"What? Silent Mountain was attacked by the Terrans? Who did this to you? Wu Qiao was furious.

The strong men under it also trembled with fear.

After all, Uzumaki is moody.

Every time there is a fire, someone is unlucky.

Tianyuan said nervously: "The other party only has more than sixty people, but the strength is strong, I suspect it is Chen Nan." "


A monstrous anger gushed out from Wu Qi's body, rushing straight into the sky, causing the clouds to roll continuously.

I saw that its face was full of hideousness, and green tendons bulged on its forehead, looking extremely hideous.

Even those brown eyes turned scarlet at this moment.

It gritted its teeth and made an icy voice: "I really didn't expect that guy to be so bold and dare to attack our base camp!"

"If you don't cut him by a thousand cuts, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"Everyone obeys my orders."

"Quickly return to Silent Annihilation Mountain and kill Chen Nan at all costs!"


The 600,000-strong army spoke out at the same time, making an earth-shattering sound.


However, the momentum has weakened.

No way.

They have just spent most of the day crossing thousands of miles.

Now I don't even have time to breathe, so I have to return the same way.

They have some resentment in their hearts.

I just don't dare to express it.

"Boss, I suggest that some brothers stay in the Shenshi Mine." The place gave his own opinion: "I am afraid that the demon clan will take advantage of the void, if this is the case, it will be worth the loss!"

Wu Qiao shouted angrily: "If the demon clan really has this guts, how can they wait until today to make a move?" Please, will you use your brain the next time you speak? Saying that, he took off into the air and led a mighty army of 600,000 alien demons all the way north.

From a distance, it looks like a large black cloud.

The sky flashed in the air.

That powerful aura made the creatures on the land tremble and feel a strong panic.

Because they had never seen a demon flying so mighty in the air.

"Place, are you guilty?"


Wu Yan's face was gloomy.

The place looked confused.

What happened?

Why did the boss ask this?

Have I done anything wrong?

Although it is not known what happened.

But the place knew Wu's character, and immediately said: "Subordinates are guilty!" "

It doesn't know what crime it has committed.

But at this moment, it is right to confess his guilt.

Wu Xuan said indifferently: "What crime have you committed? "

This time the place will not be cleaned up.

Am I really guilty?

Wu Xuan snorted coldly: "You have a crow mouth, if you hadn't said before that Chen Nan took advantage of the void, would things have become like this?" "


The place almost did not spew out a mouthful of old blood.

Obviously, I guessed Chen Nan's intentions by strategizing.

You even blame me for having a crow's mouth?

It was you who didn't take my advice and things became the way they are.

How can all this fault be imposed on me?

Is this fair?

Its heart was full of endless grievances, but it did not dare to express it, and lowered its head like a child who had done something wrong.

"Wait until I destroy Chen Nan, and then settle accounts with you!" Wu Yi was expressionless, and flew towards the Silent Mountain at the fastest speed.

That's it.

It can only hope that its brothers hold out until they return.

Otherwise, the mountain of silence must be lost.


Silent Mountain.

Chen Nan stood quietly on the top of the mountain.

Others are fighting with alien demons.

Although the enemy is strong and I am weak.

But there are no weaklings on their side.

Even Xuan Qingying, who had just stepped into the Divine Venerable Realm, made Chen Nan impressed.

She condensed the knife intent.

Although not as strong as Chen Nan.

But she has practiced sword techniques since childhood.

Her knife intent is furious, powerful, and unstoppable.

Even if he faces a powerhouse in the late stage of the God Venerable Realm, he can kill in one blow.

"If I'm not mistaken, she comprehended the sword intent when she was in the God King Realm!"

"Otherwise, there will be no mistake when breaking through."

"It's going to go on with that."

"It is very likely that she will master a complete Dao and even become a saint."

Chen Nan is full of expectations for Xuan Qingying's future.

Of course.

The clansmen of the Phoenix tribe also impressed him.

They all turned into fire phoenixes and set this piece of heaven on fire.

Although the flames on his body are not as terrifying as the real fire.

But it can also burn those alien demons and affect their strength.

The nine-headed flame lions were not to be outdone.

Directly cast its proud vocal channel.

The deafening roar made the void tremble, causing the corpses of countless alien demons to explode in the air.

Although there are many alien demons on the Silent Mountain.

But no demon could get five hundred meters close to the top of the mountain.

Over time.

The demons on the Silent Mountain are also gradually rare.

Xuan Qingying, the clansmen of the Phoenix Tribe, and the nine flame lions were all covered in blood and panting.

In this battle, they consumed too much divine power.

Seeing that some alien demons rushed towards him with red eyes, Chen Nan raised his hand and shot two sword intent.


Accompanied by the sound of blood mist.

The rest of the alien demons also died under Chen Nan's sword intent.

Silent Mountain also became unusually quiet.

There were only gasps from the crowd.

At this time, the sun is setting.

The fiery red sun sets on the Silent Mountain, making this blood-stained mountain even more striking.

"Why are you only making a move now?"

"If you had made a move before, why would we have worked so hard?" Xuan Qing looked at Chen Nan with a huff, very unhappy with the appearance of this goods standing on the top of the mountain smoking and pretending!

Chen Nan: "The blade of the sword is sharpened, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, you need a vicious battle to hone your body!" "


In this battle, he was only responsible for shouting 'kill'.

Other than that, no shots were made.

Of course.

He didn't do this to be lazy.

Instead, they really want to temper their will, as well as their strength!

Xuan Qingying said unpleasantly, "Then you don't need to temper your body?"

Chen Nan thought about it seriously and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I really don't need to do more!"

"After all, my strength is already hard!"

The nine-headed flame lion grinned shamefully: "We don't know if you are hard or not, the Qingying girl knows it, after all, you two have long known the roots!"

Xuan Qing's body trembled.

"Let's all rest, if nothing else, Wu Zhuo will soon return the same way, and then there will be a real tough battle!" Chen Nan looked to the south, and his eyes gradually became more solemn.

There are 800,000 alien demons in the Divine Venerable Realm in Silent Annihilation Mountain.

Although these alien demons do not have magical powers, they do not have any magic weapons.

But in front of the absolute number of people.

Even he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.


Covered in blood, Feng Yu gasped and walked over in the distance, "Holy Lord, I have something to guarantee our victory in this battle!"

Chen Nan asked curiously, "What?" With

a wave of Feng Yi's right hand, a coffin made of white jade suddenly appeared on the ground, making a rumbling muffled sound.

The moment the lid of the coffin is opened.

Chen Nan exclaimed, "How can you have this thing? "

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