
One after another, their eyes looked at the cave mansion where Xuan Qingying was cultivating.

The nine-headed flame lion said dumbly: "Are humans so direct? Don't hide your inner emotions at all and don't care about what others think? Doesn't she even think about our feelings?

"Die on the side!"

Chen Nan drank angrily, and came to the cave for the first time.

Xuan Qingyun sat cross-kneeled.

Cracks like spider silk appeared on her body, and her face was full of pain, as if her flesh would disintegrate at any moment.

"The medicinal effect of the Phoenix Herb is too terrifying, my physical body can't bear it at all, you quickly help me!" Xuan Qingyin gritted his silver teeth, and his expression gradually became fierce.

Phoenix grass is a miracle medicine that can heal injuries caused by the reaction.


The recovery process is painful.

Not everyone can afford it.

At least Xuan Qingyin couldn't bear the pain of this flesh about to crumble.


She thought of Chen Nan and asked Chen Nan to help her.

"Then I'll try hard to make you fall in love with me!" Chen Nan sighed lightly, he didn't like to take advantage of others, but at the moment, in order to save Xuan Qingying, he could only be a villain.


The bodies of the two are connected together.

Chen Nan inhaled the medicinal effects of the phoenix herb into his body.

This effect is very overbearing.

It's like a wild horse crisscrossing the prairie.

Rampage inside Chen Nan's body.

Even Chen Nan felt the pain of his body being torn apart.


This pain is nothing to him.

He meditated on the Eight Nine Xuan Gong and refined the medicinal effect at the fastest speed, making the medicinal effect more docile.

Then he controlled that medicinal effect and injected it into Xuan Qingyin's body.

After the medicinal effect entered Xuan Qingyin's body, she suddenly felt a coolness coming from her body.

It immediately became warm.

The damaged meridians were repaired at this moment.

She also had a feeling that she was as light as a swallow.

Strength returned to its peak.

"Thank you..." She pushed Chen Nan away with a red face, eager to find a seam to drill into, if it weren't for the pain caused by the phoenix grass before, she wouldn't have called for help from Chen Nan.

Chen Nan leaned directly over, lifted her chin, looked at her pink little face, and revealed an intriguing smile: "Isn't it good to help you step into the Divine Venerable Realm?" "

He wants to make Xuan Qingyin fall in love with him.

Let her experience real fun.

It's better to enjoy the other.


Xuanqingying successfully stepped into the Divine Venerable Realm.


She wasn't happy.

Because before the breakthrough, Chen Nan forced her to do something she didn't want to do.

"You first consolidate your cultivation, I'll wait for you outside, if you want to stay with me, we'll go all the way east and kill the base camp of the alien demon."

"If you don't want to, you can return to the Duo Heaven."

Chen Nan left a word, and then straightened his clothes and walked out in good spirits.

And by this time a day and a night had passed.

The Bull God was discussing matters with the nine-headed flame lion, the leader of the Phoenix Tribe, Phoenix Qi, and two burly bull demons with the cultivation of the Divine Venerable Realm.

In front of them were some drinks, spirit fruits, and roasted meat.

"Holy Lord, you came out just right." Feng Yi got up and said, "We used the Bull God's understanding of the Three Heavens to draw a map and mark the locations of several tribes.

"We mean to go east along these tribes, to bring these tribes together in series, so that we can strengthen our power."

"Take a look, there are still any shortcomings."

Chen Nan looked at the map drawn in cowhide on the stone table, which not only had the Niu Niu Cave, the pig and pig den, but even the locations of other tribes, including the Qinglong Tribe, the White Tiger Tribe, and the Xuanwu Tribe, were clearly marked.

Of course.

There are four other tribes.

According to the markings on the map, it is indeed possible to connect these tribes as they travel east.

Chen Nan looked at the bull god: "Why is there no rabbit mountain?"

The cow god huffed and said: "There is no need to go, it is futile to go."

Chen Nan was puzzled: "What do you mean by this?" The

bull god sighed and said, "That rabbit is not a good thing at all, it is colorful, and it runs to Guanghan Palace all day." "

There are rumors that it and Chang'e have an untold story."

"As for whether it is true or false, no one knows."

"When the alien demon invaded, Chang'e chose to commit suicide in order not to be humiliated."

"And after she died, that rabbit went crazy!"

"Turned into a mad rabbit that six relatives don't recognize."

"I've been looking for it all these years, but that guy seems to have forgotten everything."

"That's not right!" Chen Nan frowned: "It is recorded in the myth that the rabbit in Guanghan Palace is a jade rabbit, responsible for pounding medicine in Guanghan Palace, how did it become a rabbit god?"

The cow god said helplessly: "It was indeed the jade rabbit who was originally responsible for pounding the medicine, but after that rabbit saw Chang'e's beauty, he had evil thoughts and secretly killed the jade rabbit."

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "It's too urgent to fry each other with the same root!" The

more the bull god spoke, the more angry he became: "This is not the most excessive, the most excessive."

"In order for us to keep it a secret, that goods actually stewed the jade rabbit and let our eleven beast gods eat it."

The nine-headed flame lion asked puzzled: "It's just a rabbit, kill it, what's the big deal?"

The bull god shook his head: "You don't understand!"

"The jade rabbit is a rabbit though."

"But it's not an ordinary rabbit."

"That is the Jade Emperor's beloved, the medium through which he and Chang'e communicate."

"If the Jade Emperor knew about this, he would definitely blame him."

Feng Yu's eyes widened and he asked in shock: "Listening to what you mean, does the Jade Emperor have an idea about Chang'e Fairy?"

The Bull God chuckled: "This is the biggest scandal in Lingxiao Hall, don't you know?"

Feng Yi smiled awkwardly: "Now I know." The

bull god's eyes were full of stunned.

It seems to have spoken of the biggest scandal in the Divine Realm...

This was something that everyone in Lingxiao Hall knew.

But he didn't expect that the world didn't know...

Chen Nan: "So, the rabbit god replaced the jade rabbit?" The

cow god nodded: "Yes, that mad rabbit replaced the jade rabbit and lived in the Guanghan Palace, and there are rumors that that rabbit gave the Jade Emperor a green hat."

"When this scandal broke, everyone was shocked."

"The Jade Emperor did not punish that guy after he found out, because once he did this, it was equivalent to confirming the authenticity of the rumor."

"Not only that, but he generously gave them marriage."

"That's when it was."

"Alien Invasion."

"Chang'e died tragically in front of the eyes of that crazy rabbit."

"And then that rabbit went crazy."

Speaking of this, it picked up a roasted golden rabbit and said while eating: "Rabbits are crazy because of love, there is no cure, we don't need to go to Rabbit Rabbit Mountain to waste time, unless Chang'e can survive."


"That incident gave me a whole new understanding of the world."

The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion lit up: "What is the new understanding you are talking about?" "

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