Chen Nan was so disgusted that he almost didn't spit out the overnight meal, and he said with a look of disgust: "You take the Qingying girl to leave first, and I will find a way to blend into the Phoenix Ridge to find the Phoenix Grass." "

After him and Xuan Qingying... Charge.

Xuan Qingying can still live for more than half a month.


He could blend into Phoenix Ridge to find Phoenix Grass before this.

"I'll go to the Bull Cave!" The nine-headed flame lion stuck out its tongue, and an intriguing light appeared in its eyes: "I haven't eaten cows and cows for a long time!"

"Don't charge!" Chen Nandao: "It has been ten thousand years since the alien demons dominated the three heavens, and such a large group of them has not been able to destroy the Niu Niu Cave, you can imagine how strong the leader of the Niu Niu Cave is.

"You are both demon races, and if you go to escape, it will definitely take you in."

"Don't get into unnecessary conflict."

"I made a note of it!" The nine-headed flame lion nodded solemnly, and just when it turned around and carried Xuan Qingyin to leave, it turned to look at Chen Nan, and couldn't help but say, "Aren't you afraid that I will hide after driving the Qingying girl away?" Although

it called Chen Nan as the master.


There was no soul contract between it and Chen Nan.

Even if it escapes.

Chen Nan also had nothing to do.

Chen Nan: "I believe you. The

nine-headed flame lion burst into tears: "Don't worry, Master will not live up to your expectations!" As

soon as the words fell, it soared into the air and instantly disappeared into Chen Nan's eyes.

And Chen Nan also performed the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, transformed into a humanoid creature about three meters tall, and then flew towards the Phoenix Ridge.

He wants to penetrate the enemy's interior to find out the whereabouts of the Phoenix Grass.

"Hey, assembled, how did you grind it?"

Just came to Phoenix Ridge.

There was a humanoid demon who was about three and a half meters tall and had fair skin looking at Chen Nan.

His eyes were full of indifference.

Chen Nan showed only promises, and hurriedly came to the mountain to assemble with the large army.

Then he looked at the high platform in front of him.

A humanoid demon four meters tall and wearing a black robe was sitting quietly there.

It has a purple explosive hairstyle and blood-red pupils, which looks extraordinarily sick.

"This guy's strength is very strong, and he definitely has the Upper God Venerable Realm cultivation!" Chen Nan could feel the strength of this person, but if he made a move, he could take his life within three moves.


There are at least hundreds of thousands of alien demons comparable to the Divine Venerable Realm in Phoenix Ridge, and his current strength is not enough to level Phoenix Ridge.

The purple-haired demon let out a loud voice: "I received a summons before, and the Terrans of the Second Heaven have arrived in the Triple Heaven.

"Leader, even if the Terrans of the Second Heaven arrive in the Triple Heaven? We have eight million God Venerable Realm powerhouses, hundreds of millions of people, will we be afraid that they will not succeed? A humanoid demon looked disdainful.

"Yes, we have already ruled the Three Heavens, with our strength, even if all the races of the Second Heaven come to the Three Heavens, they will be controlled by us, and there is no suspense in this matter."

The demons spoke.

He didn't take Chen Nan and the others to the Three Heavens at all.

"Commander, are there many people coming to the second heaven this time?" Someone asked curiously.

Commander Hatu once again made a loud voice: "Two people, a lion!" "

The huge Phoenix Ridge is dead silent.

Many alien demons showed surprised eyes.

At one point, I thought I had auditory hallucinations.

It's just two people and a lion.

Is it necessary to gather so many people?

Hatu said: "Don't underestimate those two lions, as far as I know, one of the men has comprehended the sword intent and is very strong, even the people of the Divine Venerable Realm clan can't catch his attack in front of him."

"As for the lion, it is not simple, it also comprehends the Tao."

"And it's an extremely rare sound channel."

A red-haired demon couldn't help but ask, "Leader, what did you just say about the sound path?" Why does this Tao sound so unorthodox?

"It doesn't matter!" Hatu: "It's important not to underestimate them.


"This time the big guys are gathered together for one thing."

"The two heavens are short of materials, and the magic medicine is difficult to find."

"But the three heavens are different."

"There are many triple heavenly elixirs."

"Even if we have a rare phoenix grass in Phoenix Ridge."

"That Terran once asked our people about the whereabouts of the Phoenix Grass."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"That Terran will definitely come looking for Phoenix Grass."

"Hahaha, even if he lent him ten dog galls, he wouldn't dare to come to Phoenix Ridge to find Phoenix Grass." A demon laughed.

A foreign demon interjected: "No, no, no, even if he really comes, he will definitely be scared to see us here!" The

words came out.

Laughter erupted above Phoenix Ridge.

A smile also appeared on Hatu's majestic face: "You are right, that Terran will definitely come, but when you come and see us occupying Phoenix Ridge, you will definitely flee in fear."

"So, we can't let him escape."

"Gotta find a way to trap him here and kill him."

A strange demon asked puzzled: "Leader, the other party is just a small person from the second heaven, why should we pay so much attention to him?"

Hatu shook his head: "One thing you don't know, we don't dominate the God Realm. "

Even if we have already broken Ling Xiao."

"But there's a huge hidden danger."

Countless demons changed their faces.

In their hearts, the Divine Realm has long been occupied by them.

Hatu continued: "In that battle, the Terran prophet had insight into the future, so he arranged a chess piece, which was a chess piece that could turn over.

"There are rumors that that piece will come from the Nether."

"I suspect that the Terran who mastered the sword intent is the pawn."

"Of course."

"He may not know that he is the pawn."

Chen Nan in the crowd looked embarrassed.

I already know this, okay?

And also!

Are you talking about this before my eyes?

Hatu continued: "Since that Terran is going to come to Phoenix Ridge to find the Phoenix Grass, then we have to keep him in whatever we say, as long as we kill him, the dream of the rise of the Terran will be shattered!"

"At that time, we can attack the mortal world and the netherworld and completely rule the three realms."

"My plan is simple."

"Leave a dozen brothers to guard Phoenix Ridge."

"The others withdrew from Phoenix Ridge and waited for the other party to appear."

"We formed a convergence in all directions and trapped the guy here."

"Although the other party is extraordinary, we have so many brothers, why is it difficult to trap him here?" Speaking of this, an intriguing smile appeared on his face.

"LinkedIn Ming!"

All the alien demons chanted at the same time.

Hatu's face was full of pride, and then it took out ten sharp fangs, waved it smoothly, and the fangs flew into the crowd, and one of them just fell into Chen Nan's hand.

"The ten of you are guarding this place!" Hatu got up and said, "The others go with me!" "


Chen Nan looked stunned in disbelief.

How many meanings does this mean?

Let me steal from myself?

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