Chen Nanzheng didn't know how to stay here to crack the formation.

He Cheng thought of Chi Jian and took the initiative to let each of them cultivate here for a day and a night.

It's just sleepy and someone will send pillows!

Although overjoyed.

But Chen Nan still said, "Brother Chi Jian, I am still junior, how can I be the first to cultivate again, let all the brothers cultivate here first!"

"It doesn't hurt that I'm last in line."

He was very modest.

It doesn't work otherwise.

Because he could not break through the Dharma Formation here in a day and a night.


Before that, he needed to study this formation well.

"Daddy, mess with me in the future, I like you who can shoot..." Talkative, and humble and polite guy! Chi Jian looked at Chen Nan and did not hide his liking for him in his heart.

"It's all as it should be."

Chi Jian looked at the other eight clansmen: "Then according to what Dad said, the eight of you are in order, each of you cultivates here for a day and a night, as for who is ranked first, you can discuss it yourself!" Saying that, he hooked his shoulders and put his arm around Chen Nan and walked outside.

Feel the hot right hand of the late blade.

Chen Nan's heart jumped suddenly, and he had a bad premonition.

"This guy shouldn't have an idea about me, right?"

Chen Nan was a little flustered.

Because so far, he has not figured out how the alien demon reproduces.

One more point.

Hundreds of thousands of humanoid alien demons in the Phoenix Ridge God Venerable Realm, he did not see the opposite sex.

He had no doubts.

There is same-sex breeding between alien demons.

If so.

The reason why Chi Jian was so kind.

It is very likely that he has taken a fancy to him.

This has to be guarded against.

"No, no, I have to figure out how alien demons reproduce first." Chen Nan made up his mind in his heart.

Returning to the main peak of Phoenix Ridge, Chen Nan said with a slight drunkenness: "Brother Chi Jian, I'm a little on top, go back to cultivate first."

Chi Jian grinned and revealed an intriguing smile: "How boring is cultivation, let's go drink and be happy!"

Chen Nan smiled awkwardly: "I'm afraid I'll drink too much!"

Chi Jian couldn't help but ask, "Haven't you drunk alcohol before?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "I haven't drunk it before."

"I haven't even drunk alcohol, it's really distressing!" A hint of love appeared in Chi Jian's eyes: "Mess with me in the future, and ensure that you are drunk and dreamy to death!"

Chen Nan's body rose with a thick layer of goosebumps.

Lay down a big groove!

This dog thing really fancy itself.

I'm panicking!

What to do?

Online, etc.

It's urgent...

"Since Brother Chi Jian can afford to look at his brother, then I will lay down my life to accompany the gentleman!" Chen Nan looked like he was dead, and then said, "But... Let's drink here, aren't we afraid of mistakes? In the event that Terran from the Second Heaven kills, how can we resist it?

Chi Jian raised his eyebrows: "Have you forgotten the Blood Demon Array?"

Chen Nan laughed awkwardly: "I haven't forgotten, it's just that I drank a little too much before, and I didn't think about it for a while."

Chi Jian patted his shoulder and said casually: "Don't worry, once the Blood Demon Array is opened, even if we don't move, we can trap that human being, drink it to your heart's content!" "

Let's go, let's go drink." Chen Nan was very free, but there was an invisible pressure in his heart, he didn't know what the Blood Demon Array was, but it was not difficult to know something.

It should be an extremely terrifying formation.

"Xuan Qingying still has half a month to live, I must get the Phoenix Grass within this time and escape!"

"Be cautious."

"Get the phoenix grass in a week."

That's it.

Chen Nan followed Chi Jian to the cave.

A moment later.

The other seven returned and continued drinking and chatting.

"Guys, you drink first, I'll go out for convenience." Chen Nan took the opportunity to leave, and then the second soul left the body and flew to the place where the phoenix grass lived in the west.

The main soul returned to the cave and continued to drink with Chi Jian and the others.

He had two souls, and each soul was comparable to a God Venerable Realm powerhouse.

This makes it easy for him to do a lot of things.

Follow the seam into the bottom.

A humanoid demon sitting cross-kneeled appeared in Chen Nan's eyes.

"Take the house!"

Chen Nan performed the Capture Technique and directly entered its sea of knowledge.

The next moment.

The other party held his head and let out a heart-rending scream.

It kept hitting the ground, feeling a powerful soul enter its sea of knowledge.

Black blood flowed out along its seven tips, looking miserable.

Its soul power is strong.

It was able to compete with Chen Nan.

But in the end, there was no enemy against Chen Nan, and his soul was destroyed.


Chi Jian and the others, who heard the screams, heard the news: "What happened? Why is blood leaking out of your seven tips?

"Thank you for Brother Chi Jian's concern, I almost went crazy when I was practicing just now, and now I'm sober!" The humanoid demon said weakly.

"It scared me to death, I thought that Terran mixed in!" Chi Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's good if you're okay, let's withdraw first, and call us at any time if something happens!" Then

the man led the man away.

After successfully capturing the house, Chen Nan also began to fuse the memories of that humanoid demon.

It doesn't have much in its memory.

Because the evil demon kills in addition to killing.

Unlike humans.

There are not too many emotions and six desires.


Chen Nan also learned the survival methods of some alien demons.

Learned how alien demons reproduce offspring.

"It's exactly what I guessed."

"The biggest difference between alien demons and humans is not as simple as seven emotions and six desires."

"The biggest difference is same-sex reproduction."

"As long as they have people who can see them, they can breed."

"Of course!"

"Reproduction is the privilege of the Divine Venerable Realm, and if you want to reproduce, you need both parties to take a water called holy water beforehand."

"As long as you drink holy water, both will conceive..."

"And each child can give birth to dozens of descendants."

"This is really outrageous, his mother opened the door to the outrageous, outrageous home!"

Chen Nan only felt creepy.

But when I thought about it, I was relieved.

Why don't alien demons have too many emotions and six desires?

Isn't that the root cause?

"It's okay, although Chi Jian took a fancy to me, holy water is hard to find, if you want to get holy water, you need to go to the headquarters of the Heavenly Demon Cave to exchange merit."

"This place is a million miles away from the Heavenly Demon Cave, even if Chi Jian wants to exchange for holy water, there is not enough time!"

"This time can be with it Zhou Xuan."

Chen Nan tried to calm himself.

He gained a lot from this sacrifice.

Knowing the biggest weakness of the alien demon.

Just go to the Heavenly Demon Cave and destroy the holy spring of the base camp of the alien demons, you can destroy the alien demons at the root and prevent them from reproducing unscrupulously.

"After getting the Phoenix Grass, you can consider going to the Heavenly Demon Cave, as long as you can destroy the holy spring, you can severely strike at the arrogance of the alien demon!"

Chen Nan set himself a small goal.

And the priority.

It is to crack the formation here and get the Phoenix Grass.

After all, Xuan Qingyuan's life was in danger.

Wait for him to survive!

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