Look at the picture in front of you.

All of them.

And the macaques were wide-eyed.

It's amazing.

Even if you see it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe.


Whether it's a person, or a macaque.

They all knew that the monkey king had used this magical power.

They will definitely be able to fight off the alien demons and achieve the ultimate victory.

The monkey king looked at the humanoid creature in the air and grinned: "Your strength is very strong, and you are qualified to fight with this king!"

Humanoid creature: "You are like an ant in my eyes!"

"You're so crazy, you have the style of one ten-thousandth of what I used to be." The monkey king smiled viciously, and only listened to it shout: "Douyun!" "

But nothing unusual happened.

"A little unfamiliar, no hurry, take your time!" The monkey king smiled awkwardly, it squeezed the key with both hands, and said word by word: "Tendon!" Fight! Cloud! The

words fell.

A golden auspicious cloud quickly struck from the depths of the nine heavens, like a golden light tearing through the sky, and instantly appeared at the feet of the monkey king, carrying it into the air.

"Come, let me see how strong you are!"

The Monkey King controls the Douyun to kill humanoid creatures.

It has no weapons.

But it is an innate spirit body, and the physical body can be comparable to Chen Nan.

The most outrageous is.

Sun Wukong also has a magical power and talisman method.

Once this kind of magic is cast, the sword and gun are invulnerable, and the Heavenly Thunder God Fire cannot hurt it in the slightest.

This is also the reason why after Sun Wukong was arrested in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor ordered him to be executed, but he failed to hurt him.

The Monkey King cast a lot of Monkey King's magical spells.



The demon acted very relaxed.

And he can also cast those magical spells cast by the monkey king.

"What the hell is going on here? Why can this humanoid creature also cast our Terran magic powers? Xia Yuan's scalp was numb, and he couldn't accept this matter at all.

"I know, I know." Nong Nian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "According to legend, the alien demon has a special ability, that is, it can learn the spells cast by others in a short time, and even change into the appearance of the other party, so as to fake the real thing.

"This is also the reason why the Heavenly Court was shattered in the first place, because there were many alien demons who turned into powerhouses in the God Realm and disintegrated the strength of the Heavenly Court internally."

As soon as the words came out.

A wave of despair rose in everyone's hearts.

They didn't expect that the alien demon would have such a method.

The monkey king and humanoids fight fiercely in the air.

The void is twisted.

The thunder kept roaring.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights before the original stalemate was broken.

The Monkey King has always been brave.

As if tireless.

However, the speed and attack of humanoids were somewhat sluggish.

"Even if you can cast my magic powers, but this king is an innate spirit body with unlimited physical strength, can you compare to me?" The monkey king grinned, his face full of fierceness.

It is born and nurtured, and belongs to heaven and earth.

No one can surpass it in terms of physical strength.

Even the Heavenly God Buddha is beyond reach.

The humanoid creature was still full of disdain, he slowly closed his eyes, and an indifferent voice came out of his mouth: "Sacrifice!" The

words fell.

Countless alien demons stopped attacking, and faint rays of light flew out of their bodies, converging into a round of dazzling blazing sun.

"Monkey King, this humanoid creature must be stopped from swallowing this energy, otherwise his physical strength will instantly climb to the peak." Nongnian reminded loudly.

The monkey king plucked his ears with his little finger, showing arrogance: "Even if he returns his strength to its peak?" King Ben can still crush him! "

It's arrogant.

Even if I didn't awaken the memories of my past life, I always had this urine nature.

White light soared into the sky and was devoured by humanoid creatures.

The strength of the humanoid creature also returned to its peak at this moment, and he looked at the monkey king: "Come again!" The

monkey king grinned: "King Ben is afraid of you? "


The Monkey King and the humanoid fight together again.

"Grandfather, do you think they can tell the winner and the loser?" Xia Lan looked at her grandfather Xia Yuan nervously.

Xia Yuan shook his head: "The strength of the two sides is not much different, and it is somewhat difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat." Unless the monkey king can have a weapon at hand. "

Hear this.

The old white monkey sighed secretly.

It knows that the Great King has a divine weapon.

But that divine weapon does not exist in this heaven.

If only there was that divine weapon.

What's so hard about destroying this humanoid creature?

Just when the monkey king and the humanoid creature were fighting, the avatar of the monkey king's transformed body was also crushed by the alien demon.

After all, they are spells after all.

Limited quantities.

And each demon is an independent life, and there are countless of them.

But even so.

Those alien demons also failed to break through the God Slashing Array arranged by Chen Nan.

The God Slashing Array was like a rapidly rotating scythe, but whenever a foreign demon approached, it would disappear in an instant.

But with such a long time of operation.

The power of the formation also weakened rapidly in a form visible to the naked eye.

This made everyone's hearts go to the throat eye.

The monkey king cannot tell the winner or loser from the humanoid creature in a short time.

And look at the situation in front of you.

The formation will soon fall apart.

A vicious battle!


In the blink of an eye, the seven-day period has arrived.

The light of the formation also became extremely weak.

It's like an ethereal film.

It seems that it can be broken with a light poke.

Not to mention the countless demons around.

"I'll go and call Chen Nan." Quinn spoke.

Chen Nan said before the retreat.

Whatever the outcome, he must be woken up after seven days.


"Can't wake him up!"

Xia Yuan's face was solemn: "Although I don't know what kind of exercises Chen Nan is cultivating, one thing is obvious, this kind of exercise should be able to suppress foreign demons.

"You must not wake him up at this time."

"Buy him time no matter what."

"My old bone should be able to support for a moment, right?"

Speaking of this, a crazy smile appeared on his face.

Xia Dong: "Father and son soldiers, I am willing to live and die with my father!"

Xia Yuan did not refuse.

Because he knew that he would not be able to sustain it for long on his own.

Xia Lan's face was full of anxiety: "Father, grandfather, I will fight side by side with you!"

Xia Yuan shook his head: "Our old Xia family, someone must live!" "

Live for us!"

Xia Lan burst into tears.

She is not afraid of death.

But she couldn't refuse her grandfather's wishes.

The white old monkey made a weak voice: "All the clansmen listen to my orders, protect Chen Nan, and don't let foreign demons affect his cultivation!" The

monkeys quickly rushed to the cave where the old monkey lived, waiting there in a strict position, ready to resist to the death.



A faint voice resounded through the heavens and the earth.

It was as if something had been broken.

Immediately afterwards, countless alien demons landed on the island, and there was a cruel battle with the monkeys, as well as Xia Yuan's father and son.

And Quinn and the others blocked the entrance of the cave in strict formation, preventing the alien demon from rushing in and affecting Chen Nan's cultivation.

Over time.

The monkeys were also killed and injured.

Rivers of blood flow.

Xia Yuan's father and son died in battle one after another.

Seeing the alien demon about to rush to the cave.

A burly figure walked out.

Who is not Chen Nan?

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