Although Chen Nan was full of joy, he still said, "Senior, or you will eat me now."

"I'm a dull talent."

"Although I feel that I am still one foot away from a breakthrough."


"If I fail to break through, wouldn't that be a waste of your treasure?"

He felt like he had a bit of green tea.

This is even more of a in a.


Some things have to be said beforehand.

The nine-headed flame lion's eyes widened: "No, I have to let you step into the upper god king, only in this way it will taste tender and delicious."

"Come on!"

"Ride me!"

"I'll take you back to the mountains."

Chen Nan obediently rode on the back of the nine-headed flame lion, and then followed it to an endless mountain range.

There is a stone monument at the bottom of the mountain.

It says Wild Lion Cave.

Dozens of lions live in the mountains.

However, the realm of those lions is very low.

The strongest is none other than the upper Tenjin.

"Here are the medicinal herbs I picked there, as well as the spirit fruit, you should take it first!" The nine-headed flame lion took out all the medicinal spirit fruits he treasured.

What Chen Nan didn't expect was.

The nine-headed flame lion actually treasured dozens of rare medicinal herbs, as well as spirit fruits.

Chen Nan's eyes shone brightly.

He believes.

These medicinal herbs are very likely to break through the bottleneck.

Step into the realm of gods.

In this way, Chen Nan stayed in the Mad Lion Cave with peace of mind, taking the medicinal herbs and spirit fruits treasured by the nine flame lions.

It's a pity.

Even if he had taken a large amount of medicinal herbs and spirit fruits, he had not stepped into the Divine Venerable Realm.

"If you want to step into the Divine Venerable Realm, you must have at least tens of millions of years of skill."

"And those medicinal herbs I took before add up to only eight million years."

"If you want to break through, there is still a big gap!"

Chen Nan was a little disappointed.

But it was just a disappointment.

Anyway, there are nine flame lions.

You can continue to make wool.

Think of this.

He walked out of the cave where the nine-headed flame lion cultivated and came to the sunny outside.

At this time, the nine flame lions were shamelessly doing the thing of inheriting incense with several lionesses.

"You haven't broken through yet?"

Saw Chen Nan come out.

The eyes of the nine-headed flame lions that were originally happy erupted with a sharp cold light, which frightened several lionesses to quickly run to it, afraid that the king's anger would affect them.

Chen Nan sighed: "Senior, I also want to break through, but..." I always felt like something was missing. The

nine-headed flame lion jumped like thunder: "This shouldn't be, you have taken so many divine medicines, spirit fruits, it stands to reason that you can step into the upper god king realm."

"But why are you still the Central God King?"

Chen Nan looked loveless: "Anyway, I will be eaten by you sooner or later, or you will eat me now!"

"Death is not terrible!"

"It's scary to live up to your expectations of me!"

"Nope!" The nine-headed flame lion said angrily, "You have eaten so many divine medicines, if I eat you now, wouldn't it be a waste of so many divine medicines?"

"In any case, I will also help you step into the Upper God King realm."

The difference between the Central God King and the Upper God King seems to be only one word.

But the difference in divine power between the two bodies is worlds apart.

It's like a gap between 1 and 100.

"However, I have eaten all your medicinal herbs!" Chen Nan looked decadent, giving people the feeling of being a waste person with low self-esteem.

The nine-headed flame lion snorted coldly: "There are so many big demons in the second heaven, even if my medicinal herbs are eaten by you, I can go to other big demons to grab them."

"This matter is such a pleasant decision."

Speaking of which.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a red light.

That light fell on Chen Nan's wrist and transformed into a blood jade bracelet.


A sharp pain made Chen Nan show a hideous expression.

He felt a terrifying force that wanted to envelop his soul.

Once shrouded.

More or less troublesome.

Don't think about it.

He let the sub-soul come forward, allowing the terrifying power to envelop his sub-soul.

"Don't think about escaping from here, once you leave the territory of the Wild Lion Cave, you will definitely be eaten back by the Soul Suppression Bracelet, and your soul will be scattered at that time."

The nine-headed flame lion left a cruel word, soared into the air and disappeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan looked down at the soul control bracelet on his wrist.

I almost didn't laugh out loud.

These nine flame lions are not stupid.

He even wanted to restrict his freedom with a soul control bracelet.

It's just...

Is this necessary?

Even if you don't have this little thing, you won't leave!

The next evening.

The nine-headed flame lion returned to the Wild Lion Cave.


It was seriously injured.

Not only lost a head.

There were many shocking wounds all over his body, and he looked like he had been scratched by some demon beast.

Its momentum is also far less powerful than before.

He looked very weak.

"I helped you snatch more than eighty medicinal herbs."

"These medicinal herbs can definitely allow you to step into the upper god king." The nine-headed flame lion was extremely weak, and then spit out a storage bag.

Chen Nan nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, I promise not to disappoint you this time." The

nine-headed flame lion said in a low voice: "It doesn't matter, I am very weak now, whether you can step into the upper god king realm or not, I will eat you to restore your cultivation." "

Do what you do, know your destiny.

This was the only thing the Nine Flame Lion could do for Chen Nan.

No matter how it ends.

It has to eat Chen Nan.

"Then you rest outside first, I will take these medicinal herbs and strive to be able to step into the Upper God King Realm!" Chen Nan took the storage bag and couldn't wait to enter the cave where the nine-headed flame lion cultivated.

Looking at Chen Nan's departing figure.

The eight heads of the nine-headed flame lions looked at each other.

Even chatted with each other.

One of the heads had a fox in his eyes: "Why do you feel that this human being is so impatient?" Is he so eager to be eaten by us?

Another head spoke: "Although it is said that it is better to die than to live, he must be suffering from living in our hands, and the reason why he is so excited may be that he wants to be liberated as soon as possible!"

"Not necessarily." A head with only one eye said: "It is said that human beings are extremely cunning, he may want to step into the upper god king realm and escape from here while we are weak!"

"Huh, does he have the guts?"

"That's right, even if we are in a period of weakness now, we can kill a human who has just stepped into the realm of the upper god king in seconds!"

The nine-headed flame lion seemed to be talking to itself, but it had nine independent souls.

Although one of the heads was cut off when he snatched the medicinal herbs of other great demons before.

However, for the nine-headed flame lion, as long as it is not nine souls destroyed at the same time, it will not take long to grow a brand new head.

This point is extremely rare in the entire Three Realms.

Fight to the stars.

In the blink of an eye, it was early the next morning.

The fiery red morning sun appeared in the eastern sky from afar.

The missing head of the nine-headed flame lion also grew out.

And right now.

A loud noise erupted from inside the cave.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying divine power spread.

The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of excitement: "That Terran did not disappoint us, he successfully stepped into the upper god king realm!" Quick, eat him while his realm is unstable! "

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