Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

My vocal cock is not a dick?

Is this a question that a creature with a brain can ask?

Wu Yan's face was full of disdain: "Don't be happy too early, I just warmed up just now!" Saying that, he raised the drum stick in his hand and smashed it hard against the drum.


Bang bang!

Bang bang!

Black sound waves surged on the drum.

Rippling towards the main peak of the Silent Mountain.

The speed of the first sound wave is not fast.

But the second wave of two sound waves was unusually fast.

After the three sound waves fused in the air, the speed instantly increased several times.


The three sound waves of the third wave came from behind, as if a rocket had opened a booster.

I saw a dark light cut through the sky.

Where it passes, the void is annihilated.

Thunder blows the ears.

The nine-headed flame lion roared up to the sky.

'Roar! '

The lion roared to the sky.

Although it has just stepped on the sound channel, it is the Tao after all.

Successfully resisted the attack of Wu Qi.

"Magic weapon?" The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of pride: "I thought it would be strong, but I didn't expect it to be so!" He

raised the stick again, and then beat it rhythmically.

With its percussion, one after another weak and strong melodies sounded.

The nine-headed flame lion let out a roar again.

Although it also blocked the opponent's attack.

But it was very difficult.

Its body trembled, and the main lion shouted at Chen Nan dizzily: "Boss, hurry up, my voice channel can't withstand it!" "

It has just stepped into the realm of gods.

Just condensed Dowji.

If the foundation collapses at this time, even if it does not die, it will become a waste.


Chen Nanhua turned his finger into a knife and slashed forward.

The terrifying knife intent tore through the void.

Swallow that black sound wave.

Then he slashed two more times.

I want to cut off the cheat.

But the reaction was extremely fast.

The moment the drum sounded, the sound wave that burst out collided with Chen Nan's knife intent.

"It seems that if you want to kill you, you have to waste a drop of my essence blood!" Wu Zhao had a playful smile on his face.

I saw it bite its fingertips.

A drop of bright red blood dripped on the drum.


The big black drum suddenly burst out with a scarlet blood light.

It was as if the sun had been stained red with blood.

The blood light shone in all directions, staining the heaven and earth red.


Everyone inexplicably felt a sense of irritation coming from the bottom of their hearts.

Even the heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably by a few points.


The drums were beaten.

A blood-colored sound wave quickly spread in all directions like lightning.

It's too fast to be watched.

The nine-headed flame lion screamed and hid behind Chen Nan.

Everyone else held their breath as well.

They could feel that this attack was far more intense than before.

If really hit.

Their flesh is very likely to turn into flying ash.

Seeing the blood-colored sound wave coming towards him, Chen Nan poked out a palm.

The power of space turns into a transparent curtain of light.


The next moment.

The sound wave hits the light curtain.

I saw that the light curtain was like a mirror being hit, and small cracks appeared.

Immediately, the pop turned into nothingness and disappeared between heaven and earth.


But Chen Nan still blocked Wu Xiang's fierce attack.

"Come again!"

He did not believe in evil and beat the drum frantically.

The blood-colored sound wave was like a violent wind and wave, carrying the momentum of destroying the world and swallowing towards the main peak of the Silent Annihilation Mountain.

Chen Nan once again cast the laws of space.

But the laws of space are just the laws of space.

He did not let the law condense into the Tao.

If the law condenses into a Dao, he can still resist the attack of Wu Qiao.

But now.

He could only watch as the light curtain he condensed was broken by the sound waves.

"See if you die or not!" U Ji laughed.

The next moment.

It was creepy, shocked to see that Chen Nan was still standing there quietly after being hit by the sound wave.

There was even a disdainful smile on his face.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"You are a human race, how can you resist the attack of this magic weapon?" Wu Qiao let out a piercing scream, and the magic weapon in his hand played an important role in attacking the Terrans.

Even a late-stage powerhouse of the Divine Venerable Realm with a divine position will lose his mind after being hit by the sound wave and become a fish meat to be slaughtered on the board.

But it couldn't imagine that Chen Nanming only had the cultivation of the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm, but he was able to ignore the power of this magic weapon.

Even if he is the chosen son.

That's too anti-heavenly, isn't it?

It is not reconciled.

Beat the drum like crazy.

The sound wave turned into a blood-red blade, like dense rain whistling towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan took a step forward.

The divine power in the body roared out, allowing those red blades to fall on the body.

But it failed to break his defenses.

"No, no, you're not human!"

Wu Yan saw that Chen Nan's eyes turned blood red, and his face was as pale as wax: "What kind of person are you?"

It felt a familiar aura in Chen Nan.

It is the breath of alien demons.

But it didn't understand why a Terran had the breath of a demon.

He is obviously human!

"I am a human being, and I can also be a demon!" Chen Nan grinned, his left face became hideous and terrifying, like a powerful ghost, while his right face was handsome, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth gave people a feeling like a spring breeze.

The power of this magic weapon is indeed very strong.

But it's also limited to people.

If it is a demon, it will not be affected in any way.


At this time, the sub-soul was controlling Chen Nan's body.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

Wu Qiao put away the magic weapon and roared hysterically at the people behind him.

It was the first group of alien demons to enter the Three Realms, and had followed the king in their hearts to attack the Heavenly Court and shatter Ling Xiao.

Ask yourself that it has seen a lot of winds and waves, and has seen a lot of absurd and bizarre things.

But it has never seen a person with the breath of their kindred.

Say he's a demon.

But he is human.

Say he's human.

But there is a magic aura.

He was like a weird half-human, half-demon being.


Countless alien demons killed Chen Nan.


In a flash.

A tens of meters long, azure blue knife intent enveloped Chen Nan.

A long knife cuts through the night sky.


Countless alien demons died tragically under Chen Nan's knife.

He is like a killing god, invincible and unstoppable.

A strong sense of crisis arose in Wu Yan's heart, and he shouted: "This son's strength is too strong, let's withdraw the army first, go to the Shenshi Mine to make another plan!" It

wanted to kill Chen Nan, but knew that its own strength was not enough to kill him.

You have to think differently.

At this moment, Tianyuan said in horror: "Boss, something happened, I just received a message from the Shenshi Mine, and the Shenshi Mine has been captured by the big demon of Niu Niu Cave and Rabbit Mountain!"

Wu was furious: "What? Those two beasts actually occupied our Divine Stone Mine? Are they tired of living?

"I'm sorry, I arranged for them to attack the Shenshi Mine." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and a charming arc appeared: "You guys have no way back now, right?" "

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