U Tu didn't like Hatu.

Like Hatu doesn't like it.

Both of them wished the other died.

Now that Hatu is dead, how can Wu Qiao be unhappy?

"Boss, the leader of Hatu was killed by humans." Wu Qi's subordinates did not dare to breathe.


A monstrous anger gushed out in Wu Qi's body, and the joy on its face also turned into anger and hideousness.

It wants Hatu to die.

But they don't want to be killed by humans.

Although they do not look at each other, they are also limited to each other.

It is now known that Hatu was killed by humans.

It's furious.

"I don't know what is going on, or should I let Hatu's men in?"

Wu Qi's face was full of frost: "Bring it in!" "

A moment later.

A humanoid demon walked in with an uneasy face, and knelt on the ground with a pop: "The villain Najie met the leader of Wu Qi, and also asked the leader of Wu Qiao to help my family leader take revenge!"

Wu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Who was Hatu killed by?" Inform this leader of this matter!

Najib immediately told what had happened.

Wu Yi couldn't help frowning after hearing this: "That is, the man in the Terran fable appeared and not only got the Phoenix Grass, but even saved the clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe?" "

It knows the importance of the Phoenix Tribe.

If not.

The Demon King will not send Hatu to guard Phoenix Ridge either.

"That human being is called Chen Nan, his strength is extraordinary, and he has also learned the top magic power of the three realms, the Eight Nine Xuan Gong, mastered the sword intent, and the leader of my family was killed by him because of carelessness."

Recalling the scene of Chen Nan's fierce fight in Phoenix Ridge, Najie still has palpitations.


Wu slammed the wine altar to the ground, and said with a fierce face: "The reason why I don't like Hatu is because it is self-righteous, Yelang is arrogant, and he doesn't put the Terrans in his eyes at all."

"Sure enough, it died on its invincible character."

Najib shivered with fright and did not dare to speak.


The crow made a loud sound.


Its right arm, the heavenly circle, and the place into the cave.

"Meet the Commander!"

The Tianyuan place is full of powerhouses at the peak of the Divine Venerable Realm, and they are also the wisdom of Wu Qiao's subordinates.

Wu informs Hatu of the killing, and then expresses his opinion: "The man in the Terran fable arrived at the Three Heavens and killed Hatu, what do you two think about this?"

Tianyuan grinned, "I'm very happy about this, as long as we kill that guy, we can truly occupy the Three Realms."

"No longer afraid of the Terrans fighting back!"

Wu Yan's face was expressionless: "That person's strength is very strong, killing him is not so simple."

"The Commander doesn't have to worry." The place gave his own opinion, saying, "If the Terrans want to rise, just one Chen Nan is not enough.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's very likely that he has set his sights on our Divine Stone Mine."

"He will definitely use the formation to make a big fuss."

"After all, he has the ability."

"Otherwise, the whereabouts of the Phoenix Tribe will not be found."

Speaking of this, an intriguing smile appeared on the local face: "And now what we have to do is very simple. "

Just the Tunbing Shenshi Mine."

"You can come to a trick and wait for the rabbit."

"As long as Chen Nan dares to show up."

"We can kill it mercilessly."

Wu Yan nodded slightly, and then looked at Tianyuan: "What do you think?"

Tianyuan said with a smile: "I coincide with the thoughts of the locality, and I also think that Chen Nan will definitely target our Divine Stone Mine, since this is the case, we can completely ambush and guard it in advance."

"If we can capture this son, it will be a great achievement."

"At that time, the boss will definitely be greatly rewarded and become one of the strongest among the nine great commanders."

Hear this.

U Ji grinned.

Although it is the existence of one of the nine rulers.

But it ranks eighth among the nine masters.

It can be said that there is no sense of existence.

As for Hatu...

That guy ranked ninth...

If not, neither of them would have been stationed in the West.

"In this way, for the sake of prudence, I will lead the troops to the Shenshi Mine." Wu Zhao is a cautious man.

Although it and Hatu don't look at each other.

But this does not negate Hatu's strength.


For the sake of safety, it intends to personally lead troops to the Shenshi Mine to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Seeing this, Tianyuan hurriedly said: "Commander, I and the local area will take people to the Divine Stone Mine, why do you need to go into battle in person, in my opinion, you should stay in Silent Annihilation Mountain, waiting for our good news!"

Wu Yan's eyes widened: "How many meanings?" Do I still need you to teach me to do things?

Tianyuan panicked, and said in a loud voice: "Boss, I don't mean this, I just think that this kind of trivial matter does not need you to personally go into battle."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"There is a human proverb that kills chickens with a cow slaughtering knife, that's what it means, there is no idea of teaching you to do things."

The place also said: "Boss, what Tianyuan said is not unreasonable, you should stay in Silent Annihilation Mountain."

"We all know that humans are extremely cunning and mean."

"I'm worried that Chen Nan will take advantage of the void to enter and take advantage of our dispatch of troops to the Divine Stone Mine to attack Silent Annihilation Mountain."

Wu Yi sneered: "It's not that I look down on him, does he have this guts?"

"He is alone, even if he is followed by the clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe, he does not dare to directly attack Silent Annihilation Mountain!"

"Borrow him a hundred dog guts, he doesn't dare to do this!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, pass on my order, and send 600,000 God Venerable Realm powerhouses to guard the Divine Stone Mine."

"Two hundred thousand God Venerable Realm powerhouses stay in the Silent Annihilation Mountain!"

Seeing that Wu instigated his attitude was resolute.

The two of them had to stop there.

Although they are instigated brains.

But it is only a few informative suggestions.

As for the instigation of urtics, do not take.

They say it or not.

Without much thought, they immediately gathered the alien demon powerhouses on the Silent Annihilation Mountain.

Then the army of more than 600,000 alien demons converged their breath and headed towards the Divine Stone Mine thousands of miles away in the south.

Thousands of miles of distance for them only take more than half a day to arrive.

Not too far.


Chen Nan also came to the territory of Silent Mountain with Xuan Qingyun, the nine-headed flame lion, and the more than fifty clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe.

Although there are still 200,000 alien demon powerhouses in the Divine Venerable Realm left in the Silent Annihilation Mountain.

But for Chen Nan.

This force is nothing at all.

He didn't even hide his breath and rode the nine-headed flame lion straight to the main peak of the Silent Annihilation Mountain.

And at the moment he appeared.

The alien demons on the Silent Mountain all felt his breath and let out a deafening roar.

Chen Nan stood quietly on the top of the mountain, took out a cigarette in his arms, lit it and smoked it with a drunken face.

He looked at the alien demons rushing in all directions, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Kill!" "

In an instant.

The shouts of killing resounded in the world.

Sword shadows roared out from above the peak.

Like a scythe in the hands of the Grim Reaper.

The blood flowed and stained the mountain red.

Tianyuan, who had just arrived at the Divine Stone Mine and had not yet had time to rest, received a summons and exclaimed: "Commander, something happened, the Silent Mountain has been violently attacked by the Terrans, and it is almost impossible to support it!" "

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