Ji Wu's eyes widened.

It simply does not understand that the man it worships will stab it in the back with a fatal stab.

Those people from the Phoenix Tribe were also stunned.

They didn't know why some alien demon had cracked the zodiac reincarnation array.

But they all know it.

Then there's an uphill battle.

That's why.

They will come together, young and old.

Even if they can't kill each other, they are ready to die with each other.


No one expected it.

Enemies will kill each other.

"I'm sorry, I'm a good guy!" Chen Nan regained his human form.


Ji Wu spewed out a mouthful of blood and said in horror: "So, you are the human we have been waiting for, right?" Are you humanity's last hope? The

people of the Phoenix Tribe were also taken aback.

But he was soon relieved.

The zodiac reincarnation array can only be broken by human races.


They were shocked by Chen Nan's identity.

The last hope of the Terrans?

Who gave him this title?

Can he shoulder the last hope of the Terrans?


Chen Nan pulled out the cold knife in his body, and then shrugged: "Yes, I am the last hope of the Terrans in your mouth, I am from the Second Heaven."

Zhi Wu looked at him with anger on his face and let out an angry low roar: "What if you kill me?"

"How will you explain my whereabouts to Boss Chi Jian after you go back?"

"Even if you get the Phoenix Grass, you don't want to leave the Phoenix Ridge."

It was eager to escape, but informed Chi Blade that the enemy had mixed into its own side.

However, the teleportation entrance of the Zodiac Reincarnation Array has been closed.

Moreover, Chen Nan was still staring at it.

It asked itself.

Even if the portal wasn't closed, it wanted to leave alive.

"Yes, it will be difficult to explain when I go back when you die." An evil smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "But do you really think that I have this ability?"

"No, you don't know anything about my abilities."

Speaking of this, a scarlet soul flew out from his body.

"Who are you? Why do you have the soul of my people? Ji Wu was so frightened that he screamed.

It feels like its worldview has been turned upside down.

It is impossible to imagine a Terran having a demon's soul.


Ji Wu trembled all over, and looked at Chen Nan in horror: "It's you!"

"It's you!"

"The previous cultivation of the wooden barrier was not almost lost, but it was taken away by you, right?"

"You are indeed very smart!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "So, even if I kill you, no one will suspect me, I only need to sacrifice your body to hide from the sky." The

words fell.

The second soul instantly poured into the sea of knowledge, launched a fierce attack, and finally succeeded in taking it away.


Chen Nan looked at the people of the Phoenix Tribe, they all had golden-red phoenix marks on their foreheads, which looked like they had been painted with cinnabar.

He said politely: "My name is Chen Nan, I am from the Second Heaven, I am here to find the Phoenix Grass to save people, and I hope that you can be fulfilled!"

"The Phoenix Grass is the Divine Grass of my clan, why give it to you?" A young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes was full of indifference, and he didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all.

A middle-aged man also said: "Yes, although you are a Terran, you have the soul of a different demon, what is the difference between you and the alien demon now?" How can we trust you?

Chen Nan chuckled: "Since the Phoenix Grass is your clan's divine grass, then why is your clan's divine grass occupied, but you want to live in this projectile land?"

"If you really have the ability, why don't you go out and kill the demons?"

"Did the nest highlight your abilities?"

"Something that gives a face and no face, believe it or not, Xiao Ye will destroy the formation outside now?"

"Young man, I advise you to pay attention to your words, don't think that the people of our Phoenix Tribe are afraid of you!" A middle-aged man with a face full of anger: "We live here just to recharge our strength, waiting for a suitable opportunity to kill out."

"At that time, the alien demon who will definitely be killed will lose his armor and lose his armor, and he will not be able to collapse!"

"Yes, although our Phoenix clan has few people, we don't have soft persimmons, and we don't put foreign demons in our eyes at all."

"If we make a move, we will definitely be able to kill them all."

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "There are eight million Divine Venerable Realm demons outside. "

Hundreds of millions of alien demons below the Divine Venerable Realm."

"You guys are even trying to recharge your batteries and wait for a suitable opportunity to kill them?"

"Just because you still think about killing the alien demon?"

"Are you kidding?"

"How do you have the face to say such things?"

The expressions on everyone's faces changed suddenly.

Eight million Divine Venerable Realm alien demons, this is definitely a terrifying astronomical amount for them.

Because the Phoenix Tribe added up to less than sixty people.

Even if they are powerful.

But in the face of this terrifying number, they were also overwhelmed.

"Say, how can I hand over the key to open the formation?" Chen Nan also gradually lost patience, although he was asking for people, but these people were arrogant.

He doesn't want to deal with that kind of person.

"Young man, are there really eight million alien demons in the Divine Venerable Realm in the outside world?" The old man in a white robe with white hair asked nervously.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "If you don't believe it, you can leave your comfort zone and go out and see, I don't have to deceive you!"

"It's only been ten thousand years, how can they build such a powerful population?" The old man's face was sallow and showed a complicated expression.

Chen Nan: "Heterosexual reproduction, each litter can give birth to dozens of descendants."

"And it's not surprising that they can gain more power by devouring their own people, and they have developed to their current scale in 10,000 years."

The old man's face was full of pain, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say it.

Immediately, he looked at Chen Nan nervously: "We Terrans, do we still have a chance?"

Chen Nan was amused: "Even if you ask the sky ten thousand times, a hundred million times, it will not give you an answer."

"If you really want to know, ask the alien demon with your life!"

The old man's expression froze sharply.

Oh, yes!

There is no solution to this question.

The result is only known if you have a life-saving fight.

"You can come here, it means that this is the fate of heaven!" The old man spread out his right hand, and a five-colored feather fan appeared, which looked very similar to the fan in Zhuge Liang's hand.

However, there are five kinds of bird feathers on it, which emit a multicolored glow.

At a glance, you can tell that it is not an ordinary thing.

"This is the key to opening the Phoenix Grass Formation, with just one light, the formation will be broken!" With a wave of the old man's right hand, the five-bird fan flew towards Chen Nan.

"Grandfather, this is an artifact of my clan, and I can't give it to him." The young man before stood in front of the five-bird fan and looked at Chen Nan with a fierce glare: "If you want the five-bird fan, you need to defeat me first!"

Chen Nan: "How do you know that my fist is itchy?" "

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