be exact.

It's like dividing a person into two.

The level of pain can be imagined.


Just when Chen Nan was still enduring the pain.

Suddenly there was a high-pitched roar outside.

Then the mountain shook.

It was as if the cave was about to collapse.

He meditated on the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, tried to calm himself down, and blocked the six roots.

Then cut to the chase and divide the soul.

Enduring severe pain that I have never experienced before.


The Monkey King also mastered a variety of magic powers taught by Chen Nan in a short period of time.

For example, the heaven and earth of law.

No way.

In its previous life, it was the Monkey King of the Heavenly Palace.

Although reincarnated and reincarnated.

But it was luckier and gave birth to a spirit fetus in a spirit stone.

Spirit fetuses themselves are rare.

Not to mention the memory of past lives as a blessing.

For him, it's just a big boost.

"A little alien race dares to offend my great rivers and mountains."

"Look how King Ben destroyed you!"

The Monkey King was extremely tall, and directly rushed out of the formation and launched a fierce attack towards those alien demons.


The muddy waters in the swamp turned into crimson blood water.


There are still countless demons rushing in all directions, crawling on him like ants and biting.

"Compare the number of people?"

"We have always been not afraid of others!"

A disdainful smile appeared in the monkey king's eyes, and he reached out and grabbed a large handful of hairs behind his head, spread out his hand and blew gently.

Along with those milli hairs are blown away.

A monkey king with a head height of two meters appeared in heaven and earth with a roar.

It is so dense that it is impossible to count.

He used the magical powers of the Monkey King.

Avatar outside!

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