The speed of the nine-headed flame lion is extremely fast.

Even if Chen Nan summoned Douyun, he couldn't catch up with it.

A distance of more than two thousand meters is maintained between one man and one beast.

"Why are you chasing me!" The voice of the nine-headed flame lion revealed a hint of crying.

Chen Nantengyun rode the fog, with one hand behind his back, with a shallow smile on his face: "When I mount spare you not to die!"

"Too much deception!"

The nine-headed flame lion was furious.

It opened nine blood basins at the same time, and flames gushed out, weaving a web of fire in the void.

Covering the sky and shrouding towards Chen Nan.

Although the temperature of the flame is not as good as the real fire.

But it's also terrifying.

It can easily melt divine weapons.

"I admit you do have some means."

"But there are not many."

Chen Nan's face was full of disdain, and he instantly disappeared into the net.

The next moment it appeared outside the fire net.

"Brothers, with my power, I must kill him!" The nine-headed flame lion roared, and then its eyes turned scarlet, and a powerful aura gushed out from its body.


Chen Nan, who was riding the clouds, changed his face suddenly.

A sharp pain swept over.

He caused his body to lose his balance and fall uncontrollably in the air into the forest below.

The pain is not as strong as when the soul is split in two.

But it also caught him off guard.

"The power of this soul bracelet is not bad, but unfortunately, it failed to split my secondary soul in two!" Chen Nan's face was sallow, the reason why he chased after the nine flame lions.

His purpose was to borrow the soul control bracelet and split his secondary soul in two.

"Come out to mix, sooner or later you have to pay it back."

"With the current strength of the nine-headed flame lion."

"It's simply not enough to split my secondary soul in two."

"But wait for it to break through."

"I should be able to split my secondary soul in two then, right?"

Chen Nan's current strength of the main soul is higher than that of the secondary soul.

But the gap is not large.

Even if he wanted to destroy his soul.

There is also a lot of difficulty.

But if the secondary soul is divided into two, then there is no fear of the repercussions of the alien holy relics.


The nine flame lions were extremely important to him.

A moment later.

Chen Nan also felt that his head was a little more relaxed.

He looked in the direction where the nine flame lions left, took off into the air, and caught up again.

Although the nine flame lions are long gone.

But there is still its breath in the air.

"Master save me!"

As he passed over a wilderness, the cries for help of nine flame lions came from below.

Chen Nan fixed his eyes.

A large group of human cultivators caught the nine-headed flame lions into a specially made iron cage.

There were more than fifty of them.

All of them are young and middle-aged people.

And the strength is not weak at all.

Most people actually possessed the Upper God General Realm.

There is even one person who has the Lower God King Realm.

"Master save me!"

The nine-headed flame lion wanted to cry without tears and shouted for help to Chen Nan.

It had finally thrown off Chen Nan before.

He Chengxiang was attacked by these people.

In other words, it is definitely not afraid of these humans.

But today is different.

In order to let Chen Nan break through, it was already injured when he went to snatch medicinal materials with other big demons.

Not to mention that he was injured in the battle with Chen Nan.

They are no match for these humans at all.

Fortunately, Chen Nan appeared in time.

Because it knows.

Chen Nan grabbed himself just to make himself his mount.

But this group of people in front of them wants to eat their own flesh and drink their own blood.


How to choose it is like a mirror in mind.

"Fellow Daoists, this nine-headed flame lion is my mount, and I hope you can release it!" Chen Nan looked at the group of Terran cultivators.

"You said it was your mount, and it was your mount?" A middle-aged man in his thirties with a tiger's back and a bear's waist sneered and carried a long knife more than two meters long: "I tell you, we have long set our eyes on this flame lion, and we didn't see you at that time!"

"Yes, this flame lion is the prey captured by my clan, why give it to you?" It's easy to get us to let it go, unless you can beat us. The

middle-aged man at the head raised his hand, and the shouting people behind him closed their mouths one after another.

The middle-aged man said politely: "This Daoist, the nine-headed flame lion is the prey that my clan has not easily captured, and it has a far-reaching impact on our tribe, please forgive us for not agreeing to your conditions."

"If you want us to release it, then you have to ask the long knife in our hand if it says yes." Speaking of this, a sneer spread on his face.

Turned around and walked towards the east: "Brothers, let's go!"

"Master save me!" The nine flame lions kept screaming.

It has long been known that these humans have laid ambushes.

It categorically would not refuse Chen Nan before.

Otherwise, we would not have faced this situation.


Chen Nan raised his hand and shot out a three-dimensional true fire.

The real fire quietly fell on the iron cage.

"Young man, I advise you to save it." The middle-aged man was full of disdain: "The iron cage of my clan is made of rare extremely cold essence iron, and no flame in the world can dissolve except the three true fires."

"Unfortunately, the Samadhi True Fire disappeared 10,000 years ago..."

The words are not finished.

The middle-aged man's pupils trembled violently.

I felt a big, invisible hand choke my throat.

There was an illusion of almost suffocation.

Everyone else was dumbfounded.

A wordless shock rose in his heart.


The iron cage they were proud of disappeared in front of everyone in an instant like melting ice.

"You actually have the Three Immortal True Fire?" The middle-aged man came back to his senses in shock.

Samadhi True Fire is a legendary flame.

According to legend, when the Heavenly Court shattered, it disappeared into the Divine Realm.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, how could he not be shocked?

"I'm out!"

The nine-headed flame lion let out a low roar of excitement.

It turned into an afterimage and appeared beside Chen Nan.

At the moment, it is tame like a pet cat.

"A group of stupid humans, how dare you make enemies of my master? Tired of living, right? The nine-headed flame lion glared angrily at those human cultivators, and did not hide the anger in his heart: "I tell you, quickly apologize to my family master, otherwise my family master will definitely kill you."

Chen Nan gave it a blank look and said faintly: "Are you trying to provoke a conflict between us and take the opportunity to escape from here?"

"Master, I don't have this idea, absolutely nothing!" The nine-headed flame lion was a little weak-hearted, and did not dare to look at Chen Nan's eyes.

The middle-aged man at the head was full of anger: "Young man, I don't know why you have the Three Immortal True Fire, but you shouldn't rob the prey of my clan."

"I'll give you one last chance!"

"Hand over the Three Immortal True Fire and the Nine Flame Lions."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for not thinking about my kind!"

Samadhi True Fire is the most domineering flame in the Divine Realm.

Who can not be moved when they see this kind of baby?

Chen Nan didn't expect the other party to want to rob his own Sanxian True Fire, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: "Rob my baby, do you have this ability?" "

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