The nine-headed flame lions were extremely excited.

Nine pairs of eyes all revealed excitement.

The next moment.

The nine-headed flame lions rushed into the cave at the fastest speed.

It is discreet.

Because it was afraid that Chen Nan would take the opportunity to escape, it blocked the exit of the cave with its body.

"Young man, you really didn't let me down!"

"Out of respect for you, I plan to give you a pain and bite off your head directly."

Although it really wanted to swallow Chen Nan in one gulp.

Although it benefited from Chen Nan's body after swallowing it.

But it knew that the other eight guys had all thought about their mouths.

Chen Nan slowly opened his eyes.

He had a gentle smile in his eyes.

The skin of the whole body is extremely supple, giving people a sense of déjà vu that can be broken by blowing bombs.

I saw the corners of his mouth rise: "Okay!"

"Then I'll do it!"

The nine-headed flame lion opened its blood basin and bit directly into Chen Nan's head.

The other eight heads are gluttonous.

However, there is an agreement between them.

The first bite of meat is eaten by the Lord's head.


Just when the nine-headed flame lion bit into Chen Nan's neck.

A crisp sound rang out.

Immediately, the nine-headed flame lion instantly retracted its head as if it were electrocuted, and blood overflowed from its mouth.

Chen Nan, on the other hand, was unscathed, with a smiling expression on his face.

"Why is your neck so hard?"

The nine-headed flame lion looked at Chen Nan incredulously.

As he spoke, four sharp fangs fell in his mouth one after another.

Each one is more than 20 centimeters long.

The other eight lion heads also showed shocked eyes when they saw this.

No one expected that this Terran would have such a hard neck.

"Brothers, no, I've never heard of a neck getting harder." The newly grown lion head was full of puzzlement, and then it jumped to try: "Do you want me to try?" The

corner of the lion's head dripped blood: "Then you can try!" "


A lion head bit towards Chen Nan with lightning speed.

Immediately a scream came out of his mouth, and he retracted like an electric shock: "Oh, his neck is too hard, teeth!" "

Without exception.

Its teeth are also missing.

Chen Nan don't say unscathed.

Not even a single bite mark was left on the neck.

"Human, what means did you use?"

"Why do you want to be untrustworthy?"

The nine-headed flame lion looked at Chen Nan angrily, and his voice was loud, spreading in all directions like thunder.

So much so that the cave trembled slightly.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "I did say that after stepping into the upper god king, I will let you eat it, but now, I have stepped into the lower god realm, if I really say it, it should not be considered a word and no belief, right?" The

nine-headed flame lion was covered in hair, each hair stood up like a steel needle, and there was an unconcealable shock in his eyes.

"You... You actually stepped into the Lower God Venerable Realm? "


"How could you possibly step directly from the Central God King to the Lower God Venerable Realm?"

Chen Nan's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day for the nine-headed flame lion.

Even if it's strong.

But I don't think I can defeat a God Venerable Realm powerhouse.

"I see, you have been suppressing Xiu Wei before."

"Actually, you have already stepped into the Upper God King Realm, right?"

"Depict and insidious human being, do you feel a sense of accomplishment in playing with King Ben? Don't you feel very unconscionable? The nine-headed flame lion's voice was like thunder, although it was shocked by Chen Nan's achievements, when it thought of what it had done to make Chen Nan break through, the anger in its heart did not hit a single place.

Chen Nan looked at it calmly: "Give you a chance, be loyal to me, become my mount, I can let you live!" "


The nine-headed flame lion spat viciously and said angrily: "The lion can be killed, it is not shameful." You toyed with me and wanted me to recognize you as Lord?


"Even if you kill me, I can't recognize you as Lord!"

At this time, a lion head spoke: "Big brother, he has just stepped into the realm of gods, the realm is not yet stable, our brother may be able to defeat him in a full battle!"


"If we can eat a Divine Venerable Realm powerhouse, our cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds."

One listen to this.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the main lion's head: "Then kill him first!" "


Nine lion heads simultaneously emitted a deafening lion roar.

This is a very rare sonic attack.

Even Chen Nan felt like drinking a bottle of fruit wine, and he felt a little drunk.

Not only did the smile on his face not go away.

It even became very brilliant.

A monstrous wave rose in the heart of the nine-headed flame lion.

Their Lion Roar Skill is also an extremely rare technique in the Three Realms, and they have used this move to defeat many powerful enemies.

I thought that Chen Nan had just stepped into the Divine Venerable Realm and could severely damage him.

Unexpectedly, this human not only has a hard neck.

Even the power of the soul is so terrifying.

I can actually hold their attacks in a laughing manner.


Chen Nan showed a hint of contempt.

The next moment.

He raised his right hand.

A divine power converged into a glow at the fingertips.


A flat voice came from Chen Nan's mouth.


The light on his fingertips flew out instantly.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

The huge body of the nine-headed flame lion seemed to have been hit hard, drawing a graceful arc in the air, and then falling heavily to the ground.

All nine heads were bleeding and looked like they were seriously injured.

With Chen Nan's strength.

Even if he didn't step into the Divine Venerable Realm.

It can also crush this nine-headed flame lion.

Not to mention that he stepped into the realm of God Venerable at this time.

It is said that there may be some people in the Divine Venerable Realm who do not know how strong it is.

In layman's terms.

His current strength is comparable to Nezha's combat power at his peak.

Even more than that.

After all, he had a lot of top magic powers in the God Realm in his mind, and if he cultivated, he could even fight with the powerhouse of the late stage of the God Venerable Realm, that is, a powerhouse of Yang Jian's level.

"Human, you have to rejoice too soon!" The nine-headed flame lion grinned, showing a fierce look: "Look at the soul control bracelet on your wrist, if I destroy you, I can take your life with a snap of my fingers." As

soon as the words fell, it let out a lion roar.


Chen Nan felt his soul tighten sharply.

A pinprick-like pain swept through.

"That's all your attacks are for me." Chen Nan walked out of the cave lightly.

The nine-headed flame lion was horrified in his heart.

Who the hell is this dog thing?

Why is the soul not afraid of the attack of the soul control bracelet?

"Boss, we have encountered hard stubble, in my opinion, let's run away!" A lion's eyes were full of horror, and he did not dare to provoke Chen Nan anymore.


The nine-headed flame lion let out an even more high-pitched lion roar, and Chen Nan also felt that the sub-soul suffered indescribable pain, as if there was a rope that wanted to split his soul in two.


This attack was far from the point of splitting his secondary soul in two.

And in the moment when he briefly lost his mind.

The nine-headed flame lion turned into a ray of light and disappeared into Chen Nan's eyes.

"Want to go? With my permission? With a playful smile on his face, Chen Nan summoned Douyun and chased him directly.

The nine-headed flame lion was of great use to him.

You have to take it as a mount!

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