


The scene was silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

A huge wave rose in everyone's heart.

He didn't believe that the powerful Feng Peng in the flesh would be kicked by Chen Nan and spit out blood, and even flew out upside down.

It's hard for them to accept.


Many people think they are hallucinating.

In their opinion, even if one of the two was kicked into the air, that person should be Chen Nan.

And not Phoenix.


Many people rubbed their eyes.

But the result made their scalp numb and they shuddered.

The person who was kicked out was really Feng Peng.

He is the strongest among the younger generation of the Phoenix Tribe.

It's not Chen Nan who was underestimated by them!

"Compare with me in the flesh?"

"Why do you have to be better than me?" A hint of contempt flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

"You own the legendary Desolate Sacred Body?" Feng Yi exclaimed.

As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, the scene burst into shouts.

Phoenix itself possessed a rare innate fire spirit body, not to mention that it had been tempered by true phoenix blood in the later stage.

To put it bluntly.

Looking at ancient and modern times, there are not many who can crush him in the flesh.

And the Desolate Ancient Body is definitely one of them.

"This name, I haven't heard it for a long time!" Chen Nan muttered.

"Even if you have the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body? Do you think you can overcome me? Feng Peng became angry and burst out with a terrifying momentum.

A phantom of a true phoenix appeared in the void behind him.

It is a hundred meters long, and although it is only a phantom, it exudes the momentum of a true phoenix staring at all living beings.

It gives a strong sense of oppression.

It makes people feel a little heavier even breathing.

"Phoenix Peng, don't mess around!" Feng Yu's face changed suddenly, he never expected that Feng Peng would become angry, and even kill Chen Nan.

"He deceived people too much!"

Phoenix's eyes were torn.

The next moment.

The True Phoenix Shadow in the air emitted a high-pitched scream.


The void trembled at this moment.

The True Phoenix Shadow turned into a red light and directly disappeared into Chen Nan's eyebrows.

"You you you... Why are you hurting the killer? Feng Yuqi's face was sallow, and he wanted to stop the other party with a five-bird fan, but it was too late, and he could only see the tragedy happening in front of him.

Everyone else also showed regretful eyes.

True Phoenix Art belongs to soul attacks.

It is an extremely powerful magical power.

Mo said that Chen Nan only had the realm of the lower gods.

Even if there is an upper god, it is difficult to resist.

Feng Peng gritted his teeth and said, "The surname Chen is too deceitful, if I don't kill him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" As soon as the words fell, he pinched the trick with one hand, wanting to take back his True Phoenix Technique.

After all, it was a magical power that he used the power of his soul to exert, not a one-time means.


He was horrified.

His own True Phoenix Art was like a stone sinking into the sea.

Immediately, he let out a heart-rending cry: "Impossible! "


"My True Phoenix Art belongs to the Immortal Divine Power."

"How can you eat away at my True Phoenix Art?"

He was covered in a shawl, and a mouthful of red blood spurted out of his mouth.

A disdainful smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "As far as you know the True Phoenix Art?" "


Accompanied by a high-pitched phoenix sound.

A phoenix phantom with a body length of 10,000 meters appeared behind Chen Nan.

It covers the sky.


Although it is only a shadow, it gives people a sign that it is about to materialize.

A terrifying sense of oppression swept from the depths of the nine heavens, causing the blood of the Phoenix Tribe to burn, producing a strong sense of suffocation.

"This is the breath of the ancient Phoenix Ancestor!" Phoenix burst into tears, and immediately crawled on the ground, shouting towards Chen Nan: "Phoenix tribe sinner Phoenix tribe sinner Phoenix worships the Holy Lord!" "

Meet the Holy Lord!"

Everyone else knelt reverently on the ground.

Even Phoenix is the same.

Although they are members of the Phoenix Tribe, they have received the inheritance of the true phoenix.


Chen Nan had the aura of Feng Zu on his body.

Mo said these people.

Even if the true phoenix they believed in saw Chen Nan, he had to give a big gift.

Chen Nan didn't expect that the people of the Phoenix Tribe were involved in the creation they got, which was quite unexpected.

He looked at Feng Peng: "Are you convinced now?"

"The Holy Lord is angry, and the younger generation is convinced." Feng Peng lowered his head in shame.

Chen Nan: "Then can I leave with the five-bird fan?" Feng

Peng swallowed his saliva nervously: "Mo said that the five birds fan, everyone in the Phoenix tribe obeyed the Holy Lord's dispatch."

"Okay, let's all get up!" Chen Nan said lightly, and then released the True Phoenix Technique of Phoenix Peng, although this guy's soul power is not weak.

But he has not yet fallen to the point of dominating the power of other people's souls.

"Thank you Holy Lord, thank you Holy Lord!" Feng Peng is grateful to Dade.

Chen Nan looked at Feng Yi: "You called yourself a sinner before, how many meanings does this mean?" "

He knows.

The title of Feng Yi is not because Feng Peng offended himself.

Feng Yi was so frightened that he knelt on the ground again, his eyes full of pain: "Don't hide from the Holy Lord, when the alien demon invaded the Three Heavens ten thousand years ago, if our Phoenix clan fought with it with the heart of mortality, there was still a five-point chance of annihilating the alien demon in one fell swoop."

"But the price of winning is the fish is broken!"



"I don't want to see my clansmen die in battle."

"So I came here with my people."

"I want to let the strength of the clan improve and then annihilate the alien demon in one fell swoop."

"But I really didn't expect that in ten thousand years, the race of alien demons would be so large."

"The old slave is guilty!"

"Sin deserves death!"

"Please the Holy Lord to surrender sins!"

Talking and crawling on the ground and crying.

Looking at the old figure crawling in front of him crying, Chen Nan said softly, "If I sat in your place, I would have made the same choice."

"The only thing we can do is to make the safest choice in light of the current situation."

"Who knows what will happen in the future?"


"Not guilty!"

Chen Nan didn't say that.

When he said this, Feng Yi cried even more heartbreakingly.

Because in these three thousand years, he learned from observing the outside world that the alien demon race was getting stronger and stronger.

He also knew what his original choice meant to the Three Heavens.

He regretted it.

There was great torment inside.

And Chen Nan's words saved him.

"Okay, don't cry!" Chen Nan was slightly displeased: "Since you have a repentant heart, then use practical actions to obtain self-redemption!"

Feng Yi wiped the tears from his face, and said with a firm look in his eyes: "The whole Phoenix tribe, wait for the Holy Lord to send it!"

Chen Nan took out the Immortal Mansion: "I'm going to pick the phoenix grass, and after picking it, I will find a way to kill the encirclement, before that, you will live in the Immortal Mansion first!" "


Feng Yu respectfully agreed, and then led the clansmen into the Immortal Mansion.

Chen Nan also looked at the humanoid alien demon on the side, and grinned: "Go, let's go back to regain our lives!" "

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