Chen Nan's appearance was like a shot in the arm.

Let everyone see hope.


His state at this time is creepy.

I saw that his eyes were scarlet.

It's like going crazy.

The whole body also exuded a violent divine power.

Especially the dark red stick, which radiated scarlet light in his hand.

Chen Nan looked at the monkey king who was fighting with humanoid creatures in the air, and grinned: "Brother Monkey, you retreat, I'm going to start pretending!" After

hearing this, the monkey king controlled the somersault cloud to land on the island.

Looks a little tired.

Even if it is an innate spirit body, it can't withstand fighting the enemy for seven days and seven nights.

After all.

Now it has not yet created the Monkey King in his previous life.

She did not take the peach of the queen mother.

Nor did he steal pills from Taishang Laojun.

He didn't take the Nine Zhuan Jindan.


Chen Nan was like a breeze that floated into the air.

The humanoid creature felt the power in Chen Nan's body, revealing a trace of jealousy, and before he could speak, Chen Nan turned into a long rainbow and appeared in front of him.

The next moment.

The dark red long stick tore through the void and quietly appeared in front of the humanoid creature.

The humanoid creature did not dare to face the battle head-on, and instantly flew out thousands of meters, and said angrily: "You are a human who actually refined my race's holy relics? This throne will kill you today!

Chen Nan's face was full of pride: "Although this stick is a sacred relic of your clan, do you know its magical powers?" The

words fell.

The dark red stick floated into the air.


Accompanied by a buzzing sound.

A scarlet light erupted from the long stick.

It was like moonlight falling on the heavens and the earth, shrouding those alien demons.

A miserable, terrifying scream sounded in the mouth of the alien demon.

The energy in their bodies is being uncontrollably absorbed by the dark red stick.

Their flesh also disappeared into heaven and earth like a dream bubble.

Even humanoid creatures were full of horror.

He felt that the energy in his body was being devoured by the dark red long stick.

This was unexpected.

He wanted to escape.

Only to find that the body is imprisoned in the void.

"Chen Nan, even if you kill me, my clan will not let you go." The humanoid roared angrily: "The entire Heavenly Court is occupied by our clan, and you want to overthrow our rule..."

The voice just fell.

It turned into a blood mist, and all the energy entered the red long stick.

Just a blink of an eye.

Countless demons disappeared.

Even the blood stains they left on the ground were absorbed by the dark red stick.

And the originally dark red long stick turned blood red at this moment.

It looks unusually eye-catching.

"Father, grandfather, the alien demon has been eliminated!"

"Your sacrifice was not in vain!"

Xia Lan knelt in front of her father and grandfather silently, informing them of this great event.

Chen Nan, on the other hand, was full of anger in mid-air.

Streams of terrifying energy frantically poured into his body through the red stick.

It is like a steady stream of volcanic eruptions of magma, which makes people uneasy.

"I obviously divided a secondary soul, but why does the secondary soul want to take me?"

Chen Nan was anxious, his face was covered with green tendons, and he looked like a centipede hovering on it.

The soul has a primary and secondary division.

The reason why he separated the two souls was because he was afraid of being eaten back by the holy relics of the alien demon race.

He Cheng thought that even if he divided two souls.

But now.

The strength of the secondary soul was comparable to that of the main soul.

It is even necessary to take the soul of the Lord.

Just when he was overwhelmed.

A faint golden light descended above the nine heavens.

This golden light did not enter the top of Chen Nan's head, like a clear spring, making him feel comfortable.

The strength of the Lord Soul has been significantly improved.

It also allowed him to suppress the sub-soul.

Don't be afraid of the soul taking away.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"It actually triggered the power of merit?"

The Monkey King looked at Chen Nan with interest.

It does not completely restore the memory of a past life though.

But also know something unknown.

For example, the golden light just now.

That is the creation that countless gods and Buddhas want to have.

As long as the golden light is condensed to a certain extent, he can become a saint who jumps out of the five elements and is not in the three realms.


It's too hard to become holy.

Chen Nan fell from the air, and his eyes regained clarity and depth, compared with the previous image.

He looked at the grief-stricken Xia Lan and said softly: "Xia Lan girl, although this place is not a paradise.

"But it's also a secluded place, just bury your father and grandfather here!"

Ciaran snorted softly.

Later, Chen Nan helped the Xia family father and son to be buried.

In fact, he is very grateful to the Xia family father and son, as well as the sacrifice of the macaque group.

If they hadn't helped delay time.

Not only can he not separate two souls.

It may even go awry.

"The sun, the sun is out!"

Nongnian looked at the sun in the sky and let out an excited cry.

Everyone else also had incredible looks in their eyes.

Look up.

The thick clouds that had been floating in the air have long disappeared.

The blue sky and white sun were revealed.

The warm sunlight falls on the body, making people feel indescribably comfortable.

This scene was nothing unusual for Chen Nan.

But for people living in the second heaven, it is like a dream.


Because even they never dreamed of seeing such a picture.

After all, after the Heavenly Court was shattered and the alien demon occupied it.

The sky of the second heaven has completely changed.

There is only endless ice and snow, wind and frost between heaven and earth.

"The reason why the second heaven is cold and piercing should be caused by the appearance of that humanoid creature. Now that the humanoid creature is dead, the Erju Heaven will definitely return to its previous appearance! "The more you talk about the Nong Year, the more excited you get.

If you can live on the ground.

Who would choose to live underground?

Quinn: "If nothing else, the alien demons of the two heavens should have been killed by the Chen Nan brothers, right?" Speaking of this, a shallow smile appeared on his face.

He longs to live unfettered in this world.

The monkey king suddenly said, "I'm going to Jiuyou." "

Nine ghosts.

Located under the nine heavens.

It is a terrifying place.

"I can feel that an old friend of mine is being held there and I need to get it back." The pain and expectation in the monkey king's eyes are constantly changing.

"You go to the Nine Heavens first, and when I find my old friend, I will go there to join you."

Chen Nan didn't say anything more.

Although the road to heaven was destroyed.

But he believed that the Monkey King must have a way to reach the Nine Heavens.

The monkey king looked at the old monkey: "In the future, I will bother you to manage these monkeys and monkeys, if there is time, this king will come to visit you!" The

words fell.

The cloud appeared at its feet, carrying the monkey king and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Chen Nan also looked at Quinn and the others, and said, "The alien demon has been eliminated, we can go to the Nanyuan tribe!" "

He needs to go to the Nanyuan tribe to find the remnants of the road to heaven.

Only by collecting four fragments can we open the road to heaven and reach the three heavens.

to get one step closer to his ultimate goal!

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