The opening in the wall of blood quickly disappeared.

Also disappearing was Chen Nan.

"Chase, this son just delivered the strongest blow, now is the time to be weak."

"Catch up with him no matter what, and kill this son at all costs!"

"I want to kill the last hope of the Terrans!"

Hatu jumped like thunder, he didn't expect that so many of them were gathered together, and they also activated the Blood Demon Array, and Chen Nan was able to escape.

If this matter is spread to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave.

It will definitely cause the dissatisfaction of that person.

At that time, it will not only be ridiculed by other leaders.

It is even possible to be mercilessly killed by bits.

Just when the formation is blocked.

When countless alien demons chased out.

Hatu couldn't help but spew out a mouthful of blood, and his face was extremely pale.

"Commander, are you injured?" A humanoid demon was full of horror, and he didn't expect Hatu to vomit blood.

You must know that even when they faced the masters of the Phoenix Tribe ten thousand years ago, no one hurt it.

Hatu snorted coldly: "You think the Samadhi True Fire is a joke?"

"That's the most terrifying divine fire in the Three Realms."

"If I hadn't reacted quickly and stopped devouring in time, I would have died by now!" Speaking of this, a trace of fear appeared in its eyes.

With its current realm, it was simply not enough to resist the Three Immortal True Fire.

"Tell your brothers not to underestimate that Terran, let alone fight him in close combat." Recalling the picture of fighting with Chen Nan just now, Hatu's eyes were full of solemnity: "This son is terrifying in the flesh, not under me, if he fights with him in close combat, he will definitely kill him." "

Speaking of which.

It spewed out another mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

Just now, it fought with Chen Nan, and it seemed that one blow blasted Chen Nan out far away.

But it has also received a strong backlash.

It's just enduring.

Seeing that Hatu was seriously injured, Chi Jian shouted an order to his subordinates, and then helped Hatu to the cave mansion where Hatu usually practiced.

Hatu: "Late blade stays, others go out!" "


Everyone turned and left.

Leaving Chi Jian alone in the cave, shivering.

Hatu's eyes were cold: "Why did that human find the location of the Phoenix Tribe?" "


Chi Jian knelt on the ground and said sincerely and fearfully: "Back to the commander, my subordinates didn't know that the Terran transformed into the appearance of my clan, and I originally wanted to drink holy water with him."

"But he said that he was not worthy of me, and it is precisely because of this that his subordinates informed him of the location of the disappearance of the Phoenix Tribe, thinking of making him meritorious so that we can be together!"

"If the subordinate is guilty, please take the punishment!"

Hatu sighed lightly: "How can you be guilty, you just want to find a like-minded partner!"


"Do you know why we are guarding the Phoenix Tribe?"

"Is this really a good place?"


Hatu said angrily: "The Phoenix Tribe is an important part of the rise of the Terrans, and now, they are very likely to follow that Terran and leave.

"You ruined the good deeds of my clan!"

"If I don't kill you, I'll be angry!"

The words fell.

It poked out with one palm.

A terrifying blood qi roared out, instantly covering Chi Jian.

I saw that this person's face was full of pain, as if he had fallen into an endless swamp.

Its blood is also swallowed uncontrollably by Hatu.

It struggles non-stop.

Delusional to get rid of Hatu's devouring.

But to no avail at all.

Even if the two are of equal realm, Hatu's strength is obviously better.

A moment later.

Chi Blade turned into a shriveled corpse.

A pop fell from the air.

And Hatu's pale face also regained a hint of blush.


A humanoid demon held a wooden box and walked over with sincere trepidation: "Commander, the medicine has been taken!"

Hatu said lightly: "Let it go!" The

humanoid demon obediently placed the wooden box in front of Hatu.

Hatu reached out and opened the wooden box.

But at the moment it was opened.

A wave of knife intent erupted without warning, instantly cutting off its arm.

Hatu gasped, and it looked at Chen Nan angrily: "It's you, you didn't escape?"

"Running away is not my style!" Chen Nan's face was full of madness, and the cold knife appeared in his hand when he raised his hand, and without saying a word, he slashed towards Hatu.


Hatu didn't expect that Chen Nanming had broken through the Blood Demon Array, and instead of fleeing, he transformed into the appearance of his own clan and attacked him.

It couldn't believe that he was the last hope of the Three Realms after acting so recklessly.

Don't wait for it to react.

The cold knife in Chen Nan's hand slashed through its waist.

Cut it straight off.


With its current cultivation, even if it is cut off from the waist, it will not endanger its life.

The next second.

The cold knife in Chen Nan's hand was cut against its chin.


Black blood gushed from Hatu's neck.

"I am a person who does what I say, how can I break my word when I say that I will take your first rank?" Chen Nan showed a chilling smile, and then put Hatu's mace away.

"My life, how can you take it with an ant?" Hatu roared, the cave trembling.

Accompanied by Hatu's roar.

Terrifying demonic energy gushed out from its body.

It turned into a giant alien canine about a kilometer tall.

The huge body broke through the cave.

Flew to the top of the mountain.

The sudden scene shocked the alien demons who remained in Phoenix Ridge.

Because many people have never seen Hatu's body.

"Human, die!" Hatu spat out thunder, and then raised his huge palm to bombard Chen Nan.

"Wow!" Chen Nan spat: "Just you will get bigger?" The

words fell.

He performed eight and nine Xuan Gong and turned into a five-thousand-meter mad ape.

He is above the sky.

Foot on the earth.

The huge soles of their feet stepped on Phoenix Ridge, covering it.

Countless alien demons have been trampled to death.

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan raised his mountain-like fist and smashed it to the ground without order.


The earth trembled madly.

It's like a war drum beating.

Each punch he hit Hartu's body with unmistakable accuracy.

Every punch that falls is splattered with a lot of blood.

Hatu wants to fight back.

But Chennan's offensive was too intensive.

It simply cannot fight back.

It abandoned the idea of fighting back.

Just want to be alive at the moment.

But Chen Nan did not give it a chance.

The real fire shrouded the huge fist, like a meteorite streaked across the dark night sky, growing larger and larger in its pupils under Hatu's terrified, desperate eyes.


When Chen Nan's powerful blow smashed to the ground.

A dazzling flash of fire rose under his fist.

A deep pit about 100 meters deep and more than 1,000 meters in diameter appeared on the ground.

In the middle of the pit, there is a black soil.

There is also a headless corpse of alien demons.

Chen Nan panted and looked at the humanoid alien demon powerhouses in the distance, and a deep voice came out of his mouth: "I said to take the first level of Hatu and the mace, this is not bragging, right?" "

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