Phoenix Qi, and the other two bull demons of the Divine Venerable Realm.

Even Chen Nan looked at the Bull God.

The cow god's eyes were complicated: "Love!

"I always thought that love was a way for men and women to relieve loneliness and have fun when they were young."

"But it turns out I was wrong."

"Love is the most sacred, pure, spotless light in this world."

"It makes people feel happy and addicted to it."

"In the same way, it can make people fall because of it, even lose their own hands."

Nine-headed flame lion: "No, no, no, that's definitely going to be pulled out." The

words fell.

It saw a pair of resentful eyes looking at it.

Chen Nan: "You feel like you're humorous?" The

nine-headed flame lion lowered its head in shame.

The Bull God continued, "There is a rule in the Lingxiao Hall that restricts the gods, that is, immortals cannot fall in love. Because once in love, it will affect a person's heart, and even destroy a person, making it impossible to complete his merits. Feng

Yi: "Isn't this a good thing?"

"Not and not either!" Niu Shen said: "Love can indeed make people sink, but without seven emotions and six desires, how can we talk about cutting off the seven emotions and six desires?"

"If you don't completely cut off the seven emotions and six desires, how can you become a saint with merit?"

"I think love is the hardest thing to get through in this world."

After that thing.

The bull god has a whole new understanding of this world.

It is wrong to think that the former tenjo is.

"Of course, there is no point in saying this now, after all, the Lingxiao Treasure Hall has been occupied!" The Bull God smiled, and then looked at Chen Nan: "I hope that one day when you make the Heavenly Rule, you can erase this Heavenly Rule!"

Chen Nan shrugged: "I'll think about it."

"Actually, I have a new discovery." The cow god feasted on the roasted rabbit in his hand: "I didn't eat meat before, but after eating the jade rabbit..." What a fragrance.

Chen Nan gave it a roll of his eyes, then picked up a roasted rabbit and ate it with relish.

Don't say it yet.

The taste of rabbit meat in the god world is tender.

Even if it is grilled by fire, it does not destroy the original taste of rabbit meat.

Not only that.

The charcoal fire also gives rabbit meat a unique taste.

And just as he was enjoying the roasted rabbit, a tingling eardrum, creepy voice suddenly sounded: "The rabbit is so cute, how can you eat the rabbit?" "

Hear that.

The roasted rabbit in the hand of the bull god instantly fell to the ground and looked at the entrance of the cave in horror.

I saw a snow-white, more than two meters tall rabbit with a pair of blood-red eyes come into view.

The strong sense of oppression made Chen Nan's body rise a thick layer of goosebumps.

The breath of this rabbit is too strong.

Even the bull god is not comparable.

If it really shoots.

Apart from him, it is highly likely that others will fall.

He subconsciously held the merit pillar.

If this rabbit really attacks, he will immediately defeat it.

"Bunny is so cute, why eat bunny?" The giant rabbit once again made a creepy and sharp sound.

Seeing that everyone did not make a sound, it said again: "I also want to eat, can you give me one?"


The cow god immediately threw over a roasted rabbit.

The giant rabbit instantly turned into an ordinary hare, grabbed the roasted rabbit with both hands and ate it with relish.

The big eyes are round and round, the cheeks are bulging, and they look particularly kawaii.

The cow god whispered: "Senior, it is the crazy rabbit, and I don't know why it came." The

nine-headed flame lion couldn't help but ask, "Did you eat it too much?" "

“······" The cow god looked embarrassed: "A day to eat, this is not much, right?" The

corner of the nine-headed flame lion's mouth twitched: "One day is indeed not much, but if you continue to eat a day for ten thousand years, this is not a small amount!" The

cow god pointed to the rabbit and said, "It said that I can eat at most a day!" The

nine-headed flame lion was speechless.

The bull god looked at the rabbit and said, "Old Fourth, I know a place where there are a lot of good food, do you want to come with me?" "

The bull god himself did not think of taking the rabbit god to the Ten Thousand Devils Cave with him.

But now the rabbit gods have come to the door.

Then you can't fool it to go to the Cave of All Devils with you?

Although this rabbit is crazy.

But the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

The rabbit raised his head, the corners of his mouth were full of grease, and his face also showed a strange smile that made his scalp numb: "Go there, can I eat you?" "

Its voice is like a young child, and it sounds like a milky voice.

But with its smile at this time.

But it gives a sense of evil.

The cow god subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "My meat is not delicious, you can consider eating a lion's head!" "Speaking of this hoof, the nine-headed flame lion kicked towards the rabbit god.

The nine-headed flame lion's mentality collapsed: "Talk about it, make trouble, can you not make fun of my head?" The

Bull God sent a message to Chen Nan: "This mad rabbit most likely feels the breath of the merit pillar, you can say a word, it may listen to you."

Chen Nan spoke, "Old Niu is right, as long as you follow us, I can let you eat lion's head every day."

The rabbit glanced at Chen Nan and said with disgust: "No, I want to eat it!" The

bull god was angry and did not dare to get angry.

If not for this rabbit's opponent.

How could he be so embarrassed?

Right at this moment.

Xuan Qingyin wore a light cyan long dress, walked out like a fairy, and a gentle voice came out of his mouth: "I think well, I'll go to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave with you." "


After the rabbit saw Xuan Qingyin, he instantly lost the rabbit in his hand, and quickly wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xuan Qingyin with a cute look.

Xuan Qingyin also saw the rabbit, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "This rabbit is so cute!" "


The rabbit turned into a white light and fell into Xuan Qingyin's arms, it looked very cute and cute, and kept arching its head, causing Xuan Qingyin to let out a pleasant laugh: "Don't be like this, I'm afraid of itching!" "

See this scene.

Everyone looked at Chen Nan with sympathetic eyes.

Because everyone knew that Xuan Qingying was Chen Nan's woman.

But now.

But was taken advantage of by this rabbit.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched madly.

He straddles the two worlds of yin and yang.

There are so many confidantes.


The only one who dares to take advantage of his own woman in front of him is this rabbit.

What a deception!

Just when he was about to get angry.

The rabbit looked at everyone and said in a milky voice: "I can follow you to the so-called Ten Thousand Devils Cave." "

Get out!" Chen Nan said angrily: "Get down, we don't need you to follow."

"Now, immediately, immediately!"

The rabbit shivered with fright, and said to Xuan Qingying aggrievedly: "He yelled at me, I'm afraid!"

Xuan Qingyun's face also showed an intriguing smile: "Chen Nan, why did you send such a big fire to a rabbit?" Wouldn't it be jealous? "

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