Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, quietly feeling the formation fluctuations here.

Five minutes.

Half an hour.

Two hours.

Until noon the next day.

He only felt a trace of formation fluctuation.

The fluctuations of the formation were extremely weak, and only for a short moment.

If it weren't for his high concentration of mental power.

It was impossible to perceive this instantaneous formation fluctuation.

"Normally, the fluctuations of the formation are the same as the heartbeat of humans, although the interval will be longer, but it will not be as long as ten hours."

"There is only one explanation for this."

"That is, the power of this formation has weakened."

Think of this.

A brilliant light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He had also dealt with formations a lot when he was in the immortal world, and he knew the laws of formations.


For the sake of caution, he still used the Qiqi Technique.

In a flash.

A faint light appeared in front of him.

This light built the small magic array in front of him.

It's a pity.

Chen Nan did not find the formation base.

"With my current strength, I can give it a go!" Chen Nan's eyes were firm, and then he used the divine power in his body to instantly rush into the magic formation.

I want to break it directly and get the magic medicine inside.

And just when he touched the Dharma Formation.

The originally bleak formation of the law.

In an instant, the light burst out, and a dazzling light burst out.

"Not good!"

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Without waiting for him to react.

The light slammed into him fiercely.


The light is terrifying and has the power to destroy the world.

Instantly turned Chen Nan's body into a puddle of mud.

A huge wave rose in Chen Nan's heart.

I never expected that this formation would erupt with such terrifying power.

"The power of this magic array is obviously not very strong, but why did it erupt with such terrifying energy?" Chen Nan's eyes were full of jealousy, this formation was too tricky, even he couldn't grasp its laws.

Right at this moment.

He felt the breath of Chi Jian and the others coming quickly.

Without much thought, he immediately hid in the dark.

After Chi Jian and the others arrived with their own Buddha-figures, they quietly returned to their bodies.

"Brother Chi Jian, what's going on?" A humanoid alien demon looked at Chi Jian with trepidation, not understanding why he suddenly died violently when he was cultivating here.


Chi Jian spat viciously: "If I'm not mistaken, this dog thing must have the idea of hitting this miracle medicine, if not, it won't die so badly."

Speaking of this, it looked at the other clansmen and said with indifferent eyes: "I tell you again, you can cultivate here, but don't hit the idea of the Phoenix Grass."

"Although it is close at hand, the power of this magic array is extremely terrifying."

"As long as you touch this formation, you will be attacked by the formation."

"Don't talk about us."

"Even if the commander faces this formation, he will be seriously injured!"

A jealous look appeared in everyone's eyes.

It seems that I didn't expect this place to be so dangerous.

"Everything that should be said has been said, if you can restrain the greed in your heart, you can cultivate here."

"If you think you can't resist the temptation, give up this opportunity!"

"This cargo on the ground is a lesson in the past."

Several people looked at each other.

Although this place is very dangerous.

But none of them were willing to give up.

Chi Jian continued, "Since that's the case, then continue to cultivate!"

"But be cautious."

"It's still a group of two!"

It changed the rules.

Suddenly, Chen Nan's situation became much more passive.

If there is only one person left here.

Chen Nan could continue to take the house and study the formation here.

But now.

He fell into passivity.

After all, he only has two souls, one to control the Buddha-figure and accompany Chi Jian to drink.

And the other wants to come here to feel the formation.

This is obviously a bit inadequate.

"Brother Chi Jian, is there really no one who can crack the magic array here?" After coming to the ground, Chen Nan casually asked Chi Jian.

Chi Jian shook his head: "Even if there is, it is a Terran, but the Terran who can crack this array should be dead."

Chen Nan asked curiously, "What do you mean by this?"

Chi Jian explained: "This formation is an innate formation, not artificially arranged, even if the formation masters of the Terran race come here, they don't want to crack it."

"If you want to crack this formation, you must find the guardian of the Phoenix Clan."

"It is said that they hold the key to open this magic formation in their hands."

"It's just."

"After we came here, we killed the humans who guarded the Phoenix clan."

"Although a few escaped."

"But the key to open the formation also followed them into the sea."

"Even though we've been looking for them all these years, we've found nothing."

"It's as if the world has evaporated."

After a pause, it looked at Chen Nan and couldn't help but say, "Are you also interested in Phoenix Grass?"

Chen Nan smiled: "No, no, I just asked casually."

Chi Jian stretched out his hand to hold Chen Nan's chin and looked at him affectionately: "In fact, it is common for people to have this kind of thought, after all, that phoenix grass is a real miracle medicine, and it can improve cultivation after taking it."


"This kind of treasure is not destined to be able to be taken by people like you and me."

"Of course."

"If you are willing to stay with me, I will definitely do my best to find you some medicinal herbs so that you can grow up as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan looked at him blankly.

Don't you hide your inner thoughts now?


I am in the realm of God.

I was targeted by a strange demon, and he wanted to keep me...

Without much thought, Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Thank you Brother Chi Jian for your appreciation of me..."

Chi Jian interrupted Chen Nan's words with a smile: "If you really thank me, repay me with practical actions." "Speaking of this, a jade gourd appeared in this hand, and the inside was milky white, slightly viscous liquid.

"After drinking a lot of wine in the past two days, do you want to change the taste and taste the taste of this holy water?" Chi Jian raised an eyebrow at Chen Nan.

A simple raised eyebrow almost scared Chen Nan.

After all, he already knew the breeding mode of the alien demon.

Homosexual reproduction.

And you need to drink holy water beforehand.

It's just...

He never dreamed that Chi Jian had so much holy water.

Without much thought, Chen Nancheng said with trepidation: "Thank you for the favor of Brother Chi Jian, but my ability is low, and I am not worthy of you at all!"

"Please also give me a period of time, I think I will be eligible to drink holy water with you one day."

What can Chen Nan do when the matter has come to this?

It can only be delayed.

"Do you really feel like you don't deserve me?" Chi Jian's eyes showed surprise: "I didn't expect that you were also a dignified and backbone guy, and you didn't lose your mind by holy water."

Chen Nan nodded solemnly: "I have always thought that the Terran is very reasonable.

Chi Jian hesitated, and his eyes became firm: "In that case, then I will help you and give you a chance to make meritorious achievements!" "

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