
Chen Nan's words made Wu Yan feel like five thunders hitting the top.

It did not expect that Niu Niu Cave and Rabbit Mountain would attack the Shenshi Mine at this time.

Unexpectedly, the mastermind behind this matter turned out to be Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's move has cut off its retreat.

Let it go back without retreating.

It also made him realize the horror of Chen Nan.

It thinks it's already smart.

But compared with Chen Nan, it was still a long way off.

If we say that it takes one step and looks at three steps.

Then Chen Nan is to take one step and see five steps.

Chen Nan has always been in control of the overall situation.

"Since you can't escape, let's break the net!" Wu Qiao roared angrily.

The rolling demonic qi surged out of the body, transforming into a humanoid demon about a kilometer tall.

Its eyes were scarlet, like two blood moons hanging in the night sky.

There is not the slightest emotional fluctuation in the eyes.

The fist is as big as a mountain, and the momentum is extraordinary.

The other alien demons also recovered their bodies.

Hundreds of thousands of thousand-meter-tall alien demons appeared in the heavens and the earth, and those pair of scarlet eyes locked on the people of Chen Nan on the top of the mountain.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn.

A strong sense of oppression rose in everyone's hearts.

Even Chen Nan is the same.

Although he can cast magic powers - scattering beans into soldiers.

But the body of the alien demon is too burly.

With so many alien demons, it is difficult to resist even if they cast beans to become soldiers.

Think of this.

Chen Nan couldn't help but snort.

Wait a minute.

Scattering beans into a soldier can not only transform into me.

I can conjure up some large species to fight enemies!

Without much thought, Chen Nan grabbed a handful of beans and sprinkled them into the sky.

In a flash.

Dozens of thousand-meter-tall wild apes appeared in the heavens and the earth, each of them was strong and full of strong muscles, looking like King Kong in a science fiction movie.

The situation on the battlefield was instantly fairer.

The deafening thunder is endless.

Colorful lights twinkle in the night sky.

The shock spread for hundreds of miles.

"Frost Knife Duel!"

An indifferent voice came out of Xuan Qingyin's mouth, and a frost erupted in her body, shrouding her tall body together, and actually transformed into a crystal clear battle armor.

It makes her tall figure even more charming.

It gives a heroic and sassy taste.

The next moment, she held a long knife and soared into the sky, killing into the group of alien demons.

Sitting still is not her style.

She likes to be proactive.

Everyone in the Phoenix Tribe also rushed out at the first time.

Don't look at their tribe, there are only more than sixty people, but everyone's strength has reached the realm of gods.

And they all have the ability to kill the enemy beyond the level.

Even in the face of countless demons.

Nor did they have the slightest timidity.

And they're inherently flexible.

Not to mention facing a demon who is thousands of meters tall and has limited mobility.

Although they are surrounded by thousand-meter-tall alien demons, they are like entering no man's land.

Chen Nan stood quietly on the top of the mountain.

Sprinkle a handful of beans from time to time.

Let those thousand-meter-tall wild apes fight with alien demons.

Although during this period, many alien demons rushed over and wanted to kill him.

But before they got closer, they were killed by Chen Nan's knife intent.

As the battle continues.

Many alien demons also fell to the ground.

Blood pooled on the ground to form a large lake.

The thick blood gave off a pungent fishy stench.

As the energy of the battle spreads.

The blood was also shaking, as if a blood dragon was rolling and roaring inside.

The nine-headed flame lion came to the top of the mountain full of exhaustion, and gasped: "Boss, I can't do it!"

Chen Nan looked at it and said lightly: "Will you say something other than saying that I can't do it?" The

nine-headed flame lion asked cautiously, "I can't stand it?" Seeing

Chen Nan's speechless eyes, the nine-headed flame lion said, "The blood of these alien demons can affect my mind, if this continues, I will have to lose my mind!"

Chen Nan looked at the others.

Sure enough.

Their speed has decreased, and their expressions are solemn.

This is not because too much divine power has been consumed.

It was the smell of the blood of the alien demons that made them unbearable.

Wu Xuan laughed loudly: "Yes, the blood of our alien demons can make people lose their minds, and it won't be long before all of you go crazy."

"It's a tried-and-true trick."

"When I stepped on Lingxiao, I relied on this trick."

"You Terrans often say that one trick is eaten all over the sky, and that's what you mean!"

"Really?" An intriguing smile appeared on Chen Nan's face.

Next second.

The blood-red long stick appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the blood-colored long stick appeared in Chen Nan's hand, the alien demons who survived on the battlefield all looked at Chen Nan in unison.

An incredible light appeared in his eyes.

Wu Qiao even lost his voice and screamed, "You actually have the holy relics of my clan? Impossible, how can this baby be in your hands?

"I see."

"You used it to resist the influence of the magic weapon before."

"You know too late!" The blood-colored long stick in Chen Nan's hand turned into a bloody light and appeared in midair, bursting out under Chen Nan's overcontrol.

Next second.

The bloody qi in the blood lake on the ground seemed to have received some kind of summoning, and flew into the blood-colored long stick in a form visible to the naked eye.


This is a great ability of the Alien Relic.

With the devouring, the skulls on the long stick also squirmed at this moment, as if they wanted to rush out of the long stick, giving people a strange and bizarre feeling.


Wu Yan came back to his senses in shock.

It didn't know why Chen Nan possessed this terrifying holy relic.

But it knows the horror of this holy relic.

Once devoured, this relic is devoured.

It's not just devouring the blood of the dead.

Even living animals are affected.

"Since I took out this holy relic, do you think you can leave alive?" Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, and the main soul controlled his body.


A dazzling light erupted from the red stick, enveloping the small world and enveloping everyone.

Before that.

Chen Nan let Xuan Qingying and the others enter the Immortal Mansion.


A humanoid demon approaching a blood-colored stick let out a heart-rending scream.

It wants to escape.

But the blood qi in the body is like a flood of discharge, and it is not controlled by it at all.

In an instant.

Its flesh turned into a dried corpse.

The other alien demons were shocked when they saw this.

They have all heard of this holy relic.

But it's the first time I've seen it.

It was as scary as the legend says.

They run wildly.


The light that erupted from the holy relics kept devouring their blood.

A corpse fell lightly from the air.

Wu was like a dead ash, and kept begging for mercy: "Chen Nan, I am willing to recognize you as the Lord, please let me have a way of life, as long as you let me have a way of life, I am willing to give you a lot of treasures!"

Chen Nan roared angrily: "The hatred between us, how can those treasures in your mouth be erased?"

"If I let you go, how can I be worthy of the mountains and rivers that you have invaded?"

"How can you be worthy of the people of the Three Realms who died at your hands?"

"How can you be worthy of the right way of heaven and earth?"

"How can I be worthy of my own conscience?"

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