"The surname Chen, don't give a face, Brother Feng Peng is the strongest of the younger generation of our tribe, and he can easily defeat you!" A young man from the Phoenix Tribe looked at Chen Nan angrily.

One said, "If you don't want to die, quickly apologize to Brother Feng." "

Phoenix is the pride of their hearts.

They did not allow anyone to have the slightest disrespect for him.

Chen Nan's words just now, 'How do you know that my fist is itching', are clearly despising Feng Peng's dignity.

Feng Peng raised his right hand, the scene instantly quieted down, and he looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "I like an arrogant guy like you, I hope your strength will not disappoint me!" The

words fell.

He pinched the trick with one hand, and a fiery red divine power crossed the void and flew towards Chen Nan with lightning speed.

The Phoenix Tribe cultivates special exercises.

Their divine power also contained phoenix divine fire.

The power cannot be underestimated.

But Chen Nan acted very casually, he stretched out his palm and shook it in the air.

I saw that the phoenix divine power was still in the air.

"Something, but not much." A flash of essence flashed in the eyes of the young man named Feng Peng, and then he held a red long sword and slashed at Chen Nan.

He possessed the cultivation of the Upper Divine Venerable Realm, and his figure was like lightning.

Mo says now.

Even if Ling Xiao didn't step on the ground before, he could stand out.

"Kind of interesting!"

Chen Nan didn't expect this guy's strength to be so strong.

After all, since ancient times, there have not been many strong people who have stepped into the Upper God Venerable Realm.

This is comparable to Yang Jian's level of powerhouse.


But the heart is about to move.

The will to fight was completely ignited.

Cold knife in hand.

He slashed into the void.

There is nothing ahead.

But there was a crisp and pleasant crashing sound.

Followed by.

Feng Peng's figure appeared strangely in the air, flying out for thousands of meters in embarrassment.


With hair dishevelled.

It looks a little embarrassing.

This moment.

Feng Peng's eyes as he looked at Chen Nan also became solemn.

He didn't expect that Chen Nan, a cultivator of the Lower Divine Venerable Realm, could have such terrifying power, even if he was a little overwhelmed.

The eyes of those clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe widened even more.

It was unbelievable that Feng Peng was actually repelled by Chen Nan.

"Come again!"

Phoenix Peng roared angrily, he squeezed his hands with both hands, and a terrifying Phoenix True Fire erupted above the long sword.

The surrounding temperature instantly soared to a terrifying point.

The Phoenix True Fire above the long sword also condensed into nine fiery red long swords at this moment, each of which was extremely sharp, making people feel palpitations.

Ten long swords were suspended in the air, pointing at Chen Nan.


With a wave of his right hand, Feng Peng controlled ten long swords to slash at Chen Nan in all directions.

Ten long swords blocked Chen Nan's surroundings, as well as above, and below.

Let him retreat.

"Sword Formation?" Chen Nan murmured, but acted unusually calm.

He put away the cold knife.

Clench your fists.

The divine power in the body roared at this moment, like a terrifying wave, exuding a palpitating aura.

He controlled the concentration of divine power on his right fist.

Immediately, a punch smashed into the void.


Although his punch smashed into the void.

But it seems to have smashed into some node in the void.

Let the entire void emit a deafening roar.

Immediately, small cracks appeared under his fist, and then quickly spread towards the surroundings.

Directly resisted Feng Peng's ten long swords outside.

"What is this exercise? Can it make the void crack? "

The people of the Phoenix Tribe are all boiling.

They had never heard of such a weird move.

Patriarch Feng Yu showed a solemn look and said in a low voice: "I really didn't expect that this son was so young that he actually comprehended the Space Avenue, although he is only an entry, but there is no denying his talent!"

"If he concentrates on this Dao, it is very likely that he will break the shackles and step into that legendary realm in the future!"

The people of the Phoenix Tribe were taken aback.

I didn't expect the patriarch to give Chen Nan such a high evaluation.

For a lot of people.

Cultivating to the Divine Venerable Realm is already the limit.

Very few people can break this shackle and step into the realm of saints.

According to legend, there are only those who have great opportunities.

I hope to step into that realm.

Even if the strongest of the young generation of the Phoenix Tribe is Phoenix Peng.

The patriarchs all said that he did not break the shackles unless he met nobles to help.

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Feng Peng had a crazy smile on his face, he put away his long sword and looked at Chen Nan with his fists: "My strongest is not magic powers, but physical bodies, do you dare to fight me in close combat?" "


Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

If you and I are more powerful than magic, you may be able to sustain a moment.


You and I than hand-to-hand combat?

Are you putting this on hold?

In terms of hand-to-hand combat, who have we been afraid of?

He smiled and said, "Okay, then it's better than hand-to-hand combat!"

"Chen Nan, don't be foolish!" A young man from the Phoenix tribe sneered: "Big Brother Phoenix has been baptized by true phoenix blood, and the strength of the flesh is definitely an invincible existence among his peers.

"If you fight him in close combat, he will kill you with one punch."

"Your thin little body can't afford it at all, I advise you to obediently admit defeat!"

"Why so much nonsense? Is it an opponent, don't you know after fighting? Chen Nan snorted angrily, although Feng Peng had been baptized by True Phoenix Blood.


This cannot deny that he received a drop of True Phoenix Essence Blood when he was in the Immortal Realm.

I got the Divine Nirvana Technique of the True Phoenix Clan!

He was proud of it.

Have you ever bragged about it?

"Then let me see your strength!" Feng Peng's eyes bloomed with dazzling essence, and he appeared in front of Chen Nan like a ghost, and suddenly smashed a punch.

This punch destroys the decay.

This punch is unstoppable.

This punch is suffocating.

Chen Nan stood there quietly, the corners of his mouth curled with disdain.

And in the eyes of others.

He belongs to the state of being scared silly.

"Feng Peng, we are the same race after all, don't hurt the killer!" Feng Yu made an old voice, reminding Feng Peng not to hurt the killer.

"Patriarch rest assured, I have my own measure!" Feng Peng had a sinister smile on his face, but his momentum did not weaken in the slightest.

But just when his fist was about to fall on Chen Nan's face.

Chen Nan suddenly stretched out his right hand.

Directly held Feng Peng's fist.


Feng's pupils trembled violently.

He felt a sharp pain coming from his fist, which made him unbearable.

He subconsciously wanted to withdraw his fist.

But nothing can be done.

Chen Nan's strength was too great, so he couldn't break free from the other party's shackles at all.

"How could his power be so terrifying?" A monstrous wave rose in Feng Peng's heart, and his physical body was the existence he was most proud of, but now.

He lost in the field of his pride.

Without waiting for him to react.

Chen Nan kicked him in the abdomen and let go of his hand.

Next second!

Feng Peng spat out blood and flew out under everyone's dumbfounded eyes...

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