The roots of Chen Nanqi's teeth were itchy.

He's not jealous.

I just feel that this rabbit is too obscene!

He does not allow there to be a more obscene existence around him than himself!

The cow god said in a low voice: "Senior, the moment the twelve beast gods have the divine position, we lose the ability to reproduce, you don't need to worry about what will happen to this mad rabbit and the Xuan girl."

"And the reason why Miss Xuan is like this is nothing more than wanting to anger you."

"To put it bluntly, she is using this crazy rabbit to make you feel a sense of crisis."

Chen Nan's eyes were full of unhappiness.

Although he also knew that this crazy rabbit could not turn over any waves.

But seeing the crazy rabbit lying in Xuan Qingying's arms, his heart was a little uncomfortable.

"I remember that there is a kind of forgetfulness grass in the god world, which can make people forget all their worries, and if we can find the forgetfulness grass, maybe we can make this crazy rabbit become normal." Phoenix spoke.

The bull god nodded slightly: "There is indeed this miracle medicine, but no one knows its whereabouts." "

Feng Yi: "The Blue Dragon Tribe is the most familiar with the Three Heavens, we can go there to try our luck."

Chen Nan looked at the mark on the map and said, "The Green Dragon Tribe is also on the way, but in order to reach the Green Dragon Tribe directly, we need to cross the Silent Annihilation Mountain."

"This is also a stronghold of the alien demon in the Three Heavens!"

"Although we can take a detour, if the alien demon discovers our existence, it will become an enemy."

"Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the Silent Annihilation Mountain to prevent being attacked by the evil demon."

Niu Shen said, "The power of Silent Annihilation Mountain is stronger than that of Phoenix Ridge, and it is said that there are nearly a million alien demon powerhouses in the Divine Venerable Realm.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn.

Although he had singled out Phoenix Ridge alone.

But Silent Mountain is even more powerful than Phoenix Ridge.


Now he is not alone.

You can't act as you like you did before.

The life and death of these people must be considered.

The rabbit spoke: "My Rabbit Rabbit Mountain also has millions of people, who can be subject to dispatch." The

nine-headed flame lion was taken aback: "A million people? So awesome?

Chen Nan: "If there are not so many people in Rabbit Mountain, how can there be enough for the old cow to eat for a day?" The

cow god was embarrassed: "Can't you get by with eating for a day?"

Chen Nan diverted the topic: "What is the name of the leader of the Silent Annihilation Mountain?" What about strength? The

Bull God said, "The leader of the Silent Annihilation Mountain seems to be called Wu Qi, with a strength comparable to the upper God Venerable Realm, and is one of the nine great leaders under the Demon King of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave.

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then looked at the map: "Why did the alien demon occupy the Silent Annihilation Mountain?" "

He knows about the alien demon occupying Phoenix Ridge.

It is to block the Phoenix tribe, it is for that phoenix grass.

But why he occupied the Silent Annihilation Mountain, he did not know.

The Bull God explained: "There is a large divine stone mine in the south of the Silent Annihilation Mountain, and the alien demons occupy this place to mine that divine stone mine, and it is said that they can also absorb the divine power in the divine stone to improve their cultivation.

Chen Nan: "There are many alien demons guarding the Shenshi Mine, right?"

The rabbit said milkily: "I once went there, there are at least 300,000 alien demons in the Divine Venerable Realm, and there are countless ordinary alien demons.

Chen Nan looked at the Bull God and the Rabbit: "Can the combined forces of your two sides capture this Divine Stone Mine?" Bull

God: "It should be possible."

"But I'm afraid that Silent Annihilation Mountain will send reinforcements to rescue."

It is not difficult for the two forces to jointly occupy the Shenshi Mine.

But the problem was that the Shenshi Mine was only 10,000 miles away from Silent Annihilation Mountain.

If the alien demon sends reinforcements.

Even they are not sure of the whole body retreating.

Chen Nan pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, the two forces of Niu Niu Cave and Rabbit Rabbit Mountain attacked the Shenshi Mine, and I led the people of the Phoenix Tribe to attack Silent Annihilation Mountain." Feng

Yi couldn't help but ask: "Holy Lord, do you want to take advantage of the time when Silent Annihilation Mountain sends people to help, and take Silent Annihilation Mountain in one fell swoop?"

Chen Nan: "The advantage of alien demons in terms of numbers is incomparable, even if all the races of the Three Heavens and the demon races are gathered together, they are not as large as the number of alien demons in a Silent Mountain."


"If we want to win, we can't go head-to-head."

Speaking of this, he stretched out his finger and pointed to his head: "Rely on here!"


"After capturing the Divine Stone Mine, I have great use in collecting the Divine Stone."

He is good at arrays.

However, there is a lack of divine stones in the divine realm.

If there are a large number of divine stones, they will be like a tiger in this battle against alien demons.

"Holy Lord, this matter had better be carefully arranged." Feng Yu spoke: "You just destroyed Hatu of Phoenix Ridge before, this matter will definitely reach the side of Wu Qi, although the wisdom of the alien demon is very low, but the nine leaders under the demon king are very smart.

"If you start a war rashly, you will most likely fall into their trap."

Xuan Qingyin also said: "Not bad, we shouldn't underestimate the devil.

Chen Nan took a sip of wine: "In that case, let's directly attack Silent Annihilation Mountain!" "




Everyone showed strange eyes.

Can you please stop messing around like this?

Xuan Qingyin even said, "Is your head in water?" There are more demons in Silent Annihilation Mountain than in the Divine Stone Mine, have you ever wondered what kind of danger we will encounter if we rashly attack Silent Annihilation Mountain?

"You don't understand anything." Chen Nan gave her a roll of his eyes, and then said, "If Wu Yan really knew about Phoenix Ridge, it would definitely guess that I was eyeing the Divine Stone Mine.

"If nothing else, it will send a large number of alien demons, and even personally sit in the Divine Stone Mine."

"At this time, attacking the Silent Mountain is just the right time to take advantage of the void."

"Because it is impossible for it to think that we will directly attack Silent Mountain."

"It doesn't think it has such guts when the enemy is strong and I am weak."

After a pause, he continued: "It is enough for the powerhouses of the Phoenix Tribe to follow me on this mission, and the powerhouses of Niuniu Cave and Rabbit Rabbit Mountain are hiding near the Divine Stone Mine, and after the alien demon army leaves, they will take it down with a bang." "

The Silent Mountain is mine."

"The Shenshi Mine is also mine."

Xuan Qing looked at Chen Nan blankly, she didn't expect him to have such great ambitions, and after returning to her senses, she couldn't help but ask: "Will the alien demon really be like you said, Tunbing Divine Stone Mine?"

"Aren't you afraid of any accidents?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Soldiers, tricks!"

"I don't believe that alien demons understand the art of war!"

"This time, see how I handle them!"


Silent Mountain.

Wu Qiao was lying lazily on a chair drinking wine.

"Commander, something happened!" A subordinate ran in with a panicked face, gasping for breath: "A brother from Phoenix Ridge has come to our tribe, saying that there is something important to tell us!"

Wu Xuan slowly sat up, and a trace of puzzlement flashed in his eyes: "Hatu, that dog thing has always been against me, what can it do if it sends someone over?"

"I guess nothing good!"

The subordinates said nervously: "Chief Hatu... He's dead!

Wu Xuan suddenly stood up and said in ecstasy: "There is such a good thing? "

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