The scene was silent.

Countless alien demons widened their eyes.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

They are unbelievable.

Hatu was actually killed by the Terran man in front of him.

You must know that Hatu is a strong man of the nine ruling levels.

Since they attacked the Three Realms, they have made great battle achievements.

Its strength is extremely terrifying.

Back then, he once killed a god of the level of a heavenly king in human form.

But now.

It reverted to its form as a Buddha-figure, but was brutally killed.

This makes them feel intense fear and unease.

"If it is not my race, its heart will be different!"

"You have occupied our homeland and killed my compatriots!"


"I, Chen Nan, will recover some interest."

Chen Nan's eyes exuded earth-shattering killing intent.

With a wave of his hands, two terrifying sword intents roared out.

In a flash.

Countless alien demons were killed by him.

Black blood fell from the air like a downpour.


Chen Nan squeezed his hands.

The True Fire instantly covered the entire Phoenix Ridge.

A miserable cry sounded over Phoenix Ridge.

This is a divine fire that even Hatu does not dare to touch, let alone other demons.



The roar resounded in Phoenix Ridge.

Tens of meters of flames gushed out, and in the distance, it looked as if a real phoenix had been reborn from the ashes.

The alien demons who chased out before were shocked when they saw this.

Knowing that something happened at the base camp.

Immediately gave up his plan to chase Chen Nan and surrounded and suppressed him in all directions.

But just when they appeared over Phoenix Ridge.

The tongue of fire, which was originally tens of meters high, instantly gushed out.

Imprison this void.

Trap all the demons in it.

"Chen Nan killed the leader of Hatu!"

"You must kill him to avenge the boss!"

Some living alien demons roared.

Brush brush brush!

The more than 200,000 alien demons in the air looked at the mad ape that was about five kilometers tall, and there was a shuddering feeling.

I didn't expect Chen Nanming to leave.

Instead, he stayed, and even killed Hatu.

It's a shame for your guts.

"Brothers, kill him to avenge the boss!" A humanoid demon let out a piercing roar and turned into a ray of light towards Chen Nan.

"You guys play slowly!"

Chen Nan left a word, instantly turned into a human form, and a pair of fire-colored wings appeared behind him.

He flapped his wings, broke through the flames and flew out.

And the sea of fire behind him instantly boiled.

One after another, thick fire dragons roamed and destroyed unscrupulously in the Phoenix Ridge.

The screams of the alien demon spread for hundreds of miles.

Chen Nan summoned Douyun.

Flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, flying towards Niu Niu Cave, looking for the nine flame lions, as well as Xuan Qingyin.

"After this battle, I will definitely become a thorn in the side of the alien demon, a thorn in the flesh!"

"They will definitely go to great lengths to find me and cut me by a thousand cuts."

"This is just enough to cover my way to the Ten Thousand Devils Cave."

"They would never have dreamed that after I destroyed the Phoenix Ridge, not only did I not hide, but I even killed the Ten Thousand Devils Cave."

Chen Nan single-handedly leveled Phoenix Ridge this time.

It seems like a big win.

But he knows.

This is nothing to the alien demon race.

If you want to hit the demon hard.

The only way is to destroy the holy spring.

This not only cuts off the reproductive ability of the alien demon.

It can even hit their sharp qi hard.

"The Triple Heaven is ruled by alien demons."

"If nothing else, if you want to go to the Four Heavens, you must destroy the demons of the Three Heavens."

"It is very likely that the different demons are guarding the way to the four heavens."

Think of this.

Chen Nan entered the Immortal Mansion.

"Meet the Holy Lord!"

Feng Yu and the others bowed at the same time, and their eyes were full of worship when they looked at Chen Nan.

Although they stayed in the Immortal Mansion.

But they also know what's going on outside.

I saw Chen Nan's heaven-defying combat power.

I also saw his extraordinary wisdom.

This makes them admire immensely.

Chen Nan said straight to the point, "Do you know the way to go to the Four Heavens?"

Feng Yi said: "Every heaven of the Nine Heavens has a way to ascend to the sky, but the road to ascending to the sky of the Three Heavens has long been occupied by alien demons, and if you want to go to the Fourth Heaven, you need to get rid of the alien demons there!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

This matter is the same as he thought, there is not much difference.

"Holy Lord, the road to heaven was originally in Beizang Mountain, but now it has been renamed the Ten Thousand Demon Cave." Feng Yi continued, "As far as I know, Beizang Mountain is now the base camp of alien demons, and if you kill it rashly, it will be in great danger. He

did not deny Chen Nan's strength.

But the Alien Demon Base Camp must be full of endless dangers.

The slightest mistake can lead to doom.

"We alone are not enough to compete with those alien demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, we must integrate all the creatures of the Three Heavens." Chen Nan did not think that he could get rid of the million demons of the Ten Thousand Devils Cave on his own.

But they are all creatures of the three realms.

He can completely integrate other beings to resist the Ten Thousand Devils Cave together.

"Holy Lord, we can go to the White Tiger Tribe." Feng Yu gave his own opinion: "The strength of the White Tiger Tribe is also very strong, and there are many clansmen, and they hate foreign demons extremely much, if we can join forces, the success rate will undoubtedly be much greater."

"Go to Niu Niu Cave first, and then go to the White Tiger Tribe later."

After that, Chen Nan asked about the Three Heavens again.

Feng Yu didn't know much about the Three Heavens.

Only the four major tribes are known.

They are the Blue Dragon Tribe.

White Tiger Tribe.

Phoenix Tribe.

Xuanwu tribe.

Unlike other tribes, these four tribes belong to the hidden tribes.

It has been around for a long time.

In addition to these four tribes, there are many other tribes.

But how many, even they don't know.

"If you can integrate all these tribes, it will not be too difficult to fight against the demons of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"


Chen Nan came to a mountain range full of enchantment.

This mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles.

Shrouded in a rich demon qi.

The mountain at the main peak is very peculiar, like a huge bull's head, with a pair of horns that are about a kilometer long.

"I didn't remember there was such a mountain range before."

"Moreover, why is there still a divine power in this demon qi?" Feng Yu's eyes were full of suspicion.

They have lived in the Three Heavens for tens of thousands of years and have an unusual understanding of this heaven and earth.

But I don't remember that there is a mountain range.

The most important point.

A demon is a demon.

God is God.

There can be no divine power in the demon.

Chen Nan landed on the ground, looked in the direction of Niu Niu Cave, and said loudly: "Junior Chen Nan, specially come to visit Niu Senior, and ask Senior Niu to show up!" The

loud voice echoed in the night.

Immediately after that, a familiar, weak, and endless grievance voice sounded: "Master save me, this cow is not a good thing, I want to chop it up and eat beef offal!"

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly.

Could it be that the Nine Flame Lion and Xuan Qingying encountered an accident?

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