Chen Nan was used to seeing a lot of winds and waves.

But I didn't expect it either.

As soon as he transformed into a foreign demon and mixed into the enemy's team as an internal traitor, the other party entrusted him with a heavy task.

He didn't know how to find the whereabouts of the phoenix grass in a short period of time.

And now...

Isn't the opportunity coming?

"Not to mention, those alien demons are quite clever, and they actually know how to lay out in advance."

"It's a pity."

"I've mixed in with them and know their plans inside out."

"And the next thing to do is to look for the phoenix grass in Phoenix Ridge, and if you find it, you must leave this place."

The matter of finding the Phoenix Grass has always been under Chen Nan's control.

But something surprised him.

That is, the alien demon knew that he was the candidate to rebuild the Heavenly Court.

It was an extremely bad situation for him.

After all, there are eight million alien demons in the Three Heavens that are comparable to the powerhouses of the Divine Venerable Realm, and once these alien demons surround him, it will be difficult for him to kill even if he means all over the sky.

Although these demons were not enough to kill him.

But it can banish him to the turbulence of time and space.

If so.

He will be trapped in that hell place forever and will not be able to leave.


The earth trembled, and countless alien demons faded in all directions like a tide, disappearing into Chen Nan's sight in an instant.

On the huge Phoenix Ridge, only Chen Nan and the other nine alien demons remained.

With Chen Nan's current strength.

It can completely obliterate these nine-headed demons.


But he could feel the other demons hiding a thousand miles away.

If they do it rashly, it will definitely arouse their awareness.

Even besieged him.

"Now there is only one way in front of me, that is, to find the whereabouts of the phoenix grass, and secretly get the hand to take the opportunity to leave!"

Chen Nan gave up the idea of going head-to-head.

"Hey, what are you doing stupidly? Go drink!

An alien demon shouted at Chen Nan.


Chen Nan didn't say anything more, and followed the other party to a small cave.

One of the demons took out a large jar of wine, took ten more wine bowls, poured them and raised their glasses together, and then drank all the wine in the bowls.

The drinks are overbearing.

It's like the height of the earth.

The mouth is spicy, and the throat is like a fire.

But there is an inexplicable sweetness between the lips and teeth.

"You say, is there really a phoenix grass in Phoenix Ridge? Why have I lived here for so many years and never seen it? The one-armed alien demon's eyes were full of suspicion.

"If there is no Phoenix Grass, why would our ruler camp here?" A bald demon grinned: "Tell you, the ruler has long understood the thoughts of the human prophet, and here is to wait for the appearance of the chosen people of the human race."

"As for where the Phoenix Grass is, Boss Chi Jian knows."

Chi Jian, who was sitting in the middle, took the wine bowl and took a sip of wine, and said slowly: "Yes, I have had the honor of seeing that phoenix grass, and this thing can definitely be regarded as the top miracle medicine of the three realms."

"Even if you are separated by a magic array, the medicinal fragrance emitted by the phoenix grass can heal the injuries on the body."

Several other people showed incredulous expressions and spoke one after another: "Is the phoenix grass really that amazing?"

"Boss Chi Jian, can you take your brothers to see for a long time?"

"Yes, we have also lived in Phoenix Ridge for nearly a thousand years, and the legend of Phoenix Grass has been heard more than once, but we have never had the opportunity to imagine it, which is really a bit regrettable!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Chen Nan also said: "Brother Chi Jian also said just now, Phoenix Grass is the top divine medicine in the three realms, how can a small person like you and me see it?"

"Only those who have great opportunities are qualified to spy on that kind of fetish."

"Brother Chi Jian's ability to see it shows that it has a great opportunity."

"We ordinary people, why force it?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone else had regretful expressions on their faces.

They were eager to see what that phoenix grass looked like.


This guy also has a point.

Chance is something that depends on the person, and not everyone is qualified to see it.

"What's your name?" Chi Jian looked at Chen Nan happily.

Chen Nan: "Just call me daddy!"

Chi Jian nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Not bad, I like your daddy quite a lot, can talk, I like it!"

"I just wanted to ask Daddy, do you want to see what that phoenix grass looks like?"

Chen Nan immediately said, "Although I don't have a great chance, if Brother Chi Jian is willing to become our nobleman and take us to see that phoenix grass, our brothers will definitely be grateful to you in their hearts."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"As long as Brother Chi Jian is willing to take us to see that phoenix grass, from now on we will definitely look at you, whether it is up the Dao Mountain or the sea of fire, there is no difference!"

Chi Jian picked up a bowl of wine, drank it, and then said, "I can take you to see what the phoenix grass looks like, but don't thank me, thank you daddy!"

The other eight people all got up at the same time and bowed to Chen Nan to thank them: "Thank you daddy!"

Chen Nan: "It's all brothers, it should be, it should be." If you want to thank or thank Brother Chi Jian, if it weren't for it, how could we see the Phoenix Grass? Saying that, he scooped a bowl of wine and poured it into the wine bowl in front of Chi Jian.

Chi Jian: "Come, drink this bowl of wine, I will take you to see the phoenix grass." "

Ten people toast together.

Then Chi Jian got up, took off into the air, and flew to a hilly area ten miles to the west.

As around, it's deserted.

There is no life at all.

But Chen Nan felt a fluctuation in the formation.

It is obvious that there is a small legal formation here.

"Come in with me!"

Chi Jian led everyone into a crack in the ground.

After walking along the crack for more than a hundred meters, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed, in a space the size of a basketball court.

There are many flowers blooming there.

It is full of vigor and divine power.

In particular, a bright red phoenix grass stands out from the flock, and just looking at it is pleasing to the eye.

Not to mention the refreshing fragrance.

This fragrance is extremely special, giving people an elegant, simple and natural taste.

Although Chen Nan had taken a lot of miracle medicines.

But there is no miracle herb that can compare to the medicinal fragrance of this phoenix grass in front of him.

"This thing is really extraordinary, just smelling it makes people's souls happy, if you take it, then the power will not increase?" A fine light bloomed in someone's eyes.

"Wake up." Chi Jian chuckled: "This phoenix grass is indeed very rare, but no one in my clan can break this formation, so I can only be hungry."

"Taking a step back, even if someone can break through this formation, it won't be our turn to take it, right?"

Several people laughed and said nothing.

They are all small minions, even if they break the phoenix grass, they are not eligible to take this supreme treasure.

Chi Jian continued: "In this way, from today onwards, everyone will cultivate here for a day and a night, and if they get the creation of this place, they will cultivate here today!"

Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

Is there still such a good thing?

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