That's it.

Chen Nan transformed into the form of a foreign demon and returned to Phoenix Ridge with Zhiwu.

"Have you ever gained anything?" Chi Jian asked.

Chen Nan said, "Back to Brother Chi Blade, we found a formation in the valley where the Phoenix Tribe tribe disappeared, and after the cooperation of me and the Zhiwu brothers, we finally successfully opened that formation.

"It's a small, independent world."

"Unfortunately, there were no living people."

"On the contrary, there are several human graves."

Chi Jian nodded slightly: "This result is also expected, after all, ten thousand years have passed, how can those who fled in the first place live for so long?"

After a pause, it added, "Have you ever found the five-bird fan of the Phoenix Tribe?"

"That's what you said?" Chen Nan took out a fan made of five kinds of bird feathers.

Of course.

This is an imitation.

It looks just like the real thing.

And it's also a magic weapon.

It's just that the power is 108,000 li worse than the real thing.

In order to confuse the late blade.

And the real thing is in his storage magic weapon.

Chi Jian was overjoyed, and after receiving the fan, he looked at it seriously: "Not bad, this is the inheritance treasure of the Phoenix Tribe, the Five Birds Fan, although the breath is not as strong as before, but it is also reasonable."

"Daddy, I will receive this treasure first, and when the commander returns, I will report the matter to it, and then you will definitely get a great reward."

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhi Wu and said with a straight face: "If the Lord Commander asks, you will say that you discovered the whereabouts of the Phoenix Tribe under the leadership of Daddy, understand?" "

It wants to give all the credit to Chen Nan.

Zhi Wu smiled: "Brother Chi Jian, you don't need to explain this too much, the matter itself is like this!"

Chi Jian nodded in satisfaction, and said again: "Okay, the first six people have already cultivated near the Phoenix Grass, and then it's your turn to cultivate there!"


Chen Nan calmly agreed, and then called Shangji Wu to fly to the place where the phoenix grass grew.

The seemingly calm expression could not hide the excitement in his heart.

You can finally get Phoenix Grass!

As long as he obtains the Phoenix Grass, he can find a way to leave this place.

Then go to Niu Niu Cave to find the nine flame lions and give the phoenix grass to Xuan Qingyin.

It can also be regarded as an explanation for Xuanming's old thing!

"I'm guarding the entrance, you go get the medicine!" The secondary soul controlled Zhi Wu's body, and although it was Chen Nan's secondary soul, there was not much difference between it and the main soul.

The only difference is bloodthirsty and irritable.

This is the result of refining alien holy relics.

Chen Nan's Buddha-figure came to the formation, he took out the five-bird fan and flashed it gently.

A five-colored divine light flew out from the fan.


When this five-colored divine light flew out.

The formation in front of Chen Nan's eyes suddenly trembled.

Immediately, a flash of light soared into the sky.

The formation was cracked.

But Chen Nan's face was sallow.

He never expected that breaking this formation would trigger such a big momentum.

Don't think about it.

Chen Nan immediately picked the phoenix grass, as well as those miracle medicines that lived around the phoenix grass.

Although the level of those medicinal herbs was not as good as that of Phoenix Grass, it could also improve Chen Nan's strength.


Chen Nan felt the ground shake.

Those alien demons that were originally stationed in Phoenix Ridge rushed over from all directions.

Chi Jian also flew quickly with the others.


Chen Nan withdrew his soul, and then cast the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, transforming into a mosquito and flying out.

"Brother Chi Jian, Zhiwu was killed, and I didn't see Daddy's figure!" A humanoid alien had solemn eyes.

The other people were also so nervous that they did not dare to speak.

Jiwu was killed.

The phoenix grass also disappeared.

Even if they are alien demons, they can instantly think that the murderer is 'Daddy'.

"If I'm not mistaken, that guy named Daddy should be a Terran transformation." A humanoid demon gave his opinion.


The monstrous anger erupted from Chi Jian's body.

Its eyes instantly turned blood red.

I didn't expect it at all.

The guy he fancy turned out to be a Personal.

And it's been playing it around.

"He can't run away!"

"I'll find him out!"

"And a thousand cuts!"

Chi Jian let out a monstrous roar, and then a blood light roared out from its body.

The next moment.

A bloody light appeared above the Phoenix Ridge.


A Blood Demon Array was instantly activated.

Shrouded the entire Phoenix Ridge.

Even if Chen Nan turned into a mosquito, he was trapped in it.

"Chi Blade, what happened?"

"Humans mixed in?" Hatu soared into the air, suspended in mid-air.

"Ruler, the Phoenix Grass has disappeared." Chi Jian's face was full of trepidation and told what happened...

Hatu's face showed anger after hearing this: "I really didn't expect that Terran to transform into the appearance of my clan and blend into our territory."

"And you, the bastard, actually informed him of the whereabouts of the Phoenix Tribe."

"Subordinates are guilty!" Chi Jian trembled with fear, but still said: "Commander, the priority is to use the Blood Demon Array to force out that Terran, recapture the Phoenix Grass, kill it, and destroy the last hope of the Terran!"

"He can't run away." An earth-shattering killing intent flashed in Hatu's eyes, and then a terrifying blood qi gushed out from his body and merged into the blood demon array.

Seeing this, the other alien demons also released their blood qi one after another, merging with the Blood Demon Array.

Hundreds of thousands of gods and demons sacrificed their blood qi at the same time, and the scene was still very spectacular.

It was as if the entire heavenly dome had been stained red with blood.

And the Blood Demon Array has also undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, it was like a transparent blood-colored light curtain.

And now.

But it turned into a thick wall of blood.

So much so that Chen Nan couldn't see what was happening outside the formation at all.

Not only that.

He also felt his blood stirring.

"Terrans, I know that you are in Phoenix Ridge, show up quickly, I can give you a pain!"

"Or I'll let you go!" Hatu's voice resounded in this small world.

The second soul spoke: "With your strength, it is difficult to break through the Blood Demon Array. Let me control my body, with that holy weapon, I have a fifty percent chance of getting out of the siege!" "

The sub-soul refined the holy relics of the alien demons and obtained a lot of knowledge about the alien demons.

It knew better than Chen Nan's Lord Soul how bad the situation was in front of him.

Chen Nan asked, "If it were me, what is the chance of killing it?" Sub-soul

: "Issei."

Chen Nan's eyes were full of madness: "Although the probability of Yicheng is not high, it is enough!" The

second soul sighed softly, "Why did you take such a big risk? Is it worth it? Why don't you believe me once and let me overtake my body? Chen

Nan: "If the alien demons know that their holy relics are in my hands, even if we escape from here, they will inevitably find me, at that time, do you think I still have a way out?" The

words fell.

Chen Nan returned to his human form, and a strange flash appeared in the air.

Although alone.

But it has an unstoppable momentum that swallows mountains and rivers.

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